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Home Delivery & Older Adult Services

Cambridge Public Library

Cambridge Public Library offers a variety of programs and events specifically for older adults, these include author events, workshops and wellness classes. We also maintain a vibrant and robust selection of large print materials, including bestsellers, mysteries and nonfiction. The Library’s collection also includes e-books, audiobooks and movies available through online resources such as Libby, Hoopla and Kanopy.

Home Delivery

Receive library materials from our door to yours.

Who is eligible for this service?

The Cambridge Public Library offers monthly delivery of library materials to Cambridge residents who are unable to visit a library due to short- or long-term disability or infirmity.

How does it work?

  1. Check that you are eligible for home delivery according to the eligibility requirements outlined above.
  2. Apply for home delivery by completing the Home Delivery Application Form or by contacting the Senior Services Librarian at 617-349-4035 or by email cploutreach@cambridgema.gov
  3. Once your application has been submitted and processed, you will be notified of your monthly delivery schedule.

What can I request?

Any circulating library materials are eligible for home delivery, including books, audiobooks, DVDs and music CDs. Items are checked out for 4 weeks and can be renewed 2 times.

How many items can I request?

A maximum of ten items can be requested each month.

When will I receive the library materials?

We will deliver your materials during the second full week of the month on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. We will pick up your returns from the previous delivery at the same time. Library bags will be supplied for deliveries.

Please mail your completed application form to:

Senior Services
Cambridge Public Library
449 Broadway
Cambridge, MA 02138

Contact Us

For more information or to request an application form be mailed to you, please call 617-349-4035 or email cploutreach@cambridgema.gov

Contact Us

How can we help?

Please provide as much detail below as possible so City staff can respond to your inquiry:

As a governmental entity, the Massachusetts Public Records Law applies to records made or received by the City. Any information received through use of this site is subject to the same provisions as information provided on paper.

Read our complete privacy statement

Service Requests

Enter a service request via SeeClickFix for things like missed trash pickups, potholes, etc., click here