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Belmont Street Reconstruction Project

Belmont Street, from the Belmont town line to Mt. Auburn Street., is scheduled for upcoming street and sidewalk reconstruction.

July 2024

Week of July 8:  Punch list items

Week of July 29:  Punch list items

June 2024

Week of June 10:  Punch list items, Prep and install bike racks

Week of June 17 (no work on Juneteenth, June 19 Holiday):  Punch list items

Week of June 24:  Punch list items

March 21, 2024

The Department of Public Works and the Traffic Department have been made aware of the malfunctioning traffic signal at Belmont Street and Sullivan Road. The contractor will be addressing this issue.

January 2024

Week of January 2:  The City's contractor, Newport Construction, will be working on pavement markings this week. 

Construction Notice:   Work on Raised Crosswalks Monday, November 20th

The City’s contractor, Newport Construction, will be completing the raised crosswalks at Holworthy Street, St. Mary’s Street, Norman Street, Norumbega Street, Cushing Street, Edward Sullivan Road and Francis Street on Monday, November 20th, weather permitting.

Abutters of these side streets will be impacted. At times, the crosswalks will remain passable, if necessary, but please plan trips accordingly.

This work involves asphalt placement. The asphalt is placed by hand crews using shovels and tempered into place. There will be some small equipment such as a roller, but no milling (grinding) machine.

Once completed, a line striping crew will return in the coming weeks to paint the required striping on the crossings. Crews will continue to remain on site to address remaining punch list items.

What to Expect During Construction:

• General work hours will be 7am – 4pm
• Please check posted No Parking signs.
• Please follow pedestrian detour signs.
• Access to properties will be maintained, when possible.
• Access will be maintained for emergency vehicles and City services.

Information & Assistance:

Questions regarding this project? Contact Kristen Kelleher, Community Relations Manager, at 617-349-4825/ kkelleher@cambridgema.gov or Melissa Miguel, Supervising Engineer, at 617-349-9351/ mmiguel@cambridgema.gov. If you have any special need or disability, please contact us to arrange for special accommodation that may be necessary.

Construction Notice: Roadway Paving on Belmont St Beginning November 1st.

The City's contractor, Newport Construction, will be performing roadway paving on Belmont St between Mt Auburn Street and the Belmont town line beginning Wednesday, November 1st through Friday November 3rd, weather permitting.

Remaining work includes the installation of the raised crosswalks across Holworthy Street, St Mary’s Street, Norman Street, and Norumbega Street. Crews will remain on the street to address any punch-list items. Thanks for your patience as we work to complete this project.

What to Expect During Construction:

  • Work hours will be from 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
  • On street-parking spaces will be impacted during this work. Paper signs will indicate the hours and locations where parking is not allowed. These signs will be posted at least 24 hours before restrictions are in effect.
  • Detours will be in effect while work is underway (between 7:00 a.m. and 6 p.m.). Please pay careful attention to signs and directions from detail officers.
  • As the street is paved, the surface will be rough, with raised manhole covers. The roadway will be lower, making the curbs higher for parked cars. Please use caution when opening car doors, so they aren’t damaged on curbs.
  • Motorcycles and bicycles use caution when traveling on rugged surfaces.
  • If your driveaway is within the limits of new paving, please plan trips accordingly.

Newly paved areas will be reopened to users as conditions allow, typically within a few hours of completion.

Information & Assistance:

Questions regarding this project? Contact Kristen Kelleher, Community Relations at 617-349-4825/ kkelleher@cambridgema.gov or Melissa Miguel, P.E. Supervising Engineer, at 617-349-9351/
mmiguel@cambridgema.gov. If you have a special need or disability, please contact us to arrange for special accommodation that may be necessary. Watertown Residents can contact dpwdept@watertown-ma.gov/617-972-6420 for general Watertown inquiries. In case of an emergency after hours, please call the 24-Hour line at 617 349-4800.

