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Traffic, Parking, and Transportation

Photo of a bicyclist waiting to cross a street The Traffic, Parking, and Transportation Department (TP+T) oversees public parking and traffic operations, including pavement markings, crosswalks and bicycle lanes, operation of traffic signals, traffic study reviews, and permitting street obstructions and street closings. The department also oversees the Resident Permit Program. Additionally, TP+T works closely with other City departments in planning, reviewing, and developing proposals to improve the City’s infrastructure and encourages walking, bicycling and using transit.

Streets and Transportation Related

The news, events, and projects listed below are all related to our streets and transportation, but may not specifically be the work of TP+T as our colleagues in other departments such as CDD and DPW also contribute to our streets and transportation.

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Service Requests

Enter a service request via SeeClickFix for things like missed trash pickups, potholes, etc.