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I Want To Department

Apply for a Community Garden Plot

There are thirteen (13) active community gardens located throughout the City, serving as areas of beautification, vegetable production, and meeting places.

Public Works 617-349-4800

Apply for a Crane, Boom, Pump Truck (CBP) Permit

A Crane, Boom and Pump Truck permit is required if you are using a crane, boom truck, boom lift, man lift, lull, scissor lift, pump truck, or similar aerial/mobile vehicle on a City of Cambridge right-of way.

Public Works 617-349-4800

Apply for a Dewatering Permit

A dewatering permit is required for projects or businesses that plan to discharge to the municipal stormwater or wastewater system from dewatering or pumping activities or want to make changes in discharges from existing connections.

Public Works 617-349-4800

Apply for a Newsrack Permit

No person shall place, affix, erect, constitute or maintain a news rack in or on any part of a public way without first obtaining a Certificate of Compliance from the Department of Public Works.

Public Works 617-349-4800

Apply for a Park Permit

A park permit is required for any non-athletic events in City parks or public areas and must be obtained through The Department Public Works. If you are looking to reserve an athletic field or use of Danehy Park please call the Recreation Department at (617) 349-6238.

Public Works 617-349-4800

Apply for a Short Term / Special Event Sidewalk Business Use Permit

A temporary business use sidewalk obstruction permit is required if you are a plan to temporally obstruct a City of Cambridge sidewalk. Please apply for an Annual Sidewalk Obstruction Permit if you plan to use an “A” framed sign, sandwich board, display merchandise, temporary banner or use tables and chairs on a sidewalk in the public way.

Public Works 617-349-4800

Apply for a Sidewalk Obstruction Permit

A Sidewalk Obstruction permit is required if you are blocking any portion of a City of Cambridge sidewalk whether it be through full closure, partial closure, or walkthrough-staging.

Public Works 617-349-4800

Apply for a Stormwater Control Permit

A stormwater control permit is required for construction, development and redevelopment projects in the City of Cambridge to ensure that measures are taken throughout the project to address erosion, nonpoint source pollution, and flood control.

Public Works 617-349-4800

Apply for a Temporary Construction Access Permit

A Temporary Construction Access permit is required for temporary access across a public right-of-way to any construction site.

Public Works 617-349-4800

Apply for a Tree Removal Permit

Effective March 11th, 2019, an amended City Ordinance restricts removal of “significant trees” on private property.

Public Works 617-349-4800
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