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Mass Ave Improvements - Harvard Square

Project Image
In April 2022, staff recommended, and City Council approved a full construction approach for implementing separated bike lanes through Harvard Square due to heavy bus stop activity and the need for bus layovers. The project limits were expanded to include Mass Ave from Plympton Street to Garden Street to improve movements for people walking, cycling, taking transit, and driving into and through Harvard Square.

Impacts Analysis and Construction Feasibility Evaluation
In April 2021, the City completed the MassAve4 Impacts Analysis which recommended a construction feasibility evaluation. This evaluation, which included a community engagement process, was completed between fall 2021 and spring 2022. The project team evaluated quick-build, partial construction and full construction options for each segment. The findings and recommendations were summarized in a report for the City Council.

Recommendation to City Council:

In April 2022, the City Council approved the recommendation that Harvard Square undergo a full construction process. Full construction will allow for bike lanes to be raised to sidewalk level along bus stop islands to reduce conflicts between bicyclists, buses and boarding or alighting passengers at each stop.

Notice: Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) survey along Mass Ave between Bow Street and Garden Street Monday August 21, 2023 through Friday August 25, 2023

The Department of Public Works and its contractor will be conducting a Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) survey in Harvard Square the week of August 21. The purpose of the survey is to obtain existing conditions information underneath Mass Ave, and will be used to supplement information obtained during the test pit excavations.

Work hours will be 9pm to 5am.

The survey equipment will be transported on a truck and using a hand cart. Any noise from the survey work will not exceed noise levels typical of vehicle traffic.

Notice: Work at various locations along Mass Ave between Bow Street and Garden Street Beginning July 24, 2023

Beginning July 24, the Department of Public Works and its contractor will be working at various locations along Mass Ave between Bow Street and Garden Street. The work is being performed to verify the location of existing subsurface utilities as part of the project’s design process.

Work hours will be Monday, July 24 through Friday, July 28 from 7am to 4 pm.

Work hours will be Monday, July 31 through Friday, August 4 from 7am to 4pm.

One construction crew will excavate a series of small test pits in this section of Mass Ave. There will be parking impacts in the work area. “No Parking” signage will be posted, and the crew will minimize parking impacts to the extent possible.

Questions about the MassAve4 project? Feedback can be sent to massave4@cambridgema.gov.

To receive future updates via email, please click the orange button under the Contact tab.

Notice: Sewer and Stormwater Pipe Inspections in Harvard Square continuing Tuesday April 18, 2023 through Friday April 21

The Department of Public Works and its contractor, Insituform, will continue cleaning and inspecting the underground sewer and stormwater collection systems this week. Work is planned from Mass Ave at Bow Street to Mass Ave at Garden Street. Sewer and stormwater pipes on side streets will also be inspected. 

Work hours will be Tuesday, April 18 through Friday, April 21 from 7am to 4pm. Work is expected to be complete this week.

This work is being performed to document the existing conditions of these important underground utilities. 

No Parking signage will be posted at various locations during the week. Parking impacts will be minimized to the extent possible.

Questions about the MassAve4 project? Feedback can be sent to massave4@cambridgema.gov.

Notice: Sewer and Stormwater Pipe Inspections in Harvard Square beginning Monday April 14, 2023

Beginning Monday April 14, the Department of Public Works and its contractor, Insituform, will be cleaning and inspecting the underground sewer and stormwater collection systems. Work is planned from Mass Ave at Bow Street to Mass Ave at Garden Street. Sewer and stormwater pipes on side streets will also be inspected.

Work hours will be Monday, April 10 through Friday, April 14, 2023 from 7am to 4pm.

This work is being performed to document the existing conditions of these important underground utilities.

No Parking signage will be posted at various locations during the week. Parking impacts will be minimized to the extent possible.

Questions about the MassAve4 project? Feedback can be sent to massave4@cambridgema.gov.

Several new documents from the October 12, 2022 meeting have been uploaded to the 'Documents' tab.

The presentation for the October 12, 2022 Community Meeting is now available to view:

Community Meeting - Wednesday, October 12, 2022 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

The City is committed to implementing separated bike lanes on Mass. Ave. to improve safety, consistent with the Cambridge Bike Plan and the Cycling Safety Ordinance.

Given the high volume bus stops in this corridor, construction is required to provide separated bike lanes and floating bus stops. Construction also provides an opportunity to incorporate other improvements including accessible sidewalks and bus stops, tree plantings and utility upgrades.

Community Meeting #2
Virtual via Zoom
Wednesday, October 12th, 2022
6:00 – 7:30 PM
Register to attend this meeting:

This meeting will focus on the Harvard Square area, including a review of multimodal design considerations and the proposed concept design. There will also be an update on the Kiosk construction project.

Visit the project page to view the video presentation, starting on October 7. This video will also be played live at the meeting.

Following the video there will be the opportunity to provide comments and ask questions.

Recommendation Submitted to City Council

In April 2022, after an extensive community engagement process, the City Council approved the submitted recommendation that these MassAve4 segments undergo partial construction to adhere to the Cycling Safety Ordinance and manage the complication factors of the bus stops and overhead wires. The full report of that recommendation can be found here

The boards presented at yesterday's pop up event can be found on the "Documents" tab. 

DATE CHANGE: Pop Up Info Session -Tuesday, March 22, 2022 3-7PM

Due to forecasted rain, the date of this event has been changed. It will now be on Tuesday, March 22nd 3-7PM. 

On Tuesday, March 22, 2022 3-7PM., we will hold an outdoor pop up information session to discuss changes to Mass Ave in relation to the Cycling Safety Ordinance.

During the event, you will have a chance to:

  • Engage directly with members of our staff,
  • Review updates to the plan
  • Ask questions and receive information

We hope you can attend as we value the feedback we get from residents and businesses.

Pop Up Info Session - Saturday, March 19, 2022 10AM-2PM

On Saturday, March 19 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., we will hold an outdoor pop up information session to discuss changes to Mass Ave in relation to the Cycling Safety Ordinance.

During the event, you will have a chance to:

  • Engage directly with members of our staff,
  • Review updates to the plan
  • Ask questions and receive information

We hope you can attend as we value the feedback we get from residents and businesses.

Community Meeting - Thursday, March 10, 2022 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.

The City of Cambridge invites you to a virtual community meeting to discuss projects associated with the Cycling Safety Ordinance. This meeting will focus on the two bus stop segments in Harvard Square - Garden St. to Church St. and Dunster St. to Plympton St. There will also be an update on the Kiosk construction project

Register in advance for this webinar:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

There will be a presentation starting at 6 p.m. followed by a question and answer session. Attendees will be able to unmute themselves and ask questions or they can submit questions via the Q&A function in zoom.  

The City of Cambridge does not discriminate on the basis of disability. The City of Cambridge will provide auxiliary aids and services, written materials in alternative format, and reasonable modifications in policies upon request. To receive future updates via email, please contact massave4@cambridgema.gov

The City is working to determine which sections of the Mass4 will implement separated bike lanes using quick-build methods and which sections require construction.  This determination will be based on further analysis and review of the impacts and cost of each approach (quick-build and construction).  

The City will be hosting community meetings throughout the design process. Please see the "Schedule" tab for a general schedule of the project. 

Page was posted on 9/14/2021 5:10 PM
Page was last modified on 6/17/2024 3:04 PM
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