Engine Company No. 2

Engine 2 2023 pump - 1
- CFD Photo by jjg

2023 Pierce Enforcer, 1250 gpm, 500 gallon water tank, All Wheel Steer


History of Engine # 2

Engine Company #2 was established in 1846 and was located in a wood fire house on Main Street. The company at this time was named Union Engine Company #2. In 1851, this fire house was destroyed by fire.


In 1852, Engine 2 occupied a new brick fire house at 789 Main Street, near the corner of Windsor. Union Engine Company 2 shared these quarters with Franklin Hook and Ladder Company #1.(This fire house is still standing and is the current home of the Christian Holiness Mission Church.) The company's apparatus was a Howard and Davis hand engine.

During 1863, the house was remodeled and horse stalls were installed. On 1 August 1863, Engine 2 placed into service an Amoskeag, horse-drawn, second size 400 gpm steamer. In 1872, the company received a new 4-wheel , horse-drawn, hose carriage which had been built by Jones Company. The hose carriage carried 1000 feet of hose. On 28 November 1873, a new Amoskeag 700 gpm steamer was placed in service and in 1892, an Abbot and Downing hose wagon was placed in service.

On 6 February 1894, Engine 2 moved into new quarters on Front Street opposite Main Street . (Front Street was later renamed Massachusetts Avenue.) Over a hundred years later, this is the current quarters of Engine 2 at 378 Massachusetts Avenue. In 1907, Engine 2 and Engine 6 swapped pumps. Engine 2 now was assigned an1891, Amoskeag 900 gpm steam pump.

In 1919, the company was motorized. The 1891 Amoskeag steamer was equipped with a type 31, American LaFrance tractor. A new American LaFrance type 40 hose wagon was placed in service as the wagon. A new American LaFrance 750 gpm pump was assigned to the company in 1926. In June of 1948, a new Pirsch 1000 gpm pump was placed in service by Engine 2 and in July of 1948, a new GMC/Robinson hose wagon was placed in service. In July of 1951, a new Pirsch 1000 gpm pump was placed in service and in July of 1966, a new International/Farrar hose wagon was placed in service.

Engine 2 placed a new Pirsch 1250 gpm pump in service on 26 July 1978. The company placed in service a new International/Maxim hose wagon on 23 July 1982. On 1 April 1984, Engine 2 became a single unit company as the wagon was reassigned to Engine 4. On 16 May 1986, a new International/Saulsbury hose wagon was assigned to Engine 2. On 12 May 1988, this wagon was reassigned to Engine 4. Engine 2 again became a single-unit company. On the 12th of August 1989, a new Pierce Lance 1250 gpm (with 500 gallon water tank) was placed in service by Engine 2. The 1978 pump was reassigned to Engine 8.

In 2013, Engine 2 was assigned a 2013 Pierce Saber 1250 gpm pump with a 500 gallon water tank.

On 4 April 2020, Engine Company No. 2 placed in service a new 2019 Pierce Enforcer 1250 gpm pump with 500 gallon water tank. This pump is equipped with the "FireCom" onboard communication system as well as the "clean cab" concept.

On September, 30, 2024, Engine 2 place a 2023 Perice Enforcer 1250 gpm pump wiht 500 gallon water tank in service. This pump incorporates TAK-4 T3 All Wheel Steering and energy efficient IRT (Idle Reduction Technology). The all wheel steering will be advantageous in maneuvering through the narrow streets and tight corners of the district. 

For questions about Engine Company # 2, email the Captain of Engine 2 Here:

Historical information provided by E. Morrissey

Engine #2 Statistics

Calendar Year Responses Building Fires
2024 3203 26
2023 3805 34
2022 3899 26
2021 3645 39
2020 3006 44
2019  3706 44
2018  3808 38
2017  3527 30
2016 3427 32
2015 3600 36
2014 3231 45
2013 2955 51
Fiscal Year Responses Building Fires
2012/2013 3011 38
2011/2012 2514 36
2010/2011 3016 41
2009/2010 3065 72
2008/2009 3009


Engine 2 February 23 2017
Engine Company No. 2 - February 23, 2017


Engine 2 group 4 7Apr2020
Engine Company No. 2 - group 4 - April 7, 2020


Engine 2 2023 pump - 2
Engine Company No. 2 - group 4 - September 29, 2024