On Friday evening, March 14, 2025, shortly before 8 p.m., fire companies responded to a hazardous materials incident at a restaurant on Massachusetts Avenue in Central Sq. Apparently several cleaning agents had been mixed which created a noxious atmosphere. Firefighter HazMat Technicians, members of the Cambridge Fire HazMat Task Force, in full PPE (personal protective equipment) and SCBA (self contained breathing apparatus) evacuated occupants, monitored & tested the atmosphere, ventilated, & mitigated the incident.
One occupant was treated & transported to a medical facility for NLT (non-life threatening) injury. Several others were evaluated on scene by paramedics & emergency medical responsders and refused further treatment.
Engines 2 & 3, Ladder 3,
Squads 2 & 3, Rescue 1, HazMat 1, & Division 1 worked at the incident.
Group 1 was on duty.
Cambridge Police officers also responded to ensure pedestrian safety & divert traffic in the area.
For more informations about the hazards of mixing cleaning agents, go to a previous Cambridge Fire web post from February 24th: https://www.cambridgema.gov/cfd/News/detail.aspx?path=/sitecore/content/home/cfd/news/2025/02/householdcleaningproductsafety
Cambridge Fire photos and @857fiirephotos are attached.