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The Port Infrastructure Improvements Project

Project Image
The Port neighborhood is vulnerable to flooding. The Port Infrastructure Project will reduce flooding by replacing old pipes, installing new pipes and building underground storage tanks.

This project will also include improvements to:

  • Drainage
  • Water
  • Sewer
  • Street & Sidewalks
  • Trees & Open Space

To learn more about the different phases of the project, check out our brochure.

Español, Português, 普通话, or Kreyòl Ayisyen,

The Port Logo Brochure Cover

Do you have feedback or ideas about this project? Share them below under the "Get Involved" tab!

The latest designs of Clement Morgan Park were featured at the Arts in the Park event on Saturday, September 28. The designs reflected minor changes from what was shown at the June 2024 Port Party. One of the more significant changes was in the Dog Park area and the Adult Fitness area; existing trees and lilac bushes will be preserved and not removed as earlier designs indicated. Another design change is renaming the Adult Fitness area to a “Teen Space/Bouldering” area. The park designs are in the final design stage.

Other project updates discussed at the event include:

  • Park construction is anticipated to begin spring 2025, lasting about a year
  • Street construction will begin in summer 2025
  • Follow the project webpage for continued project updates, including a construction kickoff event in spring 2025

View the latest designs here.

Arts in the Park:  Saturday, September 28, 1 - 5 p.m.

*Rain Date will be Sunday, September 29*

The Cambridge Department of Public Works with Adius Arts Initiative & Everybody Gotta Eat present Arts in the Park 2024.  

Enjoy food, live art, music, activities and more!  This event is FREE and ALL AGES ARE WELCOME. 

Learn about The Port Infrastructure Improvements Project, see final designs of the park and streets, and learn how to best prepare for upcoming construction.

View the full event flyer here.

Arts in the Park Flyer



The Port Park Party: Tuesday, June 4, 3 - 7 p.m.

Join us for a sneak peek at design plans for the new Clement Morgan Park and the Paolillo Tot Lot. Give feedback on park elements including playground and fitness equipment.

Also enjoy: Treats • Activities for children • And more FREE • ALL AGES WELCOME

View the full event flyer here

The Port Infrastructure Working Group Meeting #9 - Tuesday, May 7, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. on Zoom

The next Working Group meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 7, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. on Zoom.  In the meeting, we will:

  • Share updates on technical work progress
  • Review and discuss design proposals for Clement Morgan Park and discuss upcoming engagement approach
  • Preview anticipated schedule and milestones in the next year

Meetings are open to the public.  Join this meeting at: https://cbi-org.zoom.us/j/88623810318.

Construction Notice: Utility Work Starting at Harvard St. and Prospect St. Beginning March 15th

As part of the Port Infrastructure Project, the City’s contractor D'Allessandro Corp. has been installing new water main piping along Harvard Street. Beginning March 15th, crews will begin working at the intersection of Harvard St. and Prospect St.

Access to Harvard St. will be restricted between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. This work is expected to last 6 weeks and will include both water and gas work.

  • General work hours are 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday – Friday
  • Please use caution when driving through the area and pay attention to traffic detours.
  • Parking will be restricted in certain areas. “No Parking” signs will be posted at least 24 hours in advance.
  • Pedestrian access and access to abutting properties will be maintained. Pedestrians should follow posted signs which may direct them onto temporary walkways at times. All temporary walkways will be ADA accessible.
  • City service vehicles will continue uninterrupted and emergency vehicles will always have access.

For Information and Assistance During Construction

Cambridge DPW staff will be on-site during this work and will be available to respond to questions and concerns.

For questions about The Port Infrastructure Improvements Project, please contact Kristen Kelleher, DPW Community Relations Manager at (617) 349-4825 or kkelleher@cambridgema.gov. More information about the project in general can be found at www.cambridgema.gov/ThePort

In case of a construction emergency, please call the Cambridge Public Works Department 24-hour hotline at 617-349-4800.

Construction Notice:  Clement Morgan Park Soil Testing - January 24-26, 2024

Clement Morgan Park is being redesigned as part of the Port Infrastructure Improvements Project.  As part of the design planning, engineers working for the City will be drilling test pits and installing monitoring wells in several locations around the park.  This work will help the team better understand underground soil conditions.  Areas where this testing takes place will be restricted.  

Work will take place weather permitting.

  • The park is OPEN during this work, but some areas will be restricted
  • Restricted areas are marked with cones and caution tape.
  • The basketball court remains OPEN throughout testing/monitoring.
  • The machinery used to perform this work may be loud.
  • Work hours are 7 a.m.- 4 p.m.
  • All holes will be refilled and the area cleared at the end of the drilling and installations.

Cambridge DPW staff will be on-site during this work and are available to respond to questions and concerns.  In case of a construction emergency, call the Cambridge Public Works Department 24-hour hotline at 617-349-4800.

View the full flyer here

Welcome to the Virtual Open House

Welcome to the virtual Port Infrastructure Improvements Project Open House. Learn about the project and view the updated design options for Clement Morgan Park and the street designs in the project area by clicking this link HERE

Don’t forget to share your feedback for the park designs and street designs by clicking on the feedback link at the end of each section. Your feedback will help shape the final designs of these important spaces.

The Port Infrastructure Project Open House: November, 9th 2023

Join us on Thursday, November 9th, 5:30 pm - 8 pm at the Community Art Center | 119 Windsor St., Cambridge.

The Cambridge Department of Public Works invites you to attend our open house to learn about the Port Infrastructure Improvements Project and see the updated designs of streets and Clement Morgan Park.

The evening includes presentations, a chance to engage with project staff and plans, free pizza, kids’ activities, and more. Also, learn about the City’s stormwater management program and how you can become a stormwater steward

View the flyer for the event here.

Port Arts in the Park: October 14, 2023

The Cambridge Department of Public Works with Adius Arts Initiative & Everybody Gotta Eat Present: Arts in the Park 2023. View the flyer here.

Come by and learn about The Port Infrastructure Improvements Project and see future designs of the park and streets

All ages are welcome to attend there will be free food and events for all. 

Port Park Party: June 20th, 2023 

The Cambridge Department of Public Works invites you to a Park Party. On Tuesday June 20, 3-7pm at the Clement Morgan Park.

Come by to see and share ideas that enhance Clement Morgan Park and Paolillo Tot Lot as part of The Port Infrastructure Improvements Project. We want to hear from you! 

Also Enjoy: Ice Cream, Activities, And More.

Free. All Ages Welcome 

*Rain Date will be June 22nd

Construction Notice: Work Impacting Essex St Vehicle Access

Dear Port Neighbor:

As part of the Port Infrastructure Project, the City’s contractor D'Allessandro Corp. has been installing new water main piping along Harvard Street. This work will impact vehicular traffic on Essex Street for approximately 3 business days, starting on or about Thursday May 25, 2023.

What to expect during this construction:

  • Vehicular access out of Essex Street onto Harvard Street will be blocked during working hours of 7 AM -3:30 PM. (7 AM - 1:00 PM on Friday May 26). Vehicles may travel “wrong-way” on Essex Street to exit onto Bishop Allen Drive, but we encourage residents to minimize these trips if possible.
  • Pedestrian access and access to abutting properties will be maintained. Pedestrians should please follow posted signs which may direct them onto temporary walkways at times. All temporary walkways will be ADA accessible.
  • We will be prohibiting parking in several locations in order to provide width for vehicles who may be going in opposite directions to pass each other.  Drivers should pay careful attention to parking restrictions, which will be posted at least 24 hours in advance.
  • Outside of the above working hours, including the upcoming Memorial Day weekend, the road will be open for normal travel towards Harvard Street.

For Information and Assistance During Construction

Cambridge DPW staff will be on-site during this work and will be available to respond to questions and concerns.

For questions about The Port Infrastructure Improvements Project, please contact Kristen Kelleher, DPW Community Relations Manager at (617) 349-4825 or kkelleher@cambridgema.gov. More information about the project in general can be found at www.cambridgema.gov/ThePort

In case of a construction emergency, please call the Cambridge Public Works Department 24-hour hotline at 617-349-4800.

The Port Infrastructure Project: Virtual Open House Presentation Now Available

Dear Port Neighbor

Thursday, March 30th we held a virtual open house about Clement Morgan Park and proposed Shared Streets in the neighborhood. Presentation slides from the meeting are posted on our project website under the ‘documents’ tab. During the open house we heard some great ideas from community members and want to share additional ways to get involved:

Clement Morgan Park Survey: As part of the Port Infrastructure Project, we are working with community members to enhance public open spaces including Clement Morgan Park and the Paolillo Tot Lot. What would you keep or like to see changed in the park? Complete this survey and tell us what you think! See some initial ideas for improving Clement Morgan Park and share your ideas about the future of the park here: tinyurl.com/PortParkSurvey

Shared Streets Survey: We have heard from many residents who are excited about shared streets in the neighborhood. A "shared street" is a street where pedestrians are given priority and share the space with cyclists and low-speed motorists. Based on community feedback, we are considering shared street designs for several streets in The Port. Before we finish planning the street improvements, we want to hear your thoughts about shared streets in The Port. To view the designs for proposed Shared Streets in the neighborhood, click here. Share your feedback about the designs here: tinyurl.com/SharedStreetsPortSurvey.

In addition to the Port Infrastructure Project, we also wanted to make you aware of two other transportation initiatives for which the City is seeking input from residents of the Port:

Bluebikes Station Suggestion Map:

As Bluebikes has become one of the most popular ways to get around Cambridge, the need for new stations is always increasing. Our long-term goal is for all people in Cambridge to have a Bluebikes station a few blocks or less from where they live, work, shop, or play and we want to hear where you think Bluebikes stations would be most beneficial. The City has launched this suggestion map to help us identify where there is the most demand for new Bluebikes stations. On the map you can select areas in Cambridge where you would like to see a new Bluebikes station, show support for that area by "hearting" it, and add a comment on why a new station there would be helpful. You may suggest as many locations as you would like.

Main Street Safety Improvement Project:

Through the Main Street Safety Improvement Project, the City will add separated bike lanes to Main Street between Massachusetts Avenue and Portland Street, creating a more-comfortable bike connection between the Port and Central Square. Fill out the comment form to let us know your thoughts. Also use this comment map to tell us safety concerns you have, what elements of the street you like, where it's important to keep parking and loading.

Your feedback is important, and we want to hear from your neighbors too! Please help us spread the word and get more people involved by sharing this information with your neighbors. Thank you for your time and involvement!

- The Port Infrastructure Project Team

Share your feedback about Shared Streets in The Port: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MNVP7J7

Share your feedback about Clement Morgan Parkhttps://www.surveymonkey.com/r/KTT6WKN

Construction Notice: Eversource Electric & Cambridge Public Works resuming on Harvard Street

This notice is to inform you that work will be resuming on Harvard Street, between Prospect Street and Portland Street. There are two separate projects which will be taking place:

Eversource Electric will be constructing new electrical conduits and manholes as part of an electric distribution upgrade.

Cambridge DPW contractor D'Allessandro Corp. will be replacing the water main (the majority of which is nearly 150 years old), and performing minor drainage construction. This work is part of the larger Port Infrastructure Project. This City work is being performed ahead of other Port Infrastructure work so that it can be more closely coordinated with the Eversource project. (As per prior communications, the bulk of the Port Infrastructure construction is expected to occur in the 2024-2027 time frame.)

What to expect during this construction:
• The DPW work expected to start in the Windsor to Prospect section, during the week of March 27. The Eversource work will begin in the Windsor to Portland section starting in early April.
• The Eversource work is expected to be completed in summer 2023.
• The DPW work is expected to be completed in fall 2023.
• Work will primarily occur during normal weekday hours of 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM
• Vehicle travel will be maintained on Harvard Street, but may need to be restricted to local abutters only at certain times, with "through" traffic being detoured. Please follow posted signs and the directions of on-site traffic officers.
• Pedestrian access and access to abutting properties will be maintained. Pedestrians should please follow posted signs which may direct them onto temporary walkways at times. All temporary walkways will be ADA accessible.
On-street parking spaces will be impacted during this work. Drivers should pay careful attention to parking restrictions, which will be posted at least 24 hours in advance.

Water Service Impacts
• The water main replacement will require a temporary "bypass" water main to be laid on the surface of the street, next to the curb. Individual building services will be temporarily connected to this bypass line.
• After the new underground main is completed and tested, water services will be connected to the new main. We will also be replacing any existing lead or other non-copper water services, all the way to the water meter inside the building, at no cost to water customers.
During this work it may be necessary to temporarily disconnect water services for a few daytime hours to facilitate upgrades to the water main. Any scheduled impacts to water service for direct abutters in this area will be communicated via separate notice.

For Information and Assistance During Construction
• The Eversource Electric work will be performed by their contractor Riley Brothers, Inc. and will be under the direct supervision of Eversource. Please contact Keith.Sonia@eversource.com (781) 720-9726 with questions or concerns. Cambridge DPW staff will also be on-site during this work and will be available to respond to questions and concerns.

