Station Visits
Station visits for groups can be scheduled at any one of our eight fire stations (If you happen to be walking by with just a child or two and want to take a closer look, please ask and you'll most likely get your wish). We prefer to conduct group visits during morning hours, during the week, but will make accommodations for those groups that can not make those times. Between 9:30am and 11:00am on Tuesdays and Thursdays can not be scheduled due to weekly department-wide inspections. Any other time can be scheduled as long as it does not interfere with training scheduled by our Training Division or special events involving the Fire Department.
Visits generally last about 20 to 30 minutes. The firefighters are in service so visitors must be prepared to control their group quickly and calmly in the event of an emergency run. Groups of up to 20 people can be scheduled at one time. Larger groups should plan on dividing up and coming on separate days.
PLEASE NOTE: General announcements and notifications of emergency runs are transmitted over loudspeakers and often accompanied by loud bells and tones. Emergency run announcements will be followed by rapid activity by the members in order to respond quickly, and horns and sirens will be used exiting the building. Younger children might be frightened by all this. Please make them aware of what might happen while they are visiting so they are prepared. Also, while showing our fire gear and apparatus, we try to present age-appropriate fire safety information to the kids. For younger children, especially those under 5, the visit will be more of a chance to simply see the firefighters and apparatus up close, and the visit will be shorter than for older kids.
To Schedule a visit: email Please give the following information: number of students/kids visiting; ages; what school or organization; contact person with phone number; the station you would like to visit, the day and time you would like to visit.
The day of your visit: Call 617-349-4900, our Emergency Communications Center, and ask for the station you will be visiting. When connected, double check that your visit is expected and confirm your time and number of visitors. Upon arrival, if the station is empty, that means the firefighters had an emergency run. Call 349-4900 again, tell them you are at the station for a visit and ask if they know how long before the firefighters return. You can then decide to wait or call and reschedule a visit.
If you need to cancel: Call 617-349-4900, our Emergency Communications Center, and ask for the station you were expected to visit. When transferred, tell them of your cancellation.