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Russell Field Renovation Project

Project Image

The City is developing plans to renovate Russell Field and the adjacent practice field area. Plans include the resurfacing of both playing fields and site amenities to improve the functionality of the facility.

This project is complete. No additional updates will be provided. 


The main field and practice field are both complete. Crews will remain on-site to complete punch-list items and clean up staging areas. They will return in the spring to restore any surrounding areas that were disturbed as part of this project. At that time trees will be planted around the baseball field. 


Crews are continuing to place infill on the turf practice field. Additionally, final fence installation will be taking place over the next few weeks. 


Crews will be working on the turf and infill of the practice field. Trucks will be making deliveries of infill on 10/15 and 10/16, weather permitting. Police details will be on-hand to manage traffic. 


Crews are working on the drainage for the practice field, located adjacent to the main field. This work entails hauling some remaining soil and installing drain pipes under the field. 


Crews are continuing to remove soil from the location. Crews will also be paving of sidewalks inside the field area.

Beginning Tuesday, August 14th and continuing for the next three weeks, weather permitting, large trucks will be in the area removing soil from the Russell Field construction site.

Truck traffic coming into the site will be turning right onto Dudley St. from Cedar St., against the one way. Returning from the site, trucks will drive all the way down Dudley St. to Mass Ave., going against the one-way from Cedar, and turn left at Mass Ave. Police details will be on-hand to safely manage the flow of traffic and to direct drivers through temporary details as trucks enter and exit.

To accommodate these large trucks at the intersections, some parking restrictions will be in place at the following locations:

  • Between 2377 and 2385 Mass Ave.
  • The intersection of Mass Ave. and Dudley St.
  • The intersection of Dudley St. and Cedar St.
  • The intersection of Dudley St. and Clifton St.

Dudley St. will be temporarily closed as trucks enter and exit the site. Street closure will be minimized to periods when active trucking is taking place and police details will be in place to either briefly hold traffic or direct drivers to a detour.


The reconstruction of the Russell Field Complex is in progress and we wanted to make you aware of some increased trucking activity that will be taking place over the next few weeks. 

On Thursday, July 19th and Monday, July 23rd there will be deliveries of turf to the field. There may be additional large deliveries taking place the week of July 23rd.

During this time, you can expect to see large trucks coming down Dudley Street from Mass. Ave. against the one-way. Police details will be on-hand to safely manage the flow of traffic. We are working closely with the contractors that are working in your area to minimize parking impacts, but there may be some parking restrictions in place at the corner of Mass. Ave and Dudley Street and at some other intersections on Dudley Street. Restrictions will only be in place as necessary to get the trucks in and out of the work site. 

6/14/2018 - 6/28/2018

The City's Contractor will be continuing reconstruction activities on-site.


  • Trucking and disposal of stripped soils

Main Field:

  • Field Drainage installation continues
  • Fence post and athletic ballnetting foundations
  • Concrete Turf Curb forming and pouring
  • Water Work test pits for utility confirmation


Work beginning Tuesday, May 29th

The renovation of the Russell Field Complex is scheduled to commence the week of May 21st with the Contractor, Quirk Construction, mobilizing to the site.  After the Memorial Day holiday, starting on May 29th, the bulk of the reconstruction work will begin. 

Consistent with the plans that were presented as part of the Community Meeting in January, the project consists of a turf replacement at main field and the installation of an infilled synthetic turf surface at the practice field area.  The project will also include new fencing, resurfacing of pedestrian pathways and modest facility improvements to support the athletic user groups.  

The renovation project is anticipated to take 5 months to complete with the main field being completed by the mid-August start of the high-school football, and the practice field and all site amenities being completed by  early October 2018.

What to expect during construction:

  • Work hours are M-F, 7AM-6PM, Occasional Saturday hours beginning at 9AM may be added for the turf installation process later in the summer.  
  • Construction impacts and staging will be confined to the project site.
  • Pedestrian access around the site may be limited, for safety reasons, at times during construction
  • Some parking spaces may be posted for no-parking at neighborhood intersections to allow for construction vehicles to enter and exit the site from the Dudley Street walkaway.  Please refer to posted signs and detours.

Please see reverse for map of the project area and some of the anticipated construction impacts. For a rendering of the renovation project and an estimated construction schedule, visit http://www.cambridgema.gov/theworks/cityprojects/2018/russellfieldrenovations For additional information on the project contact Kara Falise, DPW Project Manager at (617) 349-4827 or kfalise@cambridgema.gov or Kate Riley, Project Administrator – Community Relations at (617) 349-4870 or kriley@cambridgema.gov.

Community Meeting: Wednesday, January 31st

The City is developing plans to renovate Russell Field and the adjacent practice field area. Plans include the resurfacing of both playing fields and site amenities to improve the functionality of the facility. A public meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 31st. We encourage community members to attend to learn more about the project design and schedule and to provide feedback.

Russell Field Renovation Community Meeting
Wednesday, January 31st 
Reservoir Church
170 Rindge Ave
(Access to Church provided from parking area off of Middlesex Street)
6:30 pm 

City staff will make a brief presentation about the project and then will open the meeting up for discussion.

For additional information on the project, please contact Kara Falise, DPW Project Manager at (617) 349-4827 or kfalise@cambridgema.gov.
Page was posted on 1/17/2018 3:07 PM
Page was last modified on 7/25/2023 3:41 AM
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