If your cart is missing, please check up and down your street first. Please request what carts you would like picked up or delivered at
CambridgeMA.Gov/RecycleSupplies and we will be in touch. Be sure to write your address on the side of each of your carts.
All waste must be set out by 7AM on your collection day, or after 6PM the night before. If you think any waste collection was missed, please report it at CambridgeMA.Gov/311 (preferred) or leave a voicemail at 617-349-4800. Leave materials at the curb and pickup will be done by the end of the next collection day.
We offer trash cart in three sizes (35-gallon, 45-gallon, and 65-gallon) based on the number of households in a building.
You can find the size of a trash cart by looking at the first two numbers in the serial code on the back of the cart (e.g., “4522...” is a 45-gal cart)
See this PDF for the dimensions of the carts.
Based on data from two city audits of curbside trash volume per household, this will provide a generous amount of space for regular weekly trash. The default trash cart delivery is approximately 45-gallons per household. The average household produces 27 gallons of trash each week. For households that compost, it’s closer to 22 gallons per week
To make more space in your trash cart, we offer:
More or larger recycle carts at
CambridgeMA.Gov/RecycleSupplies. (It can help to a pair each room’s trash bin with a recycling container.)
Compost carts and kitchen compost bins at
CambridgeMA.Gov/RecycleSupplies . We accept all food scraps, and food soiled napkins and paper towels.
Home pick-up for
clothing and textile recycling. Even clothes and shoes in poor condition are not trash.
Get Rid of It Right Tool to look up what to do with an item. It’s also on our Zero Waste Cambridge app (
Android). Residents use it more than 500 times a day!
On the rare occasions when you need more space than your trash cart, you can use a heavy-duty trash bag. Bags must be heavy duty at least 3 mils thick (e.g., contractor bags). Bags cannot exceed 50 gallons or 50 pounds. No thin grocery or kitchen bags allowed. Trash bags may only be placed at the curb by 7 a.m. on the day of collection, not the night before. Food items should not go in the plastic bags as it attracts rodents. Another idea is that you could talk to a neighbor about sharing extra space in each other’s carts on the occasions when one of you may need little more space.
That said we understand that each household is different. If you feel that there are extenuating circumstances and you will regularly need more space than the default provides, enter a brief reasoning (3 sentences or less) to in the comment section of
The goal of the Standard Trash Cart program is to improve:
Rodent control and public health. The new carts will reduce easy access to food for rodents.
Worker Safety. The trucks can mechanically lift and empty the new carts. This will reduce lifting impacts on DPW staff.
Sidewalk accessibility. Lids are attached to the cart and will not fall on the sidewalk. Larger buildings will need fewer carts because their carts will be bigger (65 gallons instead of 50 gallons). This leads to fewer sidewalk obstructions.
To reduce rodents, we need to remove easy access to food in our trash. A rat can survive on one ounce of food a day.
The city-issued carts reduce easy access to food for rodents by
- Being made of thicker plastic than barrels bought at hardware stores.
- Removing old trash barrels with holes. About 45% of residential trash bins had holes due to rodents. If your trash cart gets holes request a replacement at CambridgeMA.Gov/RecycleSupplies
The free Curbside Compost program is one of the best ways to combat rodents. Compost carts were made to be rodent resistant with
- Thick plastic and
- Locks or latches to secure food waste.
For more on rodent prevention and control visit CambridgeMA.Gov/Rodents.
Please contact:
Commission for Persons with Disabilities
51 Inman St., Second Floor
Kate Thurman
617-349-4692 (voice)
617-492-0235 (TTY)