• For the water and drainage work, Cambridge DPW and consultant staff will be on-site. Questions and concerns can be directed to on-site staff, or to Kristen Kelleher (see below).

For questions about The Port Infrastructure Improvements Project, please contact Kristen Kelleher, DPW Community Relations Manager at (617) 349-4825 or kkelleher@cambridgema.gov. More information about the project in general can be found at www.cambridgema.gov/ThePort

In case of a construction emergency, please call the Cambridge Public Works Department 24-hour hotline at 617-349-4800.

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding during this construction.



The Port Infrastructure Improvements Project - Virtual Open House Thursday, March 30, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.

Join us Thursday, March 30, 2023 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. for a Virtual Open House!

Register in advance here: tinyurl.com/PortProjectOpenHouse

What would you keep or change in Clement Morgan Park and the Paolillo Tot Lot? See our initial ideas and tell us what you think! Discuss ideas for improving the Park and Tot Lot.

See and talk about our designs for five shared streets*  
*Suffolk, Worcester, Pine, Eaton & Cherry streets

Can’t attend? Scan the QR code on the flyer below to view plans and share your feedback.

Questions or comments may be directed to: Jerry Friedman, Supervising Engineer, DPW at 617-349-9720 or jfriedman@cambridgema.gov

Read the information in EnglishEspañolPortuguês普通话Kreyòl Ayisyen or አማርኛ

Port Infrastructure Virtual Open House Flyer

Construction Notice: Utility upgrades along Suffolk Street

Dear Suffolk Street Neighbor:

This notice is to inform you of upcoming construction on Suffolk Street. On or about Monday, February 6th, The City’s contractor, Mattuchio Construction, will begin utility upgrades along Suffolk St. Work includes minor drainage modifications and installation of a new water line. This work is part of the Port Infrastructure Project but is being expedited to facilitate the redevelopment of the property at 116 Norfolk Street to create affordable housing.

Work will begin at Norfolk St. and work its way toward Columbia St. Work is expected to last approximately 4 weeks, weather permitting.

What to Expect During Construction:

  • Work hours will be 7 AM to 4 PM, Monday-Friday.
  • On-street parking spaces will be impacted during this work. Drivers should pay careful attention to parking restrictions, which will be posted at least 24 hours in advance.
  • Vehicle access in and out of properties will be maintained but may be restricted for short periods. If you need access and your driveway is blocked, please speak to a crew member on site and they will make accommodations for you.
  • Emergency vehicles will have access at all times.

Water Service Impacts:

  • After the new underground main is completed and tested, water services will be connected to the new main. We will also be replacing any existing lead or other non-copper water services, all the way to the water meter inside the building, at no cost to water customers.
  • During this work it may be necessary to temporarily disconnect water services for a few daytime hours to facilitate upgrades to the water main. Any scheduled impacts to water service for direct abutters in this area will be communicated via separate notice.

Information & Assistance:
For questions about The Port Infrastructure Improvements Project, please contact Kristen Kelleher, DPW Community Relations Manager at (617) 349-4825 or kkelleher@cambridgema.gov. More information about the project in general can be found at www.cambridgema.gov/ThePort

In case of a construction emergency, please call the Cambridge Public Works Department 24-hour hotline at 617-349-4800.

A summary of feedback we heard during the Street Design Open House in October is now available under the 'documents' tab.

The presentation shown at the Port Infrastructure Working Group Meeting on Wednesday, January 25, 2023 is now available under the 'documents' tab.

Join Us for a Street Design Open House Tuesday, October 25, 5:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

October 25 | 5:30-8pm
Community Art Center | 119 Windsor St., Cambridge

Attend our open house to share your thoughts and ideas about improving
streets and open spaces in The Port.

Presentations at 6pm and 7pm. Free pizza and kids’ activities will be provided

*Interpreters will be available at the event

port open house flyer

The Port Infrastructure Working Group Meeting -September 13, 11AM-1PM

Meeting link: https://cbuilding.zoom.us/j/83582106459

The next Working Group meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 13 11 AM - 1 PM (on Zoom). In the meeting we will cover:

  • Port Infrastructure Improvement Project updates
  • Updates on artist selection for the Port public art project (see brief info on the artist selected below)
  • Getting your feedback and planning for fall engagement with the community

Artist Selection

The selection committee for the Port public art project selected Marlon Forrester to be commissioned under the percent-for-art program. The Community Art Center and Cambridge Arts are partnering to implement the project that will respond to and be for the Port neighborhood. Marlon Forrester will work closely with Jack O’Hearn and the Public Art Teen Program at CAC to develop a design proposal with the students and then carry the project through design development, fabrication, and installation phases. He will begin working with the students at the start of their program in September. Marlon has had extensive experience working with youth and young adults on a daily basis. He has been teaching art to teens in the Boston Public Schools for a decade, among other teaching activities, while developing a strong artistic career. He was born in Guyana and grew up in Dorchester.

The Port Infrastructure Improvements Project - Cambridge DPW and Eversource Electric Construction on Harvard Street

This notice is to inform you of upcoming construction on Harvard Street, between Prospect Street and Portland Street. There are two separate projects which will be taking place:

  • Eversource Electric will be constructing new electrical conduits and manholes as part of an electric distribution upgrade. (The work also continues up Prospect Street to Somerville)
  • Cambridge DPW contractor D'Allessandro Corp. will be replacing the water main (the majority of which is nearly 150 years old), and performing minor drainage construction. This work is part of the larger Port Infrastructure Project. This City work is being performed ahead of other Port Infrastructure work so that it can be more closely coordinated with the Eversource project. (As per prior communications, the bulk of the Port Infrastructure construction is expected to occur in the late 2023-2026 time frame.)

What to expect during this construction:

  • The work is expected to start in the Windsor to Portland block, with the Eversource work starting in August 2022, followed by the DPW work in September.
  • The Eversource work is expected to be completed in late 2022/early 2023.
  • The DPW work is expected to be completed in fall 2023.
  • Work will occur during normal weekday hours of 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Vehicle travel will be maintained on Harvard Street, but may need to be restricted to local abutters only at certain times, with "through" traffic being detoured. Please follow posted signs and the directions of on-site traffic officers.
  • Pedestrian access and access to abutting properties will be maintained. Pedestrians should please follow posted signs which may direct them onto temporary walkways at times. All temporary walkways will be ADA accessible.
  • On-street parking spaces will be impacted during this work. Drivers should pay careful attention to parking restrictions, which will be posted at least 24 hours in advance.

Water Service Impacts

  • The water main replacement will require a temporary "bypass" water main to be laid on the surface of the street, next to the curb. Individual building services will be temporarily connected to this bypass line.
  • After the new underground main is completed and tested, water services will be connected to the new main. We will also be replacing any existing lead or other non-copper water services, all the way to the water meter inside the building, at no cost to water customers.
  • During this work it may be necessary to temporarily disconnect water services for a few daytime hours to facilitate upgrades to the water main. Any scheduled impacts to water service for direct abutters in this area will be communicated via separate notice.

For Information and Assistance During Construction

  • The Eversource Electric work will be performed by their contractor Riley Brothers, Inc. and will be under the direct supervision of Eversource. Please contact Keith.Sonia@eversource.com (781) 720-9726 with questions or concerns. Cambridge DPW staff will also be on-site during this work and will be available to respond to questions and concerns.
  • For the water and drainage work, Cambridge DPW and consultant staff will be on-site. Questions and concerns can be directed to on-site staff, or to Kate Riley (see below).

For questions about The Port Infrastructure Improvements Project, please contact Kate Riley, DPW Community Relations Manager at (617) 349-4870 or kriley@cambridgema.gov.

In case of a construction emergency, please call the Cambridge Public Works Department 24-hour hotline at 617-349-4800.

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding during this construction.

Join us for Arts in the Park - Saturday, June 25th 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.

Learn more about the project and enjoy free art activities, live music and food!

Flyer for Arts in the Park event 

The Port Infrastructure Improvements Project at The Port Arts Festival - 5/21 2 p.m. - 6 p.m.

Learn more about The Port Infrastructure Improvements Project at the Port Arts Festival! Come by our table to learn how we are working to make improvements to streets and sidewalks, water and sewer pipes, drainage and trees and open space in the neighborhood. Saturday, May 21, 2 p.m. - 6 p.m.

Port Arts Festival was established on June 15th, 2018 as an annual community-wide event. It is a celebration of the vibrancy of the Port community and of the families and neighbors who live here. Port Arts Fest is an opportunity to interact with our community through art-making, activities, music, and food. Three blocks of Windsor Street are closed down so that Community Art Center’s Teen Public Art Crew can paint the Port ground murals, and compete in Community Art Center’s annual Mural Masters competition. It will be a fun and festive day!

Community Pop-Up Event: Monday, May 9th, 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

We want to hear from you!
Monday, May 9th, 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

Pisani Center - 131 Washington St.

Outside in the Courtyard

The Port neighborhood is vulnerable to flooding. The Port Infrastructure Project will reduce flooding by replacing old pipes, installing new pipes and building underground storage tanks.

This project will also include improvements to:

  • Drainage
  • Water
  • Sewer
  • Street & Sidewalks
  • Trees & Open Space 

Join City staff to learn more about this project, find out about next steps, and share your feedback about street improvements.

The Port Neighborhood Walk - May 5th 6-7:7:30 p.m. Clement Morgan Park

Join City staff to share your feedback about improvements needed in The Port! We will be hosting a walking tour of the neighborhood, starting at Clement Morgan Park.

Can't join us, but still want to share feedback?

Take our survey or use our interactive map to point out areas that need attention.

The Port Infrastructure Working Group Neighborhood History Walk - May 16 6-7:30 p.m. Clement Morgan Park

Marian Darlington-Hope (our Working Group member!) will lead a walking tour highlighting the history of the Port. This is geared primarily towards the Working Group, but it is open to the public, like all Working Group meetings. We will meet at Clement Morgan Park.

Community Pop-Up Event: Wednesday, April 27, 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

We want to hear from you!
Wednesday, April 27, 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

Pisani Center - 131 Washington St.

Outside in the Courtyard

The Port neighborhood is vulnerable to flooding. The Port Infrastructure Project will reduce flooding by replacing old pipes, installing new pipes and building underground storage tanks.

This project will also include improvements to:

  • Drainage
  • Water
  • Sewer
  • Street & Sidewalks
  • Trees & Open Space 

Join City staff to learn more about this project, find out about next steps, and share your feedback about street improvements.

Presentation now available to view

The presentation that will be given as part of the community meeting on Thursday, March 31st is now available to view. If you would like to submit a question in advance of the meeting, please email Kate Riley, kriley@cambridgema.gov

To register in advance for this webinar:

To view this on full screen, please click "Watch on YouTube".

Community Meeting Notice - Thursday, 3/31/2022, 6-7:30 p.m.

The Port neighborhood is vulnerable to flooding. The Port Infrastructure Project will reduce flooding by replacing old pipes, installing new pipes and building underground storage tanks.
This project will also include improvements to:
  • Drainage
  • Water
  • Sewer
  • Street & Sidewalks
  • Trees & Open Space
Join City staff to learn more about this project, find out about next steps, and share your feedback about street improvements.
Thursday, March 31, 6 - 7:30 p.m.
Register in advance for this webinar:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
We hope you can attend. We value feedback from residents and businesses.

For more information about the project visit cambridgema.gov/theport

Construction Update - 3/15/2022- Field Investigations in Various Streets

A City of Cambridge contractor will be excavating test pits on various streets in The Port neighborhood beginning on or about March 21, 2022 and continuing for approximately two weeks. This activity is necessary to support the ongoing design that the City is doing for The Port Infrastructure Project and will temporarily impact street operations and parking.

What is the Port Infrastructure Project?

The project consists of over $35 million in improvements to sewer, drainage, water, street, sidewalk, and open space infrastructure in The Port. The neighborhood is vulnerable to flooding, and the risk of flooding is increasing, due to the increasing frequency of short, very intense, rainstorms in this part of the country. This Project will reduce the frequency and severity of stormwater flooding and sewer backups in the neighborhood. More complete project information may be found at www.cambridgema.gov/theworks/theport.

What should I expect during this work?

  • Work will begin on or about Monday, March 21 and continue for approximately two weeks. Work hours will be Monday-Friday, 7 AM – 4 PM.
  • The work consists of excavating test pits in streets and sidewalks. The purpose of the test pits is to confirm the location of existing underground utilities. Obtaining this more accurate information will allow our design team to plan for the future installation of new utilities on these streets. See accompanying map for the approximate locations of the test pits.
  • There will be noise from the operations, as the use of heavy equipment is involved.
  • “No Parking” signs will be posted 48-hours in advance. Please be sure to check dates and times.
  • Vehicle traffic and accessible pedestrian access will be maintained at all times.
  • Emergency vehicles and city services such as trash collection will have access at all times.


