Rescue Company 1 - Technical Rescue training
3/26/2024 • 12 months ago
Rescue Company No. 1 was established 92 years ago on March 25, 1932 with the objective of rescuing the rescuers if needed. (This was due to the death of a Fire Lieutenant who became overcome by gas while attempting to rescue two civilian workers who were trapped in a grease pit).
Througout the years, the duties of Rescue 1 have expanded from search and rescue and firefighting at fires to emergency medical care, hazardous materials contol, hi-angle rescue, collapse rescue, confined space and trench rescue, as well as extrication of entrapped people (and animals) from vehicle wrecks (cars, buses, trucks, etc) and machinery.
Recently rescue Company 1 took part in a joint training exercise with our long-term partners at Somerville Fire. The exercise involved removing a simulated trapped person from the body of a compacting rubbish truck. Two options were used and practiced to safely remove the entrapped "victim."
The experience and training of the firefighters, safety, proper tools and equpment, emergency medical skills, and the thought process are all integral to an effective rescue. The coordination & teamwork make the job efficient & safe for both the "victim" & the rescuers.
Thank you to Boston Carting Services for supplying the truck and the driver for the training exercise.
Cambridge group 2 was on duty for the drill.