Cambridge Fire Academy - Recruit Class 2024-01 update

4/9/20243 months ago

The members of Cambridge Fire Academy Recruit Training Class 2024-01 have reached the half-way point in their training. 

Over the past five weeks, recruit firefighters have participated in 25 full days of training. Training includes both classroom and hands-on in the drill yard. 

Hands-on training includes the use of SCBA (self contained breathing apparatus), search and rescue skills, tying and hauling of equipment, ground ladder and aerial ladder skills, hose handling & deployment, pump operation, hydraulics, water supply, fire attack, and much more. Recruit firefighters are required to demonstrate proficiency in many skills as part of national certification standards. Many of these skills are graded. In addition to hands-on grading, recruit firefighters must succesfully pass weekly written examinations.

As training moves forward in the next 5 weeks, more intense skills will be used & demonstrated, especially at more extensive training fires. 

Thank you as always to the fire instructors and support staff for sharing the knowledge and experience. 

There are 20 recruit firefighters in the class, 12 from Cambridge Fire and 8 from Brookline Fire. Graduation is tentatively scheduled for May 10th.

Several photos attached show the various firefighting disciplines in the 10 week training program.

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