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Alerts Subscription Mailing List

Alerts & Reminders

For this section only, click the "Subscribe" button on the "Alerts & Reminders" topic of your choice. You will then be redirected to another page to input your email to complete the sign up process.
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CodeRED Emergency Alerts

An emergency notification system that allows the City to send emergency notifications to subscribers via email, text and phone calls. This service will be used in events such as snow emergencies, evacuations, large-scale water outages or other significant service disruptions.


Street Cleaning Reminders

Receive email or text notifications to help you remember your service schedule and to know when there is a change in schedule due to a holiday or a weather-related event for street cleaning.



A service used by the Cambridge Police Department to send email and text alerts about crime and other notifications to the various neighborhoods of the City. Residents are encouraged to sign up to receive notifications for their neighborhood as well as the "CITYWIDE" group.


Trash, Recycling & Compost Reminders

Receive email, text, or push notifications to your phone to help you remember regular service days and to know when there is a change in schedule due to a holiday or a weather-related event for curbside pickup of trash, recycling, and compost.

Newsletters Subscription Mailing List


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Daily Updates

Produced by the City Manager’s Office, this daily newsletter features City news and happenings, upcoming events and public meetings, and other important community information.

Active Transportation Report

A monthly newsletter providing information about upcoming meetings, events, news, and actions related to walking, bicycling, and an active lifestyle, as well as items of general interest for transportation in Cambridge.

Arts Council

Receive news and updates from the Cambridge Arts Council.

Aviation Noise Updates

Updates from the ongoing study by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Massport and MIT to review and analyze alternatives to spread out noise from concentrated flight paths.

Bike Ride Announcements

Sign up for updates on free spring and fall rides, organized by the Cambridge Bicycle Committee, touring sites in the city.

Bike Workshops

Sign up to receive bike workshop news and updates from the Cambridge Community Development Department.

Building Energy Use Disclosure Ordinance

Sign up to receive news and updates related to the City of Cambridge's Building Use Energy Disclosure Ordinance (BUEDO).

Building Professionals Newsletter

Sign up to learn about training and workshop opportunities on building performance, energy efficiency, and ways to save on utility costs. Ideal for building managers, contractors, and designers

Cambridge Climate Protection Action Committee

Sign up to receive notices about the work of the Cambridge Climate Protection Action Committee and other news and events related to climate change.

Combined Sewer Overflow Alerts

Sign up to receive CSO alerts to the Charles River and Alewife Brook from City of Cambridge CSOs.

Community Learning Center

The CLC offers free classes and training programs to adult students. Sign up to get monthly updates about programs, upcoming information sessions, and more.

Development Log

Published quarterly, the Development Log tracks larger-scale residential and commercial development projects currently in permitting or construction phases throughout Cambridge.

DHSP News for Kids, Teens, Families

Get monthly updates from the Department of Human Service Programs (DHSP) about upcoming programs, opportunities, and events for Cambridge kids, teens, and families.

Economic Development

Receive news, notices and updates about resources for businesses in Cambridge.

Envision Cambridge

Sign up to get the latest updates about Envision Cambridge, the community-wide process to develop a citywide plan for a more livable, sustainable, and equitable Cambridge.

Food Truck Program

News and notices about the City's Food Truck Program.


Sign up to learn about the City's affordable rental and homeownership programs and resources.

Library Updates

Choose from the Cambridge Public Library's various email lists and get the news and recommendations you need from CPL.

Net Zero Action Plan

A biannual newsletter that provides updates on progress toward the Net Zero Action Plan, which sets a pathway to enable Cambridge to become a carbon-neutral community by 2050.

Park(ing) Day Newsletter

Updates and information to help you learn more about PARKING(ing) Day

Participatory Budgeting

Connect with Participatory Budgeting online to get the latest updates and to learn more about how community members can directly decide how to spend part of the capital budget.


Play Streets create a safe space for children to play freely and for neighbors to gather by temporarily closing the street to traffic. 

Recycle, Compost, Trash Newsletter

Monthly newsletter with the latest information about recycling and composting as well as tips about how you can do your part to help achieve our goal of zero waste.

Transit Bulletin

A monthly newsletter detailing Transit Advisory Committee notices and sharing local transit news, events, and initiatives.

Vision Zero General Interest

Vision Zero is a strategy to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries, while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all. 

Project Updates Subscription Mailing List

Project Updates

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Belmont St Reconstruction Project

Sign up to receive email updates about the project.

Brattle Street Safety Improvement Project

Through this project, we will install separated bike lanes on Brattle St between Mason St and Mount Auburn St and make improvements to pedestrian crossings. We will also consider modifications at key intersections to improve safety and comfort people walking, biking and driving.

Brattle/Sparks/Craigie Intersection Safety Project

Learn more about the City's proposals for improvements at the intersection of Brattle Street, Sparks Street, and Craigie Street.    