Construction Notice: Belmont Street Reconstruction Project

As part of the Belmont Street Reconstruction Project, the City’s contractor, Newport Construction, will remobilize the week of September 18, 2023.

Newport will begin installing traffic and crosswalk signals. Following traffic signal work, the Contractor will continue the installation of the remaining raised crosswalks across Norumbega St, Norman St, Cushing St, Holworthy St, Francis St and St Mary’s St. Final paving will take place upon completion of this work and residents will be notified again under separate notice.

This project is part of the City’s 5-Year Plan for Street and Sidewalks and will include paving, sidewalk improvements and utility installations.

What to Expect During Construction:

  • Work hours will be 7 AM to 4 PM, Monday-Friday.
  • “No Parking” signs will be posted; please be sure to check dates/times.
  • Vehicle access in and out of properties will be maintained but may be restricted for short periods. If you need access and your driveway is blocked, please speak to a crew member on site and they will make accommodations for you.
  • Emergency vehicles and City service vehicles will have access at all times.

The City of Cambridge maintains a project webpage for this Project. Under the contact tab residents can sign up for email notifications. Residents will continue to receive orange fliers even if they have signed up for email notices.


Information & Assistance:

Questions regarding this project? Contact Kristen Kelleher, Community Relations Manager, at 617-349-4870/ kkelleher@cambridgema.gov or Melissa Miguel, P.E. Supervising Engineer, at 617-349-9351/ mmiguel@cambridgema.gov. If you have a special need or disability, please contact us to arrange for accommodations that may be necessary.

June 2023

Week of June 5:  Sidewalk removal on the Watertown side.

Week of June 12:  Curb setting on the Watertown side.

Week of June 19:  Pour cement sidewalks on the Watertown side.

Week of June 26:  Pour cement sidewalks on the Watertown side.

May 2023

Week of May 1:  Curb resetting and sidewalk reconstruction continues on the Cambridge side.

Week of May 8:  Curb resetting and sidewalk reconstruction begins on the Watertown side.

Week of May 15:  Pouring concrete sidewalks begins on the Cambridge side.

Week of May 22:  Pouring concrete sidewalks continues on the Cambridge side/begins on the Watertown side.

April 2023

Week of April 3: Excavation of segment of roadway and primary asphalt binder application. Curb resetting and sidewalk reconstruction Sullivan Rd. to Norman St. on the Watertown side.

Week of April 10: Removal of the inbound lane of railroad tracks begins, curb resetting and sidewalk reconstruction Sullivan Rd. to Norman St. on the Cambridge side.

Week of April 17: Curb resetting and sidewalk reconstruction Sullivan Rd. to Holworthy St. on the Cambridge side, pouring of concrete sidewalk.

Week of April 24: Curb resetting and sidewalk reconstruction Sullivan Rd. to Holworthy St. on the Cambridge side.

March 2023

Week of March 20: Electrical Conduit

Week of March 27: Electrical Conduit/Curb delivery

February 2023

Week of February 6: Water main installation

Week of February 13: Water services from Edward Sullivan Rd. to Norman St.

Week of February 20: Water services from Norman St. to Holworthy St. 

January 2023

Week of January 9: Water main installation 

Week of January 16: Water main installation

Week of January 23: Water main installation

Week of January 30: Water main installation

Construction Notice: Belmont Street Reconstruction Project - Contractor to Begin Mobilizing

As part of the Belmont Street Reconstruction Project, the City of Cambridge’s contractor, Newport Construction, will begin mobilizing in the coming weeks.

Newport will begin installing tree protection along the street, performing survey and layout work, saw-cutting areas of the roadway and delivering and install of drainage structures. DigSafe markings will also begin appearing on the sidewalk and roadways.

Following drainage work, weather permitting, Newport will begin the installation of the Cambridge water main along Belmont Street between the Belmont Town Line and Mt. Auburn Street. Cambridge residents of Belmont Street will receive a notice with specific details regarding this work. Watertown residents will not be impacted by the water work.

