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Clean Fleet Initiative

plug in hybrid rubbish packers

On February 21, 2023, the City issued a citywide Clean Fleet Policy to accelerate the transition to electric vehicles. The policy contains greenhouse gas emission targets, acquisition guidelines and a plan for the installation of charging stations and electrical infrastructure. While working to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles, the policy also ensures that vehicles will be able to perform the necessary functions such as 24/7 snow operations, have repair shop capability in the Boston region and have charging infrastructure available.

View the full Clean Fleet Policy here

The 2024 Clean Fleet Annual Report is now available for review here.  

2023 Clean Fleet Annual Report

Guiding Principles of Clean Fleet Policy

Support transition to fossil-fuel-free and net zero emissions in municipal operations:

  • Contribute to reducing climate change
  • Reduce air pollutants that contribute to asthma, respiratory disease, and other negative health impacts, particularly in children, the elderly and other vulnerable populations.
  • Pathway with specific targets to get to Net Zero emissions from City Fleet 
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