Cambridge Public Space Lab

Sign up to receive news and updates about public space improvements and programming across the city.

Cherry St Lot

Sign up for updates on the public process to decide the future use of the lot at 35 Cherry Street.

Chestnut Street Reconstruction Project

Sign up to receive updates about the Chestnut St. Reconstruction Project.

Cushing Plaza Reconstruction Project

Cushing Plaza, located at Cushing Street and Huron Avenue, is scheduled for upcoming reconstruction.

Dana & Centre Street Reconstruction Project

Centre Street from Dana St. to Hancock St. and Dana Street from Broadway to Mass Ave are scheduled for reconstruction as part of the City's Five Year Plan for Sidewalk and Street Reconstruction.

Dodge Street Reconstruction Project

Sign up to receive updates about the Dodge Street Reconstruction Project.

East Cambridge Parks

Sign up to receive updates about the design and construction of Binney Street Park, Rogers Street Park, and Triangle Park in East Cambridge.

Elm St Reconstruction Project

Sign up for updates about this street and sidewalk reconstruction project.

Fairmont / Rockwell / Laurel / Kelly Sidewalk Improvements Project

Receive updates on the Fairmont/Rockwell/Laurel/Kelly Sidewalk Improvements Project from the Dept. of Public Works.

First St Garage Project

Sign up for periodic updates on the First St Garage.

First/Second Street Corridor Study

Through the study, the City will work with the community and a stakeholder group to identify how to provide safe and comfortable north/south travel connections for people of all ages and abilities, regardless of their mode of transportation, between Binney Street and Cambridge Street.

Garden Street Safety Improvement Project

Through this quick-build project, we will install separated bike lanes along Garden Street from Huron Avenue to Mason Street near Cambridge Common. 

Gore Street and Rufe Road Reconstruction Project

In conjunction with the Gore St. Utility Construction project the City plans to install new sidewalks and resurface Gore St. and Rufo Rd.

Green St Reconstruction Project

Green Street from Pearl St. to Landsdowne St. is scheduled for reconstruction as part of the City's Five Year Plan for Sidewalk and Street Reconstruction.

Harvard Square Kiosk and Plaza

Sign up to get updates about the Harvard Square Kiosk and Plaza improvements.

Improvements Project

Receive updates on the Fairmont/Rockwell/Laurel/Kelly Sidewalk Improvements Project from the Dept. of Public Works.

Inman Square Improvements Project

Sign up to receive alerts on this project focusing on safety and operational issues of Inman Square.

Inner Mt. Auburn Corridor Safety Improvement Project

Quick-build project improve safety and efficiency along Mt. Auburn St. from JFK St. to Putnam Ave.

Maple Ave Reconstruction Project

Maple Ave from Broadway to Cambridge St. is scheduled for reconstruction as part of the City's Five Year Plan for Sidewalk and Street Reconstruction.

Mass Ave - Cycling Safety Ordinance Quick-Build Projects

Information on quick-build bike facility projects.

Mid-Mass Ave Safety Improvements Project

Through this quick-build project we will install separated bike lanes from Massachusetts Avenue between Trowbridge St to Inman St. Separated bike lanes create space that is physically separated from vehicle traffic, which improves safety and comfort for people biking.

Montgomery St Reconstruction Project

Montgomery Street between Harvey St. and Rindge Ave. is scheduled for reconstruction as part of the City's Five Year Plan for Sidewalk and Street Reconstruction.

Open Space Planning

Updates on the future growth and development of Cambridge's open space system

Our Cambridge Street A Community Plan

Sign up for updates on the year-long community engagement process to develop a shared vision for the future of the dynamic and distinct segment of Cambridge Street that stretches from Lechmere Station to the heart of Inman Square.

Park Ave Reconstruction Project

Sign up for updates on the reconstruction of Park Ave., from Huron Ave. to Holworthy St.

Peabody School Playground

Sign up to receive news and updates on the Peabody School Playground

Porter Square

Through this quick-build project, we will install separated bike lanes on Massachusetts Ave between Roseland St and Beech St.

Quick-Build Design Meeting

Information on quick-build bike facility projects.

Sciarappa St Reconstruction Project

Sciarappa Street from Charles St. to Winter St. is scheduled for reconstruction as part of the City's Five Year Plan for Sidewalk and Street Reconstruction.

Sennott Park Renovation Project

Updates on the City's repairs and modest improvements to Sennott Park in The Port neighborhood.

Sherman Street Crossing

Sign up to get news and updates from the City about the Sherman Street Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Upgrades.

The Port Infrastructure Improvements Project

Receive updates on The Port Infrastructure Improvements Project from the Dept. of Public Works.

Webster Ave Reconstruction Project

Sign up to receive updates about the Webster Ave. Reconstruction Project.

Willard St Drainage Project

Receive updates on the Willard St. project from the Dept. of Public Works.

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