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Large TV on a sidewalk

Furniture, Appliance, Large Item Disposal

Public Works

Get Rid of It Right

Large appliances, electronics and other bulky waste may be disposed of curbside, however, many items require a disposal permit. Please use the "Get Rid of It Right" tool to determine if you need a permit for your item or to learn other ways to dispose of the item properly. See below for applying for a permit. 

Get Rid of It Right

NOTE: Mattresses require a permit for disposal (but it’s free), but must be scheduled separately. Visit cambridgema.gov/mattress to schedule your free mattress or box spring collection.

Apply for a permit using the online service below

Additional Information

Most items are scheduled for Wednesdays or Thursdays. Place items curbside by 7AM on your collection day, or after 6PM the night before. No commercial or industrial items.

Page was posted on 11/14/2019 1:54 PM
Page was last modified on 1/6/2025 7:42 PM
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Service Requests

Enter a service request via SeeClickFix for things like missed trash pickups, potholes, etc.