2023 Fire and Police Awards

6/22/202313 months ago

The 2023 combined Cambridge Police & Fire awards ceremony was held at Starlight Square on June 22, 2023.

As part of the program, CAPT Paul Marinelli (Fire Prevention) & LT Michael Donovan (Ladder 4) were recipients of the 2021 Ruth & Carl Barron awards for Administrative Excellence & Operations Excellence respectively. Mechanic Dan Lopez (Tech Services) & DC Sean White (Division 1) were recipients of the 2022 Ruth & Carl Barron awards for Administrative Excellence & Operations Excellence respectively.

Numerous members were also recognized via individual Commendations for life-saving actions while off duty and Unit Citations for heroic actions at serious emergency incidents in 2021 and 2022. 

Congratulations to all the members of the Police Department and Fire Department who were recognized. 

At the close of the ceremony, a chief's helmet was presented to Ken Barron. Thank you to the Barron family for supporting this event & for the continuous support for the City of Cambridge & its Public Safety agencies.

Awards ceremony 22 Jun 2023 1

collage awards ceremony 2 22Jun2023