If you have any questions about this upcoming work, or if you need assistance, including if you have any special needs or disabilities that require special accommodations, please contact Kate Riley, DPW Community Relations Manager at (617) 349-4870 or kriley@cambridgema.gov.

For after-work hours emergencies, call the Department of Public Works hotline at 617-349-4800.

Map of locations where test pits will be performed

Working Group Meeting, Friday, March 18th 9-11 a.m.

A working group of resident volunteers has been selected to help guide the Port Infrastructure Project.

The group will advise on key issues related to the planning and design for this important project.

The group will meet regularly over the next 12-18 months. Meeting are open to the public. The next meeting is Friday, March 18th, 9-11 a.m.

Join this meeting at:

For more information about the project, please visit the project page.

Brochure Translations Available on Documents Tab

The Port Logo Brochure Cover

Construction Notice- Manhole Investigations in Various Streets

We wanted to inform you of some upcoming engineering activities which will be taking place in streets in The Port over the next 1-2 weeks. These activities are necessary to support the ongoing design that the City is doing for The Port Infrastructure Project, and will temporarily impact street operations and parking.

What is the Port Infrastructure Project?

The project consists of over $35 million in improvements to sewer, drainage, water, street, sidewalk, and open space infrastructure in The Port.   The neighborhood is vulnerable to flooding and the City’s assessment of climate change has shown that the risk of flooding is increasing, due to the increasing frequency of short, very intense, rainstorms in this part of the country.  This Project will reduce the frequency and severity of stormwater flooding and sewer backups in the neighborhood.   The Project includes the work that was completed in 2021 along Bishop Allen Drive and in the City’s Parking Lot #6.  More complete project information may be found at  www.cambridgema.gov/theworks/theport.

What will be happening over the next 1-2 weeks and where?

As part of the design process for the next phase of the Project, engineers will be opening and inspecting drain and sewer manholes in a number of locations. A truck-mounted high pressure jet machine will be used to clean sewer and stormwater pipes prior to an internal inspection conducted with a specially designed robotic camera.  The purpose of these investigations is to obtain confirmation of how existing sewers and drains are routed, and to assess physical conditions of this infrastructure.

Work will begin on or about March 7 and continue for approximately 1-2 weeks.  Work hours will be Monday-Friday, 7 AM – 4 PM.  For the safety of the engineers and the public, traffic will be diverted around the manhole work areas, and some existing parking and loading spaces will be temporarily impacted. We recognize that a number of these locations are narrow, dead-end streets and we will work to minimize impacts to individual abutters.  We expect that impacts at each specific location will be one or two days only.

Locations (note: only 1 or 2 locations will be impacted at a time)

Ashburton Place

Boardman Street

Cherry Court

Columbia Terrace

Elm Street (Harvard to Broadway)

Fisk Place

Harvard Street (Windsor to Portland)

Lamson Place

Marvin Place

Norfolk Place

Norfolk Terrace

Percy Place

Renz Way

Rumeal Robinson Way

Scouting Way

Windsor Street (Harvard to Broadway_

Washington Court

What else should i know?

  • “No Parking” signs will be posted 48-hours in advance. Please be sure to check dates and times.


  • We will attempt to maintain normal vehicle and bicycle access during this work.However, some of the subject streets are narrow, and it may be necessary at times to restrict access to “local traffic only” or to allow access from one end of the street only.


  • Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times. If individual sidewalks need to be closed, please follow posted detour and crossing routes.


  • Emergency vehicles and city services such as trash collection will have access at all times.

If you have any questions about this upcoming investigation work, or the future phases of the Port Infrastructure Improvement Project, or if you need assistance, including if you have any special needs or disabilities that require special accommodations, please contact Kate Riley, DPW Community Relations Manager at 617-349-4870 or kriley@cambridgema.gov.

For after-work hours emergencies, call the Department of Public Works hotline at 617-349-4800.

Construction Notice- Eversource Gas Construction on Columbia St. 

Eversource Gas will be performing gas main replacement on Columbia Street between Bishop Allen Drive and Washington Street beginning on or about January 3, 2022.   This work is being performed in advance of the City’s Port Infrastructure Project, which is currently in the design and community engagement phase, with construction expected to commence in late 2022 / early 2023.

The purpose of this work is to ensure that the gas infrastructure in The Port will be in good condition for years to come, and includes:

  • Replacement of existing obsolete gas mains which are now more than 100 years old.
  • Replacement of those abutter gas services which consist of older pipe materials.

What to expect during this construction:

  • Work will occur during normal weekday hours of 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Vehicle travel will be maintained on Columbia Street, but may require alternating one-way operations at certain times. Please follow the directions of on-site traffic officers.
  • Pedestrian access and access to abutting properties, including Clement Morgan Park, will be maintained. Pedestrians should please follow posted signs which may direct them onto temporary walkways at times. All temporary walkways will be ADA accessible.
  • On-street parking spaces will be impacted during this work. Drivers should pay careful attention to parking restrictions, which will be posted at least 24 hours in advance.

Eversource Customer Information

If your home or business is located directly on Columbia Street, you will receive a separate letter from Eversource with additional details on temporary impacts to your gas service, replacement of customer gas service pipes and meters, how to obtain new gas service, and similar related matters.

For Information and Assistance During Construction

This work is being performed by Eversource Gas and their contractors and will be under the direct supervision of Eversource.  Please refer to the letter you will receive from Eversource for contact information for the Eversource Construction Supervisor.

Cambridge DPW staff will also be on-site during this work and will be available to respond to questions and concerns.  

If you have any questions about this upcoming investigation work, or the future phases of the Port Infrastructure Improvement Project, or if you need assistance, including if you have any special needs or disabilities that require special accommodations, please contact Kate Riley, DPW Community Relations Manager at 617-349-4870 or kriley@cambridgema.gov.

For after-work hours emergencies, call the Department of Public Works hotline at 617-349-4800.

The Port Infrastructure Working Group Meeting #4 - Wednesday, January 12th, 9AM-11AM

A working group of resident volunteers has been selected to help guide the Port Infrastructure Project.

The group will advise on key issues related to the planning and design for this important project.

The group will meet regularly over the next 12-18 months. Meeting are open to the public. 

Join this meeting at:


The Port Infrastructure Working Group Meeting #3 - Wednesday, November 17th, 9:30AM-11:30AM

A working group of resident volunteers has been selected to help guide the Port Infrastructure Project.

The group will advise on key issues related to the planning and design for this important project.

The group will meet regularly over the next 12-18 months. Meeting are open to the public. The next meeting is Wednesday, November 17th, 9:30AM-11:30AM.

Join this meeting at:

For more information about the project, please visit the project page.

The Port Infrastructure Improvement Project - Field Investigations in Windsor Street

A City of Cambridge contractor will be performing subsurface soil borings on Windsor Street between School Street and Washington Street during the week of October 25, 2021. This activity is necessary to support the ongoing design that the City is doing for The Port Infrastructure Project and will temporarily impact street operations and parking.


The project consists of over $35 million in improvements to sewer, drainage, water, street, sidewalk, and open space infrastructure in The Port. The neighborhood is vulnerable to flooding, and the risk of flooding is increasing, due to the increasing frequency of short, very intense, rainstorms in this part of the country. This Project will reduce the frequency and severity of stormwater flooding and sewer backups in the neighborhood. More complete project information may be found at www.cambridgema.gov/theworks/theport.


· Work will begin on or about October 25 and continue through November 4. Work hours will be Monday-Friday, 7 AM – 4 PM

· Soil borings will be performed using a truck-mounted drill rig. Locations have been selected to give the best representation of underground conditions while minimizing traffic and parking disruptions. However, "No Parking" areas will still be designated in order to allow the street to remain open to traffic.

· There will be noise from the operations, as the use of heavy equipment is involved.

· “No Parking” signs will be posted 48-hours in advance. Please be sure to check dates and times.

· Vehicle traffic and accessible pedestrian access will be maintained at all times.

· Emergency vehicles and city services such as trash collection will have access at all times.


If you have any questions about this upcoming work, or if you need assistance, including if you have any special needs or disabilities that require special accommodations, please contact Kate Riley, DPW Community Relations Manager at (617) 349-4870 or kriley@cambridgema.gov.

For after-work hours emergencies, call the Department of Public Works hotline at 617-349-4800.

The Port Infrastructure Working Group Meeting 9/28 9:30AM-11:30AM

A working group of resident volunteers has been selected to help guide the Port Infrastructure Project.

The group will advise on key issues related to the planning and design for this important project.

The group will meet regularly over the next 12-18 months. Meeting are open to the public. The next meeting is Tuesday, September 28, 2021.

Register in advance for this webinar:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

For more information about the project, please visit the "The Port Working Group" tab of the project page. 

Eversource Gas Construction Beginning on or about 9/1

Eversource Gas will be performing gas main replacement on Columbia Street between Bishop Allen Drive and Harvard Street beginning on or about September 1, 2021 and continuing for several months.  

This work is being performed in advance of the City’s Port Infrastructure Project, which is currently in the design and community engagement phase, with construction expected to commence in late 2022 / early 2023.

The purpose of this work is to ensure that the gas infrastructure in The Port will be in good condition for years to come, and includes:

  • Replacement of existing obsolete gas mains which are now more than 100 years old.
  • Replacement of those abutter gas services which consist of older pipe materials. 

What to expect during this construction:

  • Work will occur during normal weekday hours of 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Two-way travel will be maintained on Columbia Street, but may require alternating one-way operations at certain times. Please follow the directions of on-site traffic officers.
  • Pedestrian access and access to abutting properties will be maintained. Pedestrians should please follow posted signs which may direct them onto temporary walkways at times.  All temporary walkways will be ADA accessible.
  • On-street parking spaces will be impacted during this work. Drivers should pay careful attention to parking restrictions, which will be posted at least 24 hours in advance.  

Eversource Customer Information

If your home or business is located directly on Columbia Street, you will receive a separate letter from Eversource with additional details on temporary impacts to your gas service, replacement of customer gas service pipes and meters, how to obtain new gas service, and similar related matters.

For Information and Assistance During Construction

This work is being performed by Eversource Gas and their contractors and will be under the direct supervision of Eversource.  Please refer to the letter you will receive from Eversource for contact information for the Eversource Construction Supervisor.

Cambridge DPW staff will also be on-site during this work and will be available to respond to questions and concerns.  

For questions about The Port Infrastructure Improvements Project, please contact Kate Riley, DPW Community Relations Manager at (617) 349-4870 or kriley@cambridgema.gov.  More information about the project in general can be found at www.cambridgema.gov/ThePort

In case of a construction emergency, please call the Cambridge Public Works Department 24-hour hotline at 617-349-4800. 

The Port Infrastructure Improvement Project - Field Investigations In Columbia Street

A City of Cambridge contractor will be excavating test pits on Columbia Street between Bishop Allen Drive and Washington Street during the week of August 2, 2021. This activity is necessary to support the ongoing design that the City is doing for The Port Infrastructure Project and will temporarily impact street operations and parking.

The project consists of over $35 million in improvements to sewer, drainage, water, street, sidewalk, and open space infrastructure in The Port. The neighborhood is vulnerable to flooding, and the risk of flooding is increasing, due to the increasing frequency of short, very intense, rainstorms in this part of the country. This Project will reduce the frequency and severity of stormwater flooding and sewer backups in the neighborhood. More complete project information may be found at www.cambridgema.gov/theworks/theport.


Work will begin on or about Monday, August 2 and continue for approximately one week. Work hours will be Monday-Friday, 7 AM – 4 PM

•The work consists of excavating test pits in 4-6 locations along the west curb. The purpose of the test pits is to confirm the location of existing underground telephone cables. Obtaining this more accurate information will allow our design team to plan for the future installation of new utilities in this section of Columbia Street.

•There will be noise from the operations, as the use of heavy equipment is involved.

•“No Parking” signs will be posted 48-hours in advance. Please be sure to check dates and times.

•Vehicle traffic and accessible pedestrian access will be maintained at all times.

•Emergency vehicles and city services such as trash collection will have access at all times.


If you have any questions about this upcoming work, or if you need assistance, including if you have any special needs or disabilities that require special accommodations, please contact Kate Riley, DPW Community Relations Manager at (617) 349-4870 or kriley@cambridgema.gov.

For after-work hours emergencies, call the Department of Public Works hotline at 617-349-4800.

The Port Infrastructure Working Group Meeting - July 27, 2021 5PM-6:45PM

The Port Infrastructure Working Group will be having a neighborhood walk as part of the next working group meeting. The meeting will take place at Clement Morgan Park. 

The Port Infrastructure Working Group Meeting - June 16, 2021 10AM-12PM

A working group of resident volunteers has been selected to help guide the Port Infrastructure Project. The group will advise on key issues related to the planning and design for this important project. 

The group will meet regularly over the next 12-18 months. Meeting are open to the public. The first meeting is Wednesday, June 16th from 10AM-12PM.