This project is part of the City of Cambridge’s 5-Year Plan for Street and Sidewalks and will include paving, sidewalk improvements and utility installations.

What to Expect During Construction:

  • Work hours will be 7 AM to 4 PM, Monday-Friday.
  •  “No Parking” signs will be posted; please be sure to check dates/times.
  •  Vehicle access in and out of properties will be maintained but may be restricted for short periods. If you need access and your driveway is blocked, please speak to a crew member on site and they will make accommodations for you.
  •  Emergency vehicles and City service vehicles will have access at all times.

Sign Up for Email Notifications:

The City of Cambridge maintains a project webpage for this Project for both Cambridge and Watertown residents. Under the contact tab residents can sign up for email notifications. Residents will continue to receive orange fliers even if you have signed up for email notices. www.cambridgema.gov/BelmontStreet

The addition of street trees is also part of this project and planting will take place at the end of the project during either the fall or spring planting season.

Residents should also be aware of the following:

  • Back of Sidewalk Tree Planting Program (Cambridge Residents)
    •  The term “Back of Sidewalk" refers to the edge of the sidewalk where public way meets private properties. In the case of this program, the City will plant trees along the back of sidewalk, (up to 20 feet off the public way) on private property of interested, eligible owners.
  • Watertown residents may contact the Watertown Tree Warden at 617-972-6420 to request street trees or back of sidewalk trees.

Information & Assistance:
Questions regarding this project? Contact Kristen Kelleher, Community Relations at 617-349-4825/ kkelleher@cambridgema.gov or Melissa Miguel, P.E. Supervising Engineer, at 617-349-9351/ mmiguel@cambridgema.gov. If you have a special need or disability, please contact us to arrange for special accommodations that may be necessary.
dpwdept@watertown-ma.gov/617-972-6420 for general Watertown inquiries.

August 2022

The DPW has awarded the contract for the Belmont Street Reconstruction Project to Newport Construction.

In the coming weeks, the MBTA will be removing the catenary overhead wires, followed by pole removal.

Additional information on the project, including the contractors full project schedule, will be posted here on the project page. Due to supply chain issues, a final schedule is still being worked out between the Cities and the contractor.

May 2022

The City anticipates the project will go out to bid late Spring 2022 for a Mid-Summer 2022 start. 

September 2021:

Belmont Street Reconstruction is on hold pending ongoing MBTA Coordination. The City anticipates the project will go out to bid Winter 2021 for a Spring 2022 start.

Community Presentation for the Belmont Street Reconstruction Project

The video presentation for the community meeting on Wednesday, March 24th is now available to view. Residents who wish to submit questions in advance of the meeting may do so by emailing kriley@cambridgema.gov. Advance questions, as well as new questions received 'live', will be answered during the meeting. 

The meeting can be accessed through this link:

  • Dial in: US: +1 312 626 6799
  • Meeting ID: 847 0161 1279

Community Meeting Notice: Belmont Street Reconstruction Project Community Meeting Wednesday, March 24th

Belmont Street, between the Belmont town line and Mt Auburn Street, is scheduled for roadway and sidewalk reconstruction. This section of Belmont Street is in Cambridge and the southside sidewalk is in Watertown.

We invite you to join us on Wednesday, March 24th from 6pm to 7:30pm for a virtual community meeting to review the proposed reconstruction plans, discuss project schedule, and answer questions.

The meeting can be accessed through this link:

  • Dial in: US: +1 312 626 6799
  • Meeting ID: 847 0161 1279

These plans were developed over a series of community meetings with residents held in May 2019 and October 2019, and with support from the Town of Watertown. We encourage you to attend, as we value the feedback we receive from residents and businesses.

