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Amory Street Reconstruction

Roadway & Sidewalk Reconstruction

This project has been completed. No further updates to this project page will be made.

Project completed in August 2016

Amory St., Sherman St., and Fulkerson St. Pavement Markings Rescheduled
Monday, August 1st, rain date Tuesday, August 2nd

Due to inclement weather, the line striping scheduled to take place Monday, July 25th on Sherman, Amory, and Fulkerson streets has been rescheduled for Monday, August 1st with a rain date of Tuesday, August 2nd.

Crews will begin mobilizing at 6pm on Monday, August 1st to install final crosswalk and travel lane pavement markings along Amory Street, Sherman Street (from Walden St. to Garden St.), and Fulkerson Street, and work will conclude at 5am the following morning.

Line striping operations will begin on Amory Street at 6pm, then move on to Sherman Street, and finish with Fulkerson Street.

What to Expect During Line Striping:

• “No Parking” signs will be posted along the affected streets. Please be sure to check posted signs for exact date and times.

• Bright lights will be utilized during this nighttime work. Please be sure to close curtains in your home to minimize disruption to you and your family.

• Noise generated from this work will be produced by the sprayer from the painting equipment and is relatively quiet.

For Information and Assistance During Line Striping:

If you have any questions about this work or need assistance, including if you have any special needs or disabilities that require a special accommodation, please contact Dan Riviello at (617) 349-4825 or driviello@cambridgema.gov. In case of emergency, please call the Cambridge Public Works Department at 617-349-4800.

We apologize for this inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

Line Striping CANCELED for Monday, July 25th

Due to rain and storms forecast to impact the area tonight, the line striping scheduled for Amory, Sherman, and Fulkerson streets has been canceled.

This line striping work has been rescheduled for next Monday, August 1 with a rain date of Tuesday, August 2.

Residents will receive updated notices this week with more information ahead of Monday’s planned work.

We apologize for the inconvenience and are having the “No Parking” signs in these areas updated to reflect these changes.

UPDATE: Line Striping Rescheduled
Amory St., Sherman St., and Fulkerson St. Pavement Markings Rescheduled
Monday, July 25th through Tuesday, July 26th

Due to an unforeseen issue with the City’s line striping contractor, the line striping scheduled to take place Thursday, July 21st on Sherman, Amory, and Fulkerson streets has been rescheduled for Monday, July 25th.

Crews will begin mobilizing at 6pm on Monday, July 25th to install final crosswalk and travel lane pavement markings along Amory Street, Sherman Street (from Walden St. to Garden St.), and Fulkerson Street, and work will conclude at 5am the following morning.

Line striping operations will begin on Amory Street at 6pm, then move on to Sherman Street, and finish with Fulkerson Street.

What to Expect During Line Striping:

• “No Parking” signs will be posted along the affected streets. Please be sure to check posted signs for exact date and times.

• Bright lights will be utilized during this nighttime work. Please be sure to close curtains in your home to minimize disruption to you and your family.

• Noise generated from this work will be produced by the sprayer from the painting equipment and is relatively quiet.

For Information and Assistance During Line Striping:
If you have any questions about this work or need assistance, including if you have any special needs or disabilities that require a special accommodation, please contact Dan Riviello at (617) 349-4825 or driviello@cambridgema.gov. In case of emergency, please call the Cambridge Public Works Department at 617-349-4800.

We apologize for this inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

Line Striping Notice - Amory St, Sherman St, and Fulkerson St Pavement Markings
July 21-July 22

The City’s contractor, D’Allessandro Corp., is expected to install final crosