Eight New Firefighters Hired

6/14/201311 years ago

caution sign The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 11 years ago.




Cambridge Fire Department appoints eight new Firefighters

Chief Gerald Reardon of the Cambridge Fire Department is pleased to announce the appointment of eight new members. The eight new Fire Fighters on Probation were hired from a list of resident candidates promulgated by the Human Resources Division of the Commonwealth. This list is the result of the entrance examination held in April 2012.

The eight new hires are already Fire Academy trained and hold certification in Firefighter I/II. Four of the new members are also certified as Paramedics. The other four are EMT's; and two of them are nearing completion of paramedic training.

Following a two week orientation they will be assigned to fire companies effective Sunday June 16, 2013.

The department expects to hire eight additional members in mid October, who will then attend a nine-week training program at the Massachusetts Firefighting Academy in Stow, MA.

As firefighters who were appointed in the late 1970's and early 1980's start to retire, these new members will fill vacancies.


CFD new hires June 2013