There will be a video presentation played at the start of the meeting. The presentation will also be posted online on March 22nd at https://www.cambridgema.gov/Departments/publicworks/cityprojects/2019/belmontstreetreconstructionproject so that residents who wish to submit questions in advance of the meeting may do so. Advance questions, as well as new questions received “live”, will be answered during the meeting.

Information and Assistance
The City of Cambridge does not discriminate on the basis of disability. The City of Cambridge will provide auxiliary aids and services, written materials in alternative format, and reasonable modifications in policies upon request. To receive future updates via email, please contact Kate Riley, Community Relations Manager, at kriley@cambridgema.gov / 617-349-4870. For information about the project please contact Melissa Miguel, Supervising Engineer, at mmiguel@cambridgema.gov/ 617-349-9351 or Laura Wiener, Senior Transportation Planner, at lwiener@watertown-ma.gov.

February 2020

The City is processing feedback from and after the public meeting. With Watertown staff, Cambridge is updating the street designs. The City expects to announce another public meeting and public outreach sometime later this winter.

Community Meeting Notice: Belmont Street Reconstruction Project Community Meeting #2


The City of Cambridge is planning to reconstruct the street and sidewalk on Belmont Street, from the Belmont town line to Mt. Auburn Street. The Cambridge Community Development Department will host a community meeting on Tuesday, October 15 at the BB&N Administration Building, 46 Belmont St., Watertown, MA to present and get feedback on conceptual plans.

This reconstruction project includes:
  • limited reconstruction of underground utilities
  • connections to the future Watertown-Cambridge Greenway
  • an opportunity to design Belmont Street as a “complete street” so that people of all ages and abilities feel safe and comfortable to walk, bike, drive, and take transit
Before the meeting, from 5:00 PM to 5:45 PM, come meet City staff on the Belmont St. sidewalk next to Intelligentsia Coffee to talk about and observe current transportation conditions.

Meeting and presentation to start at 6:00 PM at the BB&N Administration Building.

Enter the meeting venue from the parking lot on the east side of 46 Belmont St. ADA-accessible parking is accessible in the building parking lot and is limited.

The City of Cambridge does not discriminate on the basis of disability. The City of Cambridge will provide auxiliary aids and services, written materials in alternative format, and reasonable modifications in policies upon request.
For more information, please contact Bill Deignan at 617.349.4632 / wdeignan@cambridgema.gov.
To receive future updates via email, please contact Kate Riley, Community Relations Manager, at kriley@cambridgema.gov / 617.349.4870.

Community Meeting Notice: Belmont Street Reconstruction Project Community Meeting

Belmont Street, from the Belmont town line to Mt. Auburn Street., is scheduled for upcoming street and sidewalk reconstruction.

The Department of Public Works will be hosting a community meeting on Wednesday May 15th from 6PM-7:30PM at the Russell Youth Center located at 680 Huron Avenue. to discuss the Belmont Street Reconstruction Project.  

The project is part of the City’s Complete Streets initiative to design and operate streets that are safe for all users including pedestrians, cyclists, motorists and public transit users. The focus of this meeting will be to discuss the design and construction process and solicit feedback from the community. We encourage you to attend, as we value the feedback we receive from Cambridge residents and businesses.

Please note that while the Department of Public Works is working closely with the City of Cambridge Community Development (CDD) department on their Bus Priority Pilot this meeting will not be a discussion of that project. CDD will hold a meeting at a later date for the Bus Priority Pilot project.

Information and Assistance:

The City of Cambridge does not discriminate on the basis of disability. The City of Cambridge will provide auxiliary aids and services, written materials in alternative format, and reasonable modifications in policies upon request. For more information, please contact Melissa Miguel, Supervising Engineer, at 617.349.9351/ mmiguel@cambridgema.gov. To receive future updates via email, please contact Kate Riley, Community Relations Manager, at kriley@cambridgema.gov / 617.349.4870.

Page was posted on 4/26/2019 10:40 AM
Page was last modified on 7/9/2024 4:21 PM
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