Register in advance for this webinar:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

The agenda for this meeting can be found on the "Documents" tab. 

For more information about The Working Group, please visit "The Working Group" tab. 

Eversource Gas Construction - Eaton Street / Cherry Street

Eversource Gas will be performing gas main replacement and realignment beginning on or about May 3, 2021 and continuing for several weeks.   This work is being performed in advance of the City’s Port Infrastructure Project, which is currently in the design and community engagement phase, with construction expected to commence in late 2022 / early 2023.

This work will ensure that the gas infrastructure in The Port will be in good condition for years to come, and includes:

  • Replacement of existing obsolete gas mains which are now more than 100 years old.
  • Replacement of those abutter gas services which consist of older pipe materials.

The approximate limits of the Eversource work are as follows:

  • Eaton Street between Pine Street and Cherry Street
  • Cherry Street between Eaton Street and Cherry Court

What to expect during this construction:

  • Work will occur during normal weekday hours of 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Traffic will be maintained on Eaton and Cherry streets. The narrow width of Eaton Street may require alternating one-way traffic at certain times. Please follow the directions of on-site crew and traffic officers.
  • Pedestrian access and access to abutting properties will be maintained.Pedestrians should follow posted signs which may direct them onto temporary walkways at times. All temporary walkways will be ADA accessible.
  • On-street parking spaces will be impacted during this work.Drivers should pay careful attention to parking restrictions, which will be posted at least 24 hours in advance.

Eversource Customer Information

If your home or business is located directly on the subject streets, you will receive a separate letter from Eversource with additional details on temporary impacts to your gas service, replacement of customer gas service pipes and meters, how to obtain new gas service, and similar related matters.

For Information and Assistance During Construction

This work is being performed by Eversource Gas and their contractors and will be under the direct supervision of Eversource.  Please refer to the letter you will receive from Eversource for contact information for the Eversource Construction Supervisor.

Cambridge DPW staff will also be on-site during this work and will be available to respond to questions and concerns.  

For questions about The Port Infrastructure Improvements Project, please contact Kate Riley, Community Relations Manager, 617-349-4870 / kriley@cambridgema.gov, www.cambridgema.gov/ThePort.

In case of a construction emergency, please call the Cambridge Public Works Department 24-hour hotline at 617-349-4800. 

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding during this construction. 

The Port - PL 6 Storm Water Tank Project - Paving of Columbia Street and Bishop Allen Drive

We are pleased to announce that as part of completion of the City’s PL6 Stormwater Tank Project, final paving of Bishop Allen Drive and “lower” Columbia Street, as well as an interim maintenance paving of an additional segment of Columbia Street, is planned for the period of April 28- May 7, 2021 (Please note these dates are weather dependent).

What to expect during construction

  • Paving limits are:
         o Bishop Allen Drive between Douglass Street and Columbia Street (final paving)
         o Columbia Street between Main Street and Bishop Allen Drive (final paving)
         o Columbia Street between Bishop Allen Drive and Broadway (interim grinding and paving to restore road surface until the next phase of Port Infrastructure construction in upcoming years)
  • Work will occur during normal construction hours, Monday-Friday 7 AM – 4 PM possibly Saturday May 1, 9 AM – 4 PM.
  • During this work there will be times when parking is prohibited. “No Parking” signs will be posted at least 24 hours in advance of construction. Please be sure to check posted signs for exact dates and times. 
  • Impacted streets will generally be available for 2-way travel, but there will be periods when the road will operate with alternating 1-way traffic under police officer control, or closed to all traffic. Delays should be expected. 
  • Pedestrian sidewalks will remain open on both sides of the street. 
  • Temporary paint pavement markings will be placed after this operation, with final thermoplastic markings following several weeks later.

For Information and Assistance During Construction

If you have any questions about the construction work or need assistance, including if you have any special needs or disabilities that require special accommodations, please contact Kate Riley, DPW Community Relations Manager at (617) 349-4870 or kriley@cambridgema.gov. More information about the project in general can be found at www.cambridgema.gov/theworks/theport.

In case of a construction emergency, please call the Cambridge Public Works Department 24-hour hotline at 617-349-4800.

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding during this construction.

The Port Infrastructure Improvement Project - Manhole investigations in various streets

We wanted to inform you of some upcoming engineering activities which will be taking place in streets in The Port over the next few weeks. These activities are necessary to support the ongoing design that the City is doing for The Port Infrastructure Project, and will temporarily impact street operations and parking.

The project consists of over $35 million in improvements to sewer, drainage, water, street, sidewalk, and open space infrastructure in The Port. The neighborhood is vulnerable to flooding and the City’s assessment of climate change has shown that the risk of flooding is increasing, due to the increasing frequency of short, very intense, rainstorms in this part of the country. This Project will reduce the frequency and severity of stormwater flooding and sewer backups in the neighborhood. The Project includes the work that has been ongoing since 2018 along Bishop Allen Drive and in the City’s Parking Lot #6. More complete project information may be found at www.cambridgema.gov/theworks/theport.

As part of the design process for the next phase of the Project, engineers will be opening and inspecting drain and sewer manholes in a number of locations. The purpose of these investigations is to obtain confirmation of how existing sewers and drains are routed, and to assess physical conditions of this infrastructure. Work will begin on or about October 19 and continue for approximately 4 weeks. Work hours will be Monday-Friday, 7 AM – 4 PM. For the safety of the engineers and the public, traffic will be diverted around the manhole work areas, and some existing parking and loading spaces will be temporarily impacted.

Locations (note that work will only occur at one location at a time):

  • Bishop Allen @ Essex Street
  • Harvard Street, East of Essex Street
  • Main Street @ Portland Street
  • School Street @ Pine Street
  • Washington Street @ Portland Street
  • Washington Street @ Columbia Street
  • Washington Street @ Cherry Street
  • Washington Street @ Pine Street
  • #107 Washington Street
  • Windsor Street @ School Street


  • “No Parking” signs will be posted 48-hours in advance. Please be sure to check dates and times.
  • We will attempt to maintain normal vehicle and bicycle access during this work. However, some of the subject streets are narrow, and it may be necessary at times to restrict access to “local traffic only” or to allow access from one end of the street only.
  • Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times. If individual sidewalks need to be closed, please follow posted detour and crossing routes.
  • Emergency vehicles and city services such as trash collection will have access at all times.


Please help us spread the word and get input for The Port project by encouraging your friends and neighbors to sign up for updates at www.cambridgema.gov/theworks/theport.

If you have any questions about this upcoming investigation work, or the future phases of the Port Infrastructure Improvement Project, or if you need assistance, including if you have any special needs or disabilities that require special accommodations, please contact Kate Riley, DPW Community Relations Manager at (617) 349-4870 or kriley@cambridgema.gov.

For after-work hours emergencies, call the Department of Public Works hotline at 617-349-4800.

The Port Infrastructure Improvement Project Brochures Sent to Neighborhood

Brochures describing the project including work that has been completed so far and upcoming work were recently sent to the neighborhood. To view this brochure in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Haitian Creole and Mandarin, click on the "Documents" tab of this page. 

Please note: the field investigations work slated to begin the week of 9/28 will now take place the week of 10/5.

The Port Infrastructure Improvement Project - Field investigations in Washington Street

A City of Cambridge contractor will be performing subsurface soil borings on Washington Street between Windsor Street and Portland Street during the week of September 28, 2020. This activity is necessary to support the ongoing design that the City is doing for The Port Infrastructure Project and will temporarily impact street operations and parking.

The project consists of over $35 million in improvements to sewer, drainage, water, street, sidewalk, and open space infrastructure in The Port. The neighborhood is vulnerable to flooding, and the risk of flooding is increasing, due to the increasing frequency of short, very intense, rainstorms in this part of the country. This Project will reduce the frequency and severity of stormwater flooding and sewer backups in the neighborhood. More complete project information may be found at www.cambridgema.gov/theworks/theport.


  • Work will begin on or about September 28 and continue through October 2. Work hours will be Monday-Friday, 7 AM – 4 PM
  • Soil borings will be performed using a truck-mounted drill rig. Locations have been selected to give the best representation of underground conditions while minimizing traffic and parking disruptions. However, "No Parking" areas will still be designated in order to allow the street to remain open to traffic.
  • There will be noise from the operations, as the use of heavy equipment is involved.

  • “No Parking” signs will be posted 48-hours in advance. Please be sure to check dates and times.
  • Vehicle traffic and accessible pedestrian access will be maintained at all times.

  • Emergency vehicles and city services such as trash collection will have access at all times.


If you have any questions about this upcoming work, or if you need assistance, including if you have any special needs or disabilities that require special accommodations, please contact Kate Riley, DPW Community Relations Manager at (617) 349-4870 or kriley@cambridgema.gov.

For after-work hours emergencies, call the Department of Public Works hotline at 617-349-4800.

The Port Infrastructure Improvement Project - Mass Ave Final Paving

We are pleased to announce that as part of completion of both the City’s PL6 Stormwater Tank Project, and the adjacent Market Central project, final grinding and paving of Massachusetts Avenue is planned for September 23-24-25, 2020 (Please note these dates are weather dependent).

What to expect during construction

  • Paving limits are Massachusetts Avenue between Douglass Street and Sidney Street.
  • In order to minimize disruption to travelers, maximize safety, and complete the work as quickly as possible, work will begin in the early morning hours (approx. 4 AM). The Contractor has obtained a Special Noise Variance for these early work hours.
  • During this 3-day period, there will be “No Parking” allowed in this block of Massachusetts Avenue. “No Parking” signs will be posted at least 24 hours in advance of construction. Please be sure to check posted signs for exact dates and times. 
  • Massachusetts Avenue will be available for 2-way travel, but there will be periods when the road will operate with alternating 1-way traffic under police officer control. Delays should be expected. 
  • Westbound bicycles should use the new separated bicycle lane, which will be fully open before the start of this paving operation. Eastbound bicycles should continue to use the roadway, and should follow signs, markings, and the directions of on-site staff.
  • Pedestrian sidewalks will remain open on both sides of the street.
  • Temporary paint pavement markings will be placed after this operation, with final thermoplastic markings following several weeks later.

For Information and Assistance During Construction
If you have any questions about the construction work or need assistance, including if you have any special needs or disabilities that require special accommodations, please contact Kate Riley, DPW Community Relations Manager at (617) 349-4870 or kriley@cambridgema.gov. More information about the project in general can be found at www.cambridgema.gov/theworks/theport.

In case of a construction emergency, please call the Cambridge Public Works Department 24-hour hotline at 617-349-4800.

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding during this construction.

Upcoming Work on Norfolk St. 

Beginning approximately Wednesday, August 26, 2020, the City’s contractor for the Port Infrastructure Project, Skanska Civil USA, will be performing relocation of a sanitary sewer service pipe near the intersection of Norfolk Street, Norfolk Terrace, and Suffolk Street.  The work is expected to be completed by Friday August 28.

What to expect during construction

  • General work hours will be from 7AM to 4PM, Monday through Friday.


  • During work hours, it is expected that Norfolk Street will continue to be open to traffic, however several parking spaces will be impacted.


  • “No Parking” signs, as needed to facilitate the work or traffic flow, will be posted at least 24 hours in advance of construction. Please be sure to check posted signs for exact dates and times.


  • Police officers will be on hand at the work site to assist with pedestrian and traffic flow as needed.

For Information and Assistance During Construction

If you have any questions about the construction work or need assistance, including if you have any special needs or disabilities that require special accommodations, please contact Kate Riley, DPW Community Relations Manager at (617) 349-4870 or kriley@cambridgema./gov.  More information about the project in general can be found at www.cambridgema.gov/theworks/theport.

In case of a construction emergency, please call the Cambridge Public Works Department 24-hour hotline at 617-349-4800. 

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding during this construction. 

The Port Infrastructure Working Group - Applications for advisory board now being accepted

To learn more about the Port Infrastructure Working Group and how to apply to serve, please see this press release

Field investigations to take place in Columbia/ Pine/ Cherry/ Windsor Streets as part of the Port Infrastructure Improvement Project beginning 6/29

Dear Neighbor,

We wanted to inform you of some upcoming engineering activities which will be taking place in streets in The Port over the next few weeks. These activities are necessary to support the ongoing design that the City is doing for The Port Infrastructure Project, and will temporarily impact street operations and parking.

The project consists of over $35 million in improvements to sewer, drainage, water, street, sidewalk, and open space infrastructure in The Port. The neighborhood is vulnerable to flooding and the City’s assessment of climate change has shown that the risk of flooding is increasing, due to the increasing frequency of short, very intense, rainstorms in this part of the country. This Project will reduce the frequency and severity of stormwater flooding and sewer backups in the neighborhood. The Project includes the work that has been ongoing since 2018 along Bishop Allen Drive and in the City’s Parking Lot #6. More complete project information may be found at www.cambridgema.gov/theworks/theport.


