This project has been completed. No further updates to this project page will be made.
September 15, 2014
This project has been completed. This fall, landscapers will be on site to install plantings.
September 8, 2014
This week, crews are on site to complete the punch list item associated with the project.
August 25, 2014
Last week, crews completed the line striping of Fawcett Street from end to end. Over the next few weeks, crews will begin the landscaping phase of this project. This phase of the operation will cause minimal impact on area business/residents.
August 18, 2014
This week, crews will continue to perform punch list items to complete the project. On Thursday, August 21, the City's contractor is tentatively scheduled to line stripe. Fawcett Street from Concord Avenue to Smith Place. The line striping will take place during evening hours.
The reconstruction of Fawcett Street between Concord Avenue and Smith Place will include:
* New sidewalks and pedestrian ramps along the entire length of Fawcett Street to improve pedestrian mobility and safety.
* New street paving.
* Elements to enhance the visual character of Fawcett St and to improve the quality of the water discharged to the Alewife Brook.
* New street trees.
* Landscaped areas, including bio-retention areas.
* Pervious asphalt.
* Improvements to the drainage and sanitary sewer systems and a new 12” water main.
Cambridge Dept. of Public Works
147 Hampshire Street
Cambridge, MA 02139