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Renewable Energy

Rooftop Solar Array

On-site solar generation continues to be an important part of the City’s renewable energy portfolio, providing 6% of all electricity used by municipal buildings in FY23. While the City continues to install solar panels on municipal buildings, space constraints require procuring off-site renewables in order to obtain a 100% renewable electricity supply. Buying renewable energy is the most significant action the City can take in the short term to reduce its emissions. Furthermore, buying from a new, yet to be built, system will have the greatest impact in reducing dependence on fossil fuels.

To this end, Public Works is co-leading a cross-departmental initiative to procure a 100% renewable electricity supply for City operations. The City is actively evaluating proposals to procure from new renewable energy development projects that are expected to come online in the next two to three years. The City is reviewing proposals for financial feasibility, climate, environmental and social impacts and other key factors to ensure optimal outcomes.


Existing Installed Systems Generation:

To view real time energy generation information, click on the link (where available)


Year Project Capacity (kW) Projected PV Annual Electricity Production (kWh) Cumulative PV Installed Capacity (kW) Cumulative Projected PV Electricity Production (kWh)
2004 City Hall Annex 27 22,707 27 22,707
2009 Russell Youth and Community Center 10 11,992 36 34,699
2010 DPW Frazier Building & Frisoli Youth Center 5 6,885 41 41,584
2011 Cambridge Rindge & Latin High School 31 37,892 73 79,476
2015 Martin Luther King, Jr. School 592 667,000 664 746,476
2016 Sullivan Water Treatment Facility 171 180,510 836 926,986
2017 Citywide Senior Center (12kW) & Kennedy Longfellow School (174kW) 186 213,554 1,022 1,140,540
2018 Fletcher Maynard Academy (97kW), Main Library (61kW), 859 Mass Ave (16 kW) 174 159,420 1,196 1,299,960
2019 King Open & Cambridge Street Upper School and Community Complex Project 1324 1,312,696 2,520 2,612,656

Taylor Square Fire House

24 28,625 2,544 2,641,281
2023  The Foundry Works Building 120 137,892 2,664 2,779,173
2024  Simard Maintenance Building 86 94,974 2,750 2,874,147
Construction Phase:
2025 Tobin Montessori & Vassal Lane Upper Schools Complex 1009 1,197,150
Design Phase:
2026 Fire Headquarters TBD TBD

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