As part of the design process for the next phase of the Project, engineers will begin field work which will include soil borings and utility inspections. The purpose of these investigations is to obtain existing pavement, utility, and soil/groundwater conditions. Work will begin on or about June 29 and continue for approximately 2-3 weeks. Work hours will be Monday-Friday, 7 AM – 4 PM

  • Soil Borings: Residents will notice utility markouts in the area and should be aware of “No Parking” signs. Soil borings will be performed using a truck-mounted drill rig. Locations have been selected in areas that will give the best representation of underground conditions while minimizing traffic and parking disruptions where possible. However, "No Parking" areas will still be designated when required to allow the street to remain open to traffic. 
  • Utility Inspections: A truck-mounted high pressure jet machine will be used to clean sewer and stormwater pipes prior to an internal inspection conducted with a specially designed robotic camera. Depending on the location of the access manholes in the streets, it may be necessary to post “No Parking” signs during these operations in order to maintain traffic operations on the street. 
  • Locations: Columbia Street (Bishop Allen to Harvard) / Cherry Street (Main to Harvard) / Pine Street (School to Harvard) / Windsor Street (Main to Harvard)


  • There will be noise from the operations, as the use of heavy equipment is involved. We are not expecting large amounts of dust to be generated, and the on-site Engineer will be responsible for controlling this.
  • “No Parking” signs will be posted 48-hours in advance. Please be sure to check dates and times.
  • We will attempt to maintain normal vehicle and bicycle access during this work. However, some of the subject streets are narrow, and it may be necessary at times to restrict access to “local traffic only” or to allow access from one end of the street only.
  • Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times. If individual sidewalks need to be closed, please follow posted detour and crossing routes. 
  • Emergency vehicles and city services such as trash collection will have access at all times.


    No. This is a very limited operation which will help us design the future utilities and roadway improvements. The construction itself will begin near the start of 2022, and a detailed community engagement process will be starting up in the Fall of 2020.


    Please help us spread the word and get input for The Port project by encouraging your friends and neighbors to sign up for updates at www.cambridgema.gov/theworks/theport.

    If you have any questions about this upcoming investigation work, or the future phases of the Port Infrastructure Improvement Project, or if you need assistance, including if you have any special needs or disabilities that require special accommodations, please contact Kate Riley, DPW Community Relations Manager at (617) 349-4870 or kriley@cambridgema.gov.

    For after-work hours emergencies, call the Department of Public Works hotline at 617-349-4800.

Field Investigations taking place in Morgan Park from 6/15-6/30 (approximate) as part of the Port Infrastructure Improvement Project

What is happening in the park and for how long?

  • City engineers will be boring into the ground in different locations to extract soil samples.
  • Each boring hole is just a few inches wide and will be restored to a safe condition after the work is done.
  • Some borings will be in the basketball court at the edges.

Can I still use the park?

Yes, crews will be at one location at a time. For safety reasons, some areas will not be accessible while work is being performed. Please take note of posted signs as these areas will change daily.

Is this the start of the underground tank construction that I’ve heard about?

No, this is a limited operation which will help us design the tanks. The construction itself will begin in 2022. A community engagement process will begin in Fall 2020.


Contact Kate Riley, Community Relations Manager at 617-349-4800 / kriley@cambridgema.gov.

Picture of machine used to collect soil samples

The Port Infrastructure Improvement Project Update

We are pleased to provide this update on the status of the City’s Port Infrastructure Project. This project consists of over $35 million in improvements to sewer, drainage, water, street, sidewalk, and open space infrastructure in The Port.

The neighborhood is vulnerable to flooding and the City’s assessment of climate change has shown that the risk of flooding is increasing, due to the increasing frequency of short, very intense, rainstorms in this part of the country.

This Project will reduce the frequency and severity of stormwater flooding and sewer backups in the neighborhood.

What are the major elements of the project?

Utility ImprovementsPL6 Stormwater Tank: Stormwater tank at Parking Lot 6 (PL6) off of Bishop Allen Drive, currently under construction. Clement Morgan Tanks: Two tanks in Clement Morgan Park, in the area of the basketball court. Reconstruct sewer, drain and water pipes in the neighborhood. Work with private utility companies like Eversource Gas to upgrade their infrastructure. Complete Streets Opportunity to do more than simply reconstruct the streets and sidewalks; making them accessible. Working with the community, we can also incorporate street trees, green infrastructure, traffic calming, improved lighting, street furniture including seating and play elements, Opportunity to enhance Clement Morgan Park.

What is the status of the project?

The construction is occurring in two major phases. Phase 1 – PL6 Stormwater Tank (Yellow on the map): This first phase included the construction of an underground 390,000 gallon storage tank and pump station, located beneath a portion of the City’s Parking Lot 6 on Bishop Allen Drive. The $20 million project began in August 2018 and required the construction of a utility tunnel beneath the MBTA Red Line to connect the tank to the existing Mass. Ave. storm drain. The final portion of this project, now under way, consists of utility work on Columbia Street between Bishop Allen Drive and Main Street. Phase 1 will be substantially complete in the Fall of 2020. This will result in decreased flooding in the Port during heavy rainstorms. Phase 2 – Morgan Tanks and Complete Streets (Green and Purple on the map): This phase will include the construction of two underground tanks at Clement Morgan Park, as well as utilities, streets and sidewalks on a number of streets as shown below. The design of Phase 2 is just beginning and will extend throughout the remainder of 2020 and until the Fall of 2021. The construction of Phase 2 will begin early in 2022, and is anticipated to extend to the Fall of 2024.

How will the community be engaged?

The City is committed to working collaboratively with the community on the design of the streets, sidewalks, and open space elements. In the Fall of 2020, we will be forming a project advisory committee, which will include local residents, business representatives, and community leaders. We will be issuing formal notices regarding this committee later this summer, but if you are already potentially interested in serving on this committee, please contact Kate Riley, Community Relations Manager at kriley@cambridgema.gov. In addition to the advisory committee, we will hold a number of open public meetings throughout the design process and will also participate in less formal community events to get input on the project in a variety of ways. We are seeking as much community input as possible around important questions including: The basketball court at Morgan Park will be reconstructed as part of the project. How can we relocate the basketball court – a critical community resource – during construction? What changes would neighbors like to see as streets and sidewalks are reconstructed, including additional landscape, trees, green infrastructure, crosswalk improvements, traffic calming elements, seating, lighting, artwork? Should changes be made to the design of Clement Morgan Park as part of the project?

What to expect over the next few months:

There are some upcoming data collection activities that you may notice occurring throughout the Project Area. We will try and make these as minimally disruptive as possible. These activities include:

Soil Borings: You may notice soil drilling rigs in Clement Morgan Park during the period June 15 – June 26. This sampling is required for the design of the underground tanks.
Topographic survey: You may notice survey crews in the public streets and sidewalks, and opening manhole covers. This helps us complete the mapping necessary to design the project.
Pipeline inspection and cleaning: You may notice trucks parked near various manholes throughout the neighborhood. These crews are performing video inspections of underground pipes, which provides information on internal conditions and connections from buildings.

These activities will support the upcoming community design process, which will kick off more formally in the fall.

Map of construction areas in The Port

The follow email was sent on May 28, 2020

Dear Neighbor,


On March 18th, Cambridge issued a Temporary Emergency Construction Moratorium to limit construction in the City to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.   Last week, the City issued an Amended Temporary Emergency Construction Order to allow construction to restart in a phased approach in the coming weeks.   


What does this mean for construction in my neighborhood?


Beginning this week, you may start to see some construction activity related to site safety preparations, including installation of hand wash stations and other site modifications related to COVID-19 safety precautions. Beginning June 1st, you may start to see increased activity on your street related to the re-starting of construction. We will be in touch via additional notices with a schedule and information specific to the project on your street.


Residents should be aware that No Parking signs will start to appear in relation to construction activity. Contractors will make every effort to provide 48-hours’ notice, but please check the street frequently.


Help Us Spread the Word!

We will not be distributing paper notices to each location at this time. Please encourage your neighbors to sign up to receive email notifications about projects around the City at cambridgema.gov/subscribe.

COVID-19 Control Plan for Construction:

In addition to the stringent safety guidelines required by the State, all contractors will need to submit to the Inspectional Services Department or Department of Public Works, as appropriate, a COVID-19 Control Plan for Cambridge on permitted projects. This plan will require:

  •  A cleaning and decontamination checklist; The number of workers expected on the job site; and
  •  No non-essential personnel may be present at the worksite.
  •  Additionally, contractors will be encouraged, and in some cases required, to conduct a site-specific risk analysis and enhanced COVID-19 safety plan for more complex projects.

As previously announced on May 18, the City of Cambridge will expand currently allowed construction activity in the City in four phases:

  • Phase 1, beginning May 25, will add site safety prep work for projects previously permitted by Inspectional Services (ISD) and Public Works (DPW). Forthcoming amendments to the City’s Temporary Emergency Construction Order issued on March 18 will modify the definition of essential construction to include work associated with COVID-19 restaurant modification needed to allow them to safely reopen;
  • Phase 2, beginning on June 1, will add horizontal construction, city building projects, 100% affordable housing developments, larger buildings (over 25,000 square feet) previously permitted by ISD or DPW;
  • Phase 3, tentatively beginning on June 15, will add all remaining existing construction previously permitted by ISD and DPW; and
  • Phase 4, tentatively beginning on June 29, will add new permits. Permits can be submitted, and pre-reviews will occur at any time, but permits will not be formally accepted or issued until this date.

For additional details on the Amended Temporary Emergency Construction Order, please click

The Port- PL 6 Stormwater Tank Project- Construction Update

This is an update on the progress of the City’s PL6 Stormwater Tank Project. As per previous notices, the City of Cambridge engaged the firm of Skanska USA Civil for the construction of the first phase of The Port Infrastructure Improvements Project. This first phase, known as the “PL6 Stormwater Tank Project”, includes the construction of an underground 390,000 gallon storage tank and pump station, located beneath a portion of the City’s Parking Lot 6 on Bishop Allen Drive. The $20 million project, which began in August 2018, also includes utility connections between the tank and existing drainage networks, and required the construction of a utility tunnel beneath the MBTA Red Line to connect the tank to the existing Mass. Ave. storm drain. 

Upcoming Work on Columbia Street and Bishop Allen Drive

Beginning in mid-March 2020, significant utility construction will take place on Columbia Street between Bishop Allen Drive and Main Street. This work is part of the City project and needed to wait until adjacent private development projects on both sides of Columbia Street were completed.

  • The work will require daytime closure of Columbia St. between Bishop Allen Drive and Main Street to vehicles, weekdays 9 AM - 4 PM. (Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times).
  • During non-work hours, this section of Columbia Street will be open to southbound traffic only, as has been the case for a number of months.
  • The work will also impact traffic at the intersection of Columbia/Bishop Allen, on an intermittent basis.

This utility work is expected to take approximately 3 months to complete and will be followed by final restoration of the Bishop Allen Drive and Columbia Street roadways and sidewalks. We hope to be able to return both Columbia and Bishop Allen to normal 2-way operations by late summer or early fall 2020.

Upcoming Work on Massachusetts Avenue

  • On approximately March 30, 2020, the City’s work on Massachusetts Avenue between Sidney and Douglass will be complete.
  • At that time, the current barriered work-zone will be turned over to the Market Central (former Mass+Main) project contractor, so that they may complete final streetscape improvements. These improvements include new plantings, street trees, lighting, seating, and a sidewalk-level separated bicycle lane.
  • This final streetscape work is expected to be complete in summer 2020, at which time the concrete barriers will be removed and parking restored. The mid-block crosswalk across Mass Ave will also be reopened at that time.

City Parking Lot 6- Important Information

  • The construction of both the City’s Stormwater Tank Project and the Market Central (former Mass+Main) project, required the use of public Parking Lot #6 on Bishop Allen Drive across from St. Paul A.M.E. Church. Since October 2017, a temporary Parking Lot #6 has been provided at 65 Bishop Allen Drive, under agreement with the private owner of that site.
  • Per the agreement with the site owner, the public will not have use of this lot after April 30, 2020.
  • The final restoration of “original” Parking Lot #6 will begin in mid-May 2020, and the lot will re-open to the public in late summer 2020.
  • Therefore, we expect there will be a period of several months when there will not be an off-street public parking lot available along this section of Bishop Allen Drive between Norfolk and Columbia Streets. The City apologizes for this inconvenience and will work to maximize the number of on-street metered spaces available during this period.

General Information

  • Work hours will be 7 AM to 4 PM, Monday through Friday. Evening and weekend work are not planned but is possible.Abutters will be notified in advance.
  • There will be noise and disruption from construction activities.
  • Periodic Updates will be sent out to an email distribution list and posted on the project website (www.cambridgema.gov/theworks/theport) This will be the primary means of communication during the project. (send an email to kriley@cambridgema.gov or call 617-349-4870 if you wish to receive email updates).
  • Depending on the work planned, flyers may also be distributed to impacted abutters.
  • Traffic control will be implemented as appropriate for each of the work activities listed above, to maintain vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle traffic. It is likely that on-street parking will be impacted in most cases.
  • “No Parking” signs will be posted 24-hours in advance; please be sure to check dates/times.
  • Roadway and driveway access will be maintained, but may be restricted at times.
  • Pedestrian access and access into properties will be maintained,, but may be restricted in certain ways.
  • Emergency vehicles will have access at all times and all city services will continue.
  • Skanska has implemented a detailed rodent control plan. Please contact the Project Team with any concerns regarding rodent activity.

