Firefighters Commended as part of the Team Effort fto Save the Life of a Child

7/18/20249 days ago

Please see General Order No. 22; series of 2024 below re Commendations and Unit Citations for life-saving actions to save a 5-year old near-drowning victim at the McCrehan Swimming Pool on Rindge Avenue in North Cambridge.


Without hesitation, Fire Department members provided Advanced Life Support Intervention, supplementing the CPR in progress by Pool Lifeguards, and working with ProEMS Paramedics, to save the child's life. 

Thank you to the members of Engine 4, Ladder 4, Squad 4, Rescue 1, & Division 2 (group 1 on duty).

Excellent teamwork by all with a great outcome!




GO 22 2024 commendation pg 1

Commendation GO22 2024 page 2

Squad 4