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Alewife Wetland Grand Opening


  • North Cambridge


Kelly Dunn


Calendar event image

The City of Cambridge, the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, and the Department of Conservation and Recreation invite you to the grand opening of the Alewife Reservation Constructed Wetland on Tuesday, October 15 from 2pm-5pm.

Come Join:

City of Cambridge Mayor Henrietta Davis and City Manager Richard C. Rossi
Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs Rick Sullivan
Federal District Court Judge Richard Stearns
EPA Region 1 Administrator Curt Spalding
MWRA Executive Director Frederick Laskey
DCR Commissioner Jack Murray


Walking directions to the Basin Amphitheater via Alewife Greenway Extension:


From DCR Discovery Park Lot - 100 Acorn Park Drive, Cambridge

  • Exit DCR parking lot at driveway entrance.
  • Turn LEFT out of parking lot going SOUTH to walking trail at the Corner of Acorn Park Dr., approx. 90 ft.
  • Turn LEFT on walking trail going EAST to Alewife Station Access Rd., approx. 900 ft.
  • Turn RIGHT on Alewife Station Access Rd. going SOUTH over the Little River to Alewife Greenway Extension, approx. 450 ft.
  • Turn RIGHT on Alewife Greenway Extension going WEST to Basin Amphitheater, approx. 1300 ft.


From MBTA Alewife Station - Intersection of Alewife Brook Parkway and Cambridge Park Drive, Cambridge

  • Exit Alewife Station to Alewife Station Access Rd.
  • Turn RIGHT out of Alewife Station going NORTH under parking structure overpass, approx. 500 ft.
  • Turn LEFT to cross Alewife Station Access Rd. going WEST to Alewife Greenway Extension, approx. 80 ft.

Stay STRAIGHT on Alewife Greenway Extension going WEST to Basin Amphitheater, approx. 1300 ft.


Page was last modified on 7/25/2023 3:56 AM
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