Overhead view of stormwater tank

Notice: Construction in Bishop Allen Drive between Douglass and Columbia Streets

Beginning on or about September 30, 2019, the City’s contractor for the Port Infrastructure Project will be installing a significant piece of utility infrastructure in Bishop Allen Drive. THIS WORK WILL RESULT IN DAYTIME CLOSURE OF BISHOP ALLEN DRIVE TO VEHICLES, FOR A SECTION OF THE BLOCK BETWEEN DOUGLASS STREET AND COLUMBIA STREET, FOR APPROXIMATELY 3 MONTHS (UNTIL DECEMBER 31, 2019).
  • During weekday work hours (7 AM- 4 PM), Bishop Allen Drive will be closed to all vehicles in the section shown in red on the map below.
  • Outside of normal weekday work hours, one lane will be available and Bishop Allen Drive in the affected section will be open to westbound vehicles only.
  • Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times on the north sidewalk, including in the affected section, as it is today.
  • Columbia Street between Bishop Allen and Main Street will be open to southbound traffic at all times during this 3 month period. We do not plan to allow any further shut-downs of this section of Columbia until the work in Bishop Allen is complete.
Map of Impacted Area on Bishop Allen Drive
Why is this work and street closure necessary?

The City is making good progress on the construction of a 390,000 gallon stormwater tank beneath Parking Lot 6, across from St. Paul AME Church. This tank is a critical part of the $35 million Port Infrastructure Project, which will significantly reduce the frequency of flooding and sewer backups in The Port neighborhood.

We now need to install a large chamber beneath Bishop Allen Drive, which will allow stormwater to be diverted from the local storm drain pipe system into the new tank. Unfortunately, the size of the excavation required, along with the need for space for construction equipment, and the narrowness of the street, makes it infeasible for the street to remain open while this vault is being installed.

Stormwater Tank Progress on Bishop Allen Drive
Tank Construction in Front of Church on Bishop Allen Drive

What to expect during construction

  • General work hours will be from 7AM to 4PM, Monday through Friday.
  • There will be noise and disruption from construction activities.
  • “No Parking” signs will be posted at least 24 hours in advance of construction. Please be sure to check posted signs for exact dates and times, which may vary from the dates in this Notice.
  • Police detail officers will be present to assist with traffic control.
  • Emergency vehicles will have access at all time, and all City services will continue.

For Information and Assistance During Construction

If you have any questions about the construction work or need assistance, including if you have any special needs or disabilities that require special accommodations, please contact Kate Riley, DPW Community Relations Manager at (617) 349-4870 or kriley@cambridgema./gov.  More information about the project in general can be found at www.cambridgema.gov/theworks/theport.   

In case of a construction emergency, please call the Cambridge Public Works Department 24-hour hotline at 617-349-4800. 

Notice: PL 6 Stormwater Tank Project- Mass Ave/Sidney St. Update

This is an update on the progress of construction impacting Mass. Ave. as part of the City’s PL6 Stormwater Tank Project. As per the notice distributed last summer, the City of Cambridge engaged the firm of Skanska USA Civil for the construction of the first phase of The Port Infrastructure Improvements Project. This first phase, known as the “PL6 Stormwater Tank Project”, includes the construction of an underground 390,000 gallon storage tank and pump station, which will be located beneath a portion of the City’s Parking Lot 6 on Bishop Allen Drive.

In addition to the tank and pump station, the PL6 Project includes construction of a utility tunnel beneath the MBTA Red Line to connect the tank to the existing Mass. Ave. storm drain. This work, along with associated utility relocations and surface restoration, has required construction work in Massachusetts Avenue between Douglass and Sidney Streets, and this work began in August 2018.

What has been going on inside the barriers on the north side of Mass Ave?
  • The most technically challenging portion of the project has been the installation of a 6-foot diameter utility tunnel beneath the MBTA Red Line tunnel. The utility tunnel will carry stormwater and sanitary sewage flows away from the Port Neighborhood to existing pipes in Mass. Ave. which have more carrying capacity, thus mitigating flooding which has historically been a problem in The Port. The tunneling work required construction support zones both in the former Parking Lot 6, as well as on Mass Ave near Lafayette Square.
  • We are pleased to report that the tunneling operation was successfully completed in Spring 2019. The tunnel is now being outfitted with the smaller individual stormwater and sewer carrying pipes, and these will be connected to existing pipes at Mass Ave, and at Sidney Street, requiring excavation in Mass Ave and Sidney Street (see below).
  • Note: The barriered work zone near Lafayette Square is still required to support the ongoing construction described below, and will be in place until early 2020.
  • The City project has been coordinating closely with the Market Central (formerly Mass+Main) project on the utility and surface work along the Market Central frontage. It is anticipated that the permanent sidewalk along Market Central between Sidney and Douglass Streets will be opened for pedestrian use around Labor Day 2019. This will also allow the westbound bicycle lane to be restored.


  • Late June 2019: Excavation of test pits at the Mass Ave/Sidney Street intersection to verify locations of existing utilities. This work was required to finalize a clear path for the proposed sewer pipe which will run from the completed utility tunnel to Sidney Street.
  • July-September 2019: Installation of sewer pipe along the north side of Mass Ave, beginning at Sidney Street and running westward to the current barriered work zone. The traffic pattern will remain largely as it exists today, with one traffic lane in each direction; and a shared westbound bike/vehicle lane. There will be additional specific signed revisions and restrictions to turn lanes, parking, etc. as the work progresses westward.
  • September-October 2019: Additional test pits along Sidney Street to finalize a clear path for the proposed sewer pipe which will run from the north side of the Mass Ave/Sidney intersection, south along Sidney Street.
  • October-November 2019: Installation of sewer pipe from the north side of Mass Ave/Sidney intersection, to a point on Sidney Street approximately 50 feet south of Mass Ave. That will be the extent of work on Sidney Street for this project.
  • November 2019: Installation of a large utility structure in Mass Ave on the roadway side of the current barrier arrangement. This will require a 2-3 week period where the roadway must be shifted further south, resulting in a shared bike/vehicle lane in both the westbound and eastbound directions between Sidney and Douglass Streets.
  • Work hours will be 7 AM to 4 PM, Monday through Friday. Evening and weekend work are not planned but is possible. Abutters will be notified in advance.
  • There will be noise and disruption from construction activities.
  • Periodic Updates will be sent out to an email distribution list and posted on the project website (www.cambridgema.gov/theworks/theport) This will be the primary means of communication during the project. (send an email to kriley@cambridgema.gov or call 617-349-4870 if you wish to receive email updates).
  • Depending on the work planned, flyers may also be distributed to impacted abutters.
  • Traffic control will be implemented as appropriate for each of the work activities listed above, to maintain vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle traffic. It is likely that on-street parking will be impacted in most cases. 
  • “No Parking” signs will be posted 24-hours in advance; please be sure to check dates/times.
  • Roadway and driveway access will be maintained, but may be restricted at times.
  • Pedestrian access and access into properties will be maintained,, but may be restricted in certain ways.
  • Emergency vehicles will have access at all times and all city services will continue.
  • Skanska has implemented a detailed rodent control plan. Please contact the Project Team with any concerns regarding rodent activity.

Aerial view of storage tank at Parking Lot 6

Notice: Construction at Bishop Allen Drive & School Street

On or about June 3, 2019, the City’s contractor for the Port Infrastructure Project, Skanska Civil USA, will begin utility construction work at the intersection of School Street and Bishop Allen Drive. Given the size of the work zone needed directly at this intersection, vehicular and pedestrian access in this area will be impacted. Here is a summary of the expected impacts for the upcoming weeks.

Phase 1: Approximately June 3 – June 14, 2019

Within this time frame, Bishop Allen Drive will be westbound only between School Street and Columbia Street.

  • Columbia Street will be open southbound between Bishop Allen and Main Street at all times. This will be the detour route to Main Street for traffic approaching Columbia/Bishop Allen from the west or north.
  • The Cambridge School Department will be re-routing their larger school buses away from this intersection for the remainder of the school year.
  • Bishop Allen Drive will remain open to two-way traffic between School Street and Main Street.
  • Traffic destined for School Street is encouraged to use Pine or Cherry Streets. It will be difficult for vehicles to turn onto School Street from westbound Bishop Allen Drive. We will be posting signs encouraging vehicle access to be for “abutters only”.
  • Pedestrian crosswalks and sidewalks will remain open but may be slightly modified. Please follow posted signs at all times for your safety.
  • The on-street parking on both sides of Bishop Allen Drive between Columbia and School Streets will not be available for use.
  • These restrictions will be in effect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week during this period, unless otherwise posted.
Phase 2: Approximately June 14 – June 21, 2019

Within this time frame, Bishop Allen Drive will return to 2-way traffic between Columbia and School Streets. However, it will be difficult for vehicles, particularly large vehicles, to enter School Street from Bishop Allen Drive. We will be posting signs encouraging vehicle access to be for “abutters only”.

  • Traffic with destinations on School Street east of Pine Street is encouraged to reach School Street via Pine or Cherry Streets.
  • Pedestrian crosswalks and sidewalks will remain open, but may be slightly modified. Please follow posted signs at all times for your safety.
  • The on-street parking on both sides of Bishop Allen Drive between Columbia and School Streets will not be available for use.
  • These restrictions will be in effect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week during this period, unless otherwise posted
What to expect during construction
  • General work hours will be from 7AM to 4PM, Monday through Friday.
  • There will be noise and disruption from construction activities.
  • “No Parking” signs will be posted at least 24 hours in advance of construction. Please be sure to check posted signs for exact dates and times, which may vary from the dates in this Notice.
  • Except as noted above, roadway, driveway, and pedestrian access to abutting properties will be maintained.
  • Emergency vehicles will have access at all time, and all City services will continue.
For Information and Assistance During Construction

If you have any questions about the construction work or need assistance, including if you have any special needs or disabilities that require special accommodations, please contact Kate Riley, DPW Community Relations Manager at (617) 349-4870 or kriley@cambridgema.gov. More information about the project in general can be found at www.cambridgema.gov/theworks/theport.

In case of a construction emergency, please call the Cambridge Public Works Department 24-hour hotline at 617-349-4800.

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding during this construction.

Notice: Essex Street Closure- Work beginning around May 28th. 

Beginning approximately Tuesday, May 28, 2019, the City’s contractor for the Port Infrastructure Project, Skanska Civil USA, will be returning to Essex Street to perform sewer and drainage work between Ashburton Place and Bishop Allen Drive.

As a result of our in-street and in-building investigations over the past several months, we have discovered several sanitary service pipes which are improperly connected to the storm drain in the street instead of the sanitary sewer. This is not an unusual situation in the older neighborhoods of Cambridge but must be corrected in order to complete the sewer separation process. The purpose of this upcoming work is to disconnect and reconnect those service pipes to the proper line in the street.

Given the narrowness of Essex Street and the size of the work zones needed, vehicular access to Essex Street from Bishop Allen Drive will need to be blocked during this work. This work is expected to be completed within approximately 1 week.

Within this time frame, during general working hours, you will not have vehicular access to Essex Street from Bishop Allen Drive. Normal street access is expected to resume at the completion of every construction work day. Note this will be very similar to the access plan which was in place last fall.

What to expect during construction
  • General work hours will be from 7AM to 4PM, Monday through Friday. There should not be any interruption to residential water, sewer, or drain service.
  • Abutter vehicles will be able to enter Essex Street “wrong way” from Harvard Street, under the supervision of a Police Detail officer stationed at the Harvard/Essex Street intersection. Due to the narrow width of the street, we ask that vehicle trips be reduced to a minimum, and that drivers exercise caution and patience.
  • “No Parking” signs, if needed to facilitate the work or traffic flow, will be posted at least 24 hours in advance of construction. Please be sure to check posted signs for exact dates and times.
For Information and Assistance During Construction
If you have any questions about the construction work or need assistance, including if you have any special needs or disabilities that require special accommodations, please contact Kate Riley, DPW Community Relations Manager at (617) 349-4870 or kriley@cambridgema./gov. More information about the project in general can be found at www.cambridgema.gov/theworks/theport.
In case of a construction emergency, please call the Cambridge Public Works Department 24-hour hotline at 617-349-4800.
Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding during this construction.

Notice: Construction on Mass Ave between Douglass and Sidney Streets- Beginning Approximately April 1, 2019

Map of Mass Ave Between Douglass and Sidney St.

