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Literacy and ESOL

Cambridge Public Library

The Literacy Project offers free classes in English conversation, job hunting/resume writing and computer basics.

There are four levels of classes:
  • Low Beginner: For students who have no experience with English and want to learn the basics. Will include greetings, introductions, money, telling time, transportation, and health.
  • High Beginner: For students who already have some basic speaking ability. Will include present, past and future verb tenses and vocabulary building activities.
  • Intermediate: For students with good conversational skills who wish to increase vocabulary and improve spoken grammar. Will include reading texts and higher level grammar concepts.
  • Advanced: For students who are strong in spoken English and want to fine-tune their skills. Will include debates, group discussions, presentations, and complex grammar concepts.

View the Current Class Schedule


Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers serve as teachers, tutors, and classroom assistants. Opportunities are available days, evenings and weekends. A typical volunteer commitment is 2 hours per week.

If you are interested in volunteering or for more information, please contact: Maria Balestrieri at 617-349-4013 or mbalestrieri@cambridgema.gov.

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