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Parent/Child (Ages 7-10) Book Group (Main)


Main Library
Curious George Room
449 Broadway
Cambridge, MA 02138

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Join us for a lively discussion of a great book in person at the Main Library! Pizza will be provided. For ages 7-10 and a parent or caregiver.

This month's book is Oh, Rats! by Tor Seidler. When a hawk snatches up an adventurous squirrel named Phoenix, he's ready to kiss his tail goodbye. But what should have been a death sentence becomes the beginning of a sweeping big-city adventure in this captivating novel by National Book Award­-nominated author Tor Seidler.  

Both caregiver and child should read the book before the discussion to participate. Registration is required — only one registration is needed per family. For a copy of the book, stop by the Children’s Room after you've registered or call 617-349-4038.  

For questions about parent/child book group, please email Meagan: malbright@cambridgema.gov

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Page was posted on 12/30/2024 11:56 AM
Page was last modified on 1/14/2025 7:47 PM
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