This notice is to alert you to pedestrian and bicycle detours which will begin on or about April 1, 2019. Please note the changes described below will be in effect for approximately 3 months, until the end of June 2019.

These changes are necessary due to the ongoing work of two separate projects in this area: The Cambridge DPW Port/PL6 Stormwater Project; and the private Mass + Main development project.

North sidewalk to be closed and pedestrians detoured
  • The Mass+Main project will be performing final utility connections, garage waterproofing, and final reconstruction of the new permanent sidewalk, requiring the sidewalk to be closed.
  • Pedestrians traveling between Columbia and Douglass Streets will be detoured to a temporary walkway located approximately where the current bicycle lane is. The 5-foot wide walkway will be protected on both sides by concrete barriers.
  • Temporary wheelchair/pedestrian ramps will be constructed to connect to the existing sidewalks at each end.
  • Pedestrian access will be maintained to Desi Dhaba, New City Microcreamery and McDonalds.
  • Please follow posted signs for your safety.
Westbound bicycle lane to be interrupted between Sidney and Douglass Streets
  • Beginning near the west end of Lafayette Square (Jill Brown-Rhone Park), westbound bicycles will transition to the single westbound vehicular travel lane, and share the lane with vehicle traffic for a distance of approximately 300 feet.
  • Bicycles may use the full lane in this section, and will transition back to the bicycle lane at Douglass Street.
  • Temporary signs and Shared Lane Markings (“Sharrows”) will be placed to alert all users of this condition.
  • Please follow posted signs and markings for your safety.

Notice: Construction at Bishop Allen Drive & Norfolk Street- Beginning Approximately March 18, 2019

In March 2019, the City’s contractor for the Port Infrastructure Project, Skanska Civil USA, began performing utility relocation work at the intersection of Norfolk Street and Bishop Allen Drive. Given the size of the work zone needed, vehicular access at this intersection has been impacted. Here is an update on the work to be performed in the upcoming weeks.

Phase 1: Approximately March 25 - March 29, 2019

Within this time frame, there will be no access for thru eastbound traffic on Bishop Allen Drive between Norfolk and Douglass Streets.

• Traffic coming from Prospect Street on Bishop Allen will need to turn right onto Norfolk Street.
• Traffic coming down Norfolk Street will not be able to turn left onto Bishop Allen.
• Vehicles exiting the Temporary Parking Lot 6 at 65 Bishop Allen will still be able to turn left or right onto Bishop Allen.
• Pedestrian traffic will be maintained in all directions, but there may be temporary sidewalk and crosswalk detours. Please follow posted signs for your safety.
• These restrictions will be in effect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week during this period.

Phase 2: Approximately April 1 - April 5, 2019

Within this time frame, there will be no access for thru southbound traffic on Norfolk Street between Bishop Allen Drive and Massachusetts Avenue

• Traffic coming down Norfolk Street will need to turn left or right onto Bishop Allen.
• Bishop Allen will be open to two-way traffic, but traffic will not be able to turn onto Norfolk.
• Vehicles exiting City Parking Lot #5 will be able to exit onto Norfolk Street as normal.
• Vehicles destined for the Santander Bank parking lot on Norfolk (as well as other vehicles destined for the last block of Norfolk) will be able to detour through City Parking Lot #5 if desired.
• Pedestrian traffic will be maintained in all directions, but there may be temporary sidewalk and crosswalk detours. Please follow posted signs for your safety.
• This restriction will be in effect only during normal work hours, Monday-Friday 7AM-4PM. Outside of those times, there will not be restrictions on vehicle movements.

Phase 3: Approximately April 8 - April 12, 2019

Within this time frame, the Contractor will restore roadway and sidewalk surfaces at the Bishop Allen/Norfolk intersection which were disturbed during construction. There will be intermittent daytime-only closures of Norfolk Street, and the eastbound side of Bishop Allen Drive, during this period.

What to expect during construction

• General work hours will be from 7AM to 4PM, Monday through Friday.

• “No Parking” signs, if needed to facilitate the work or traffic flow, will be posted at least 24 hours in advance of construction. Please be sure to check posted signs for exact dates and times.

For Information and Assistance During Construction

If you have any questions about the construction work or need assistance, including if you have any special needs or disabilities that require special accommodations, please contact Kate Riley, DPW Community Relations Manager at (617) 349-4870 or kriley@cambridgema./gov. More information about the project in general can be found at www.cambridgema.gov/theworks/theport.

In case of a construction emergency, please call the Cambridge Public Works Department 24-hour hotline at 617-349-4800.

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding during this construction.

Tree Removal at Mass. Ave and Douglass St. 

The City’s Contractor for the Parking Lot 6 - Port Stormwater Project, Skanska, will be removing two trees in mid-to-late March.   The two Linden trees are located on the northwest corner of Mass Avenue at Douglass Street. The trees were assessed by the City Arborist in June 2018, and were determined to be in failing health.  The trees and their root systems are also within, or in very close proximity to, a planned excavation to install a critical  stormwater structure. Two new  trees will be planted at this location following completion of the underground work. Note that a third tree, along the Mass Ave curb and closest to Douglass Street, is to remain and will be protected during construction. Please see attached for a diagram of the trees to be removed. 

Mass Ave at Douglass St intersection

Upcoming Construction on Mass. Ave and Douglass St.

Beginning approximately Monday, January 28, 2019, the City’s contractor for the Port Infrastructure Project, Skanska Civil USA, will be performing test pits, water main relocations, and other drainage and utility work at the intersection of Massachusetts Avenue and Douglass Street.

The work at this location will specifically impact the northwest corner in front of Peoples United Bank, and will last for approximately 5 months.

During the early weeks of this period, there will be intermittent closures of the crosswalk across Massachusetts Avenue at this location. Once preliminary work has been completed in these first few weeks, the crosswalk will be relocated slightly towards Douglass Street, to allow full pedestrian access across Massachusetts Avenue for the remainder of the work.

In general, normal crosswalk access is expected to resume at the completion of every construction work day. In addition, the work will not prevent pedestrian travel along the north side of Massachusetts Avenue and across Douglass Street.

What to expect during construction:
General work hours will be from 7AM to 4PM, Monday through Friday.

During periods when the crosswalk is closed, the Contractor will post signs advising of the closure, along with signs directing pedestrians to the nearest available crosswalks to the east and west.

“No Parking” signs, if needed to facilitate the work or traffic flow, will be posted at least 24 hours in advance of construction. Please be sure to check posted signs for exact dates and times.

Police officers will be on hand at the work site to assist with pedestrian and traffic flow as needed.

Two Important Announcements: Bishop Allen Dr. and Essex St.

The City’s contractor on the Port Infrastructure Improvement Project, Skanska USA, has been approved for a Special Noise Variance for an early AM start of work in the area.

On Friday, December 21, around 5AM, they will be moving a large excavator to the Parking Lot 6 work site off of Bishop Allen Drive.

The size of this equipment, and the slow pace at which it must be moved, necessitates that it be moved during hours when pedestrian and vehicle traffic is at a minimum. The use of back-up alarms on the equipment will be minimized to the extent possible.

We again apologize, but the Essex St. Water Main and Sewer Repair work has had to be extended. The condition of the utilities in this area is such that progress on this work has been much slower than initially anticipated. This work will need to continue through January 25, 2019. There will then be a break, and the Contractor will return in the Spring to perform miscellaneous final work and permanently repair the roadway and sidewalk.

In consideration for the residents enjoying time at home during the holidays, we have arranged for a temporary work suspension on Essex St. from December 24th - January 1st. Work will begin again on Wednesday, January 2nd.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this delay has cause and thank you for your patience as we work on this important infrastructure project.

The City’s contractor on the Port Infrastructure Improvement Project, Skanska USA, has been approved for a Special Noise Variance for an early AM start of work in the area.

On Friday, December 21, around 5AM, they will be moving a large excavator to the Parking Lot 6 work site off of Bishop Allen Drive.

The size of this equipment, and the slow pace at which it must be moved, necessitates that it be moved during hours when pedestrian and vehicle traffic is at a minimum. The use of back-up alarms on the equipment will be minimized to the extent possible.

Notice: Overnight work being performed on Bishop Allen Drive, Wednesday 12/12-Thursday, 12/13

The City’s contractor on the Port Infrastructure Improvement Project, Skanska USA, has been approved for a Special Noise Variance to do overnight work in the area. On Thursday, December 13th, around 2AM, they will be moving a large drill rig from its current location off of Bishop Allen Drive, to their work zone on Massachusetts Avenue. The route will be Bishop Allen Drive eastward to Main Street, and then west on Main Street to Sidney Street, and then west on Mass Ave to the existing fenced-in work zone at Lafayette Plaza.    

The size of this equipment, and the slow pace at which it must be moved, necessitates that it be moved at night when pedestrian and vehicle traffic is at a minimum.  The use of back-up alarms on the equipment will be minimized to the extent possible.  

Please take note of "No Parking" signs posted on Bishop Allen Drive.

Thank you for your patience as we work on this important infrastructure project. 

Notice: Utility Work on Bishop Allen Drive. Road closed to east-bound traffic between Prospect St. and Essex St. during work hours.

Beginning on or around December 5th, and continuing for approximately 3 weeks, the City’s contractor for the Port Infrastructure Project, Skanska Civil USA, will be performing sewer and drainage work on Bishop Allen Drive between Prospect St. and Essex St.

The work will require Bishop Allen Drive to be closed to east-bound traffic between Prospect St. and Essex St. weekdays from 7AM-4PM. The road will be fully open to two-way traffic outside of these hours.

Please pay careful attention to detour signs and follow the directions of the detail officers.

Notice: Mass Ave. Water Main Replacement

Beginning on or around November 26, and continuing for approximately 2 weeks, the City’s contractor for the Port Infrastructure Project, Skanska Civil USA, will be replacing an obsolete water main in Massachusetts Avenue. The water main crosses Mass Avenue from north to south, over the top of the MBTA Red Line tunnel, just to the east of the McDonalds at 463 Mass. Ave.

The work will require daytime traffic lane shifts, which will be managed by the Contractor and Cambridge Police officers.

We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your extra care when traveling on Mass. Ave between Douglass and Sidney Street while this work is taking place.

  • General work hours will be from 7AM-4PM
  • "No Parking" signs, if needed to facilitate the work or traffic flow, will be posted at least 24 hours in advance of construction. Please be sure to check posted signs for exact dates and times. 
  • Please pay careful attention to detour signs and follow the directions of the detail officers.

Notice: Essex St. Water Main and Sewer Repair- Work continuing through mid-December Dear Essex Street, Ashburton Place, Percy Place, and Lamson Place Neighbors:

For the past several weeks, the City’s contractor for the Port Infrastructure Project, Skanska Civil USA, has been performing water main relocation work at the intersection of Essex Street and Bishop Allen Drive. During the final tie-in part of the process, the crew discovered that the sewer pipe is seriously deteriorated and needs to be replaced.

We anticipate this work to take an additional 3-4 weeks to make the necessary repairs. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience during this unforeseen delay in completing the work.

What to expect during construction

  • General work hours will be from 7AM to 4PM, Monday through Friday.
  • Abutter vehicles will be able to enter Essex Street “wrong way” from Harvard Street, under the supervision of a Police Detail officer stationed at the Harvard/Essex Street intersection. Due to the narrow width of the street, we ask that vehicle trips be reduced to a minimum, and that drivers exercise caution and patience.
  • “No Parking” signs, if needed to facilitate the work or traffic flow, will be posted at least 24 hours in advance of construction. Please be sure to check posted signs for exact dates and times. 
For Information and Assistance During Construction
If you have any questions about the construction work or need assistance, including if you have any special needs or disabilities that require special accommodations, please contact Kate Riley, DPW Community Relations Manager at (617) 349-4870 or kriley@cambridgema./gov. More information about the project in general can be found at www.cambridgema.gov/theworks/theport.

In case of a construction emergency, please call the Cambridge Public Works Department 24-hour hotline at 617-349-4800.

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding during this construction.

Week of 10/22:

One crew will be working on the water main on Essex St (between Bishop Allen Dr. and Harvard St). Access to Essex street from the Bishop Allen end will be closed during this work. Access will be allowed to and from Harvard Street.

One crew will be working on driving steel sheets to line the underground tank going in at former municipal parking lot #6. This work will be disruptive (noise and vibration) and is expected to last until early December. 

Later in the week, crews will be working on excavation between Sidney St. and Douglass St.

Notice: Essex St. Closure Beginning approximately Monday, October 1, 2018, the City’s contractor for the Port Infrastructure Project, Skanska Civil USA, will be performing water main relocation work at the intersection of Essex Street and Bishop Allen Drive.   Given the size of the work zone needed, vehicular access to Essex Street from Bishop Allen Drive will need to be blocked during much of this work.  This work is expected to be completed within 2-3 weeks.   
Within this time frame, during general working hours, you may not have vehicular access to Essex Street from Bishop Allen Drive.  Normal street access is expected to resume at the completion of every construction work day. 

What to expect during construction: 

  • General work hours will be from 7AM to 4PM, Monday through Friday.
  • Abutter vehicles will be able to enter Essex Street “wrong way” from Harvard Street, under the supervision of a Police Detail officer stationed at the Harvard/Essex Street intersection.  Due to the narrow width of the street, we ask that vehicle trips be reduced to a minimum, and that drivers exercise caution and patience. 
  • “No Parking” signs, if needed to facilitate the work or traffic flow, will be posted at least 24 hours in advance of construction. Please be sure to check posted signs for exact dates and times.  
  • There may be some exploratory work starting during the week of September 24th, 2018, but this work will not prevent vehicular access to Essex Street from Bishop Allen Drive. 
For Information and Assistance During Construction If you have any questions about the construction work or need assistance, including if you have any special needs or disabilities that require special accommodations, please contact Kate Riley, DPW Community Relations Manager at (617) 349-4870 or kriley@cambridgema./gov.  More information about the project in general can be found at www.cambridgema.gov/theworks/theport.    
In case of a construction emergency, please call the Cambridge Public Works Department 24-hour hotline at 617-349-4800.

Notice: The Port - PL 6 Stormwater Tank Project - Upcoming Construction on Massachusetts Avenue The City of Cambridge has awarded a contract to the firm of Skanska USA Civil for the construction of the first phase of The Port Infrastructure Improvements Project. This first phase, known as the “PL6 Stormwater Tank Project”, includes the construction of an underground 390,000 gallon storage tank and pump station, which will be located beneath a portion of the City’s Parking Lot 6 on Bishop Allen Drive.

In addition to the tank and pump station, the PL6 Project includes construction of a utility tunnel beneath the MBTA Red Line to connect the tank to the existing Mass. Ave. storm drain. This work, along with associated utility relocations and surface restoration, will require construction work in Massachusetts Avenue between Douglass and Sidney Streets, for a period of approximately 15 months, beginning in mid-August 2018.

  • Mid-August 2018: Excavation of test pits at several locations between Douglass Street and Lafayette Square to verify existing utilities. 
  • Mid-September 2018: Establishment of a long-term work zone on the north side of Mass. Ave. along Lafayette Square (across from the Salvation Army building) and extending west along the Mass+Main frontage. This will allow for utility relocations and the major work of constructing the utility tunnel and its access shafts. The City will provide additional details (including maps) about this aspect of the project later this summer, but in general:
- The work zone will be in place from mid-September 2018 until August 2019.

- Approximately 8-10 parking and loading spaces on the north side, beginning at Lafayette Square and heading west, will be temporarily eliminated.

- A portion of Jill Brown-Rhone Park at Lafayette Square, primarily the open plaza area across from the Salvation Army building, will not be accessible during this time.

- The crosswalk at 424 Mass. Ave (Mariposa Bakery) will be eliminated for much of this time.

- Mass. Ave. will be reduced to one vehicle lane in each direction, plus one bicycle lane in each direction, from approximately 450 Mass. Ave. (La Fabrica) to Sidney Street.

- We are coordinating closely with the Mass+Main project, so that Mass+Main can do its own required utility work on Mass. Ave. during this same timeframe, avoiding multiple shutdowns.

  • Mid to late October 2018: Excavation across Mass Ave just east of McDonalds, to replace an obsolete water main. This work will be performed in stages to accommodate traffic at this location. 
  • Late October - mid-December 2018: Reconstruction of a major drainage structure located in the sidewalk in front of 485 Mass. Ave. (Peoples United Bank). This work also requires relocation of water, electric, and telephone conduits at this location. 
  • August 2019 - November 2019: Construction of a new section of sanitary sewer in the north side of Mass. Ave. from Lafayette Square to Sidney Street, and across Mass. Ave. into Sidney Street. Repaving of the portions of Mass. Ave. which have been disturbed during the project, and restoration of full pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular access. 

  • Work hours will be 7 AM to 4 PM, Monday through Friday. Evening and weekend work is not planned but is possible. Abutters will be notified in advance.
  • There will be noise and disruption from construction activities. 
  • Periodic Updates will be sent out to an email distribution list and posted on the project website (www.cambridgema.gov/theworks/theport) This will be the primary means of communication during the project. (send an email to kriley@cambridgema.gov or call 617-349-4870 if you wish to receive email updates).
  • Depending on the work planned, flyers may also be distributed to impacted abutters. 
  • Traffic control will be implemented as appropriate for each of the work activities listed above, to maintain vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle traffic. It is likely that on-street parking will be impacted in most cases. 
  • “No Parking” signs will be posted 24-hours in advance; please be sure to check dates/times.
  • Roadway and driveway access will be maintained, but may be restricted at times.
  • Pedestrian access and access into properties will be maintained,, but may be restricted in certain ways.
  • Emergency vehicles will have access at all times and all city services will continue.
  • Skanska will develop and implement a detailed rodent control plan. Please contact the Project Team with any concerns regarding rodent activity.

In addition to the work described above, the PL6 Project will also have impacts on Bishop Allen Drive and portions of Essex Street. A flyer similar to this one will be distributed to impacted abutters of those streets.

The City will be engaging in a community process, beginning this Fall, for the overall Port Infrastructure Project, which includes the current PL6 project as well as future planned phases. Please visit the website, or join the email list as noted above, to be kept up to date on all Project activities, including community engagement. 

Notice: The Port - PL 6 Stormwater Tank Project- Upcoming Construction on Bishop Allen Drive and Essex StreetThe City of Cambridge has awarded a contract to the firm of Skanska USA Civil for the construction of the first phase of The Port Infrastructure Improvements Project. The Port Project is a major infrastructure program which will reduce the incidences of storm related flooding in The Port neighborhood. Information on the Project can be found at www.cambridgema.gov/theworks/theport. The City will also be holding a community meeting to discuss the project in the Fall of 2018.

This first phase of the Port Project, known as the “PL6 Stormwater Tank Project”, includes the construction of an underground 390,000 gallon storage tank and pump station, which will be located beneath a portion of the City’s Parking Lot 6 on Bishop Allen Drive.

In addition to the tank and pump station, the PL6 Project requires construction in Bishop Allen Drive to connect the local drainage system to the new tank, and complete the separation of storm drain and sanitary sewer pipes. This work, along with associated utility relocations and surface restoration, will require construction work in Bishop Allen Drive between Prospect and School Streets, (and to a much lesser extent in Essex Street between Ashburton Place and Bishop Allen Drive) for a period of approximately 22 months, beginning in September 2018.


  • September - early October 2018: Excavation of test pits on Bishop Allen Drive between Prospect and School Streets; and in Essex Street between Bishop Allen and Ashburton Place, to verify existing utilities. 
  • October-November 2018: Drainage construction between Prospect Street and Essex Street. 
  • December 2018 - January 2019: Sewer repairs and drainage construction between Essex Street and Norfolk Street.
  • April-May 2019: Water main relocation and drainage construction between Norfolk and Douglass Streets.
  • June-August 2019: Sewer and drainage work in Essex Street between Bishop Allen Drive and Ashburton Place.
  • September - November 2019: Water, sewer and drainage work in Bishop Allen Drive between Douglass and Columbia Streets. Note: This section includes installation of a large underground drainage structure opposite Parking Lot 6, which will require complete closure of this section of Bishop Allen to vehicular traffic for several weeks. The City will provide more details on this work well in advance.
  • December 2019: Drainage work between Columbia and School Streets. 
  • April - June 2020: Reconstruct roadway, curb and sidewalks on Bishop Allen Drive.
  • Work hours will be 7 AM to 4 PM, Monday through Friday. Evening and weekend work is not planned but is possible. Abutters will be notified in advance.
  • There will be noise and disruption from construction activities. 
  • Periodic Updates will be sent out to an email distribution list and posted on the project website (www.cambridgema.gov/theworks/theport) This will be the primary means of communication during the project. (send an email to kriley@cambridgema.gov or call 617-349-4870 if you wish to receive email updates).
  • Depending on the work planned, flyers may also be distributed to impacted abutters. 
  • Traffic control set-ups will be implemented as appropriate for each of the work activities listed above, to maintain vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle traffic. It is likely that on-street parking will be impacted in most cases. 
  • “No Parking” signs will be posted 24-hours in advance; please be sure to check dates/times.
  • Except as noted above, roadway and driveway access will be maintained, but may be restricted at times.
  • Pedestrian access and access into properties will be maintained at all times, but may be restricted in certain ways.
  • Emergency vehicles will have access at all times and all city services will continue.
  • Skanska will develop and implement a detailed rodent control plan. Please contact the Project Team with any concerns regarding rodent activity.
In addition to the work impacting Bishop Allen Drive and Essex Street described above, the PL6 Project will also have impacts on Massachusetts Avenue. A flyer similar to this one will be distributed to impacted abutters of that street.

The City will be engaging in a community process, beginning this Fall, for the overall Port Infrastructure Project, which includes the current PL6 project as well as future planned phases. Please visit the website, or join the email list as noted above, to be kept up to date on all Project activities, including community engagement. 

July 2018
  • The City has awarded a contract to the firm of Skanska USA Civil for the construction of the first phase of the project. This first phase, known as the “PL6 Stormwater Tank Project”, includes the construction of an underground 390,000 gallon storage tank and pump station, which will be located beneath a portion of the City’s Parking Lot 6 on Bishop Allen Drive. Stormwater runoff from The Port neighborhood will be stored in this tank, and subsequently will be pumped out into a large storm drain located in Massachusetts Avenue. 
  • In addition to the tank and pump station, the PL6 Project includes the construction of a utility pipe tunnel beneath the MBTA Red Line tunnel, which will allow for the connection of the tank to the Mass. Ave storm drain. The project also includes associated utility relocations and improvements in Bishop Allen Drive between Columbia and Essex Streets; and in Massachusetts Avenue between Douglass and Sidney Streets. 
  • At the completion of the project in mid-2020, the impacted portion of Bishop Allen Drive, including the roadway and sidewalks, will be reconstructed.
  • The City project will be performed in close coordination with the private Mass+Main project, which is also located in the Parking 6 area. At the conclusion of both projects in mid-2020, the Mass+Main project will completely reconstruct Parking Lot 6 to the City’s requirements, and it will again be available for public parking. In the meantime, the temporary Parking Lot 6 at 65 Bishop Allen Drive will continue to be available to the public. 
  • Additional community engagement about the PL6 Project, and the overall Port Infrastructure Project, will continue in the late summer/early fall of 2018. 

February 2018

Underway (Phase 1) includes building a stormwater tank in Parking Lot 6 (PL-6) across from St. Paul's AME Church.

Learn about Flow...A Grant Program for the Port from Cambridge Arts.
Many neighborhoods in the Cambridge area are susceptible to the impacts of flooding. Particularly at risk are those properties with basement spaces and first levels at a lower elevation. The City’s assessment on climate change vulnerability has shown the risk of flooding is increasing over time, as the impacts of climate change lead to more frequent and intense rainfall events.

The Port has experienced significant flooding in the past. The City is focusing on this area in the coming years via The Port Project to improve these conditions.

While change remains an inevitable process, infrastructure projects like these will decrease future flooding risks.

Access The Port Project Overview with information about flooding, streets and sidewalks, and public art.


Over the next five years, the City anticipates spending over $35M for the design and construction of water, sewer, drainage, street and sidewalk improvements in your neighborhood. The improvements will focus on rehabilitating existing infrastructure, constructing two underground stormwater tanks, reducing flooding in the area, and reconstructing the streets and sidewalks. The locations of these improvements are (see map):

  • Streets and Sidewalks: Bishop Allen Drive (Prospect to Main), Cherry Street (Main to Harvard), Columbia Street (Main to Washington), Eaton Street (Pine to Cherry), Pine Street (School to Harvard), and Washington Street (Norfolk to Windsor)
  • Stormwater Tanks: Parking Lot 6 on Bishop Allen Drive and Clement Morgan Park on Columbia Street

While the formal design and community process for this project will not begin until the winter months of 2015, pre-construction activities are scheduled to begin the week of October 12th in your neighborhood and we wanted you to be aware of this activity. These activities include:

  • Data collection: The City’s consultant engineers, Kleinfelder, MWH and WSP, along with their sub-consultants, will begin to collect the data needed to complete the design of this project - including topographic surveys, cleaning and inspection of pipes and structures, and soil borings. Soil borings will be conducted in public streets and sidewalks and should have little impact on the community. They will also be performing building inspections, to verify the number and location of utility connections. Owners will be sent a separate notice with details on how to schedule inspections at their property, if required.
  • Questionnaire: In the months ahead, you will be receiving a questionnaire that we encourage you to fill out and return to us. As a resident, your knowledge of this neighborhood is valuable and will help us to inform and improve the final project design, which will directly benefit you and your neighborhood.
For English, visit: http://www.cambridgema.gov/theworks/ThePort

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Page was last modified on 2/3/2025 6:09 PM
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