Firefighters Memorial Sunday notice - 2024

5/9/20242 months ago

Save the Date!

Firefighters Memorial Sunday is scheduled for Sunday, June 9, 2024.

The formation will start at the main gate to the Cambridge Cemetery, 76 Coolidge Avenue, at 915 a.m.
There will be short procession to the Firefighters Memorial in the Cambridge Cemetery, followed by a reading of the names of deceased members of the Department.

All are welcome to join with us for this important and respectful event to remember and honor those who came before us.

(In the event of inclement weather, the ceremony will be held at Shady Hill School, 178 Coolidge Hill Rd.)

Luncheon will follow at Conley’s Pub and Grille,164 Belmont Street, Watertown, MA

Firefighters Memorial Sunday - 11 June 2023 V

FF Mem Sunday from 2023 1

FF Mem Sunday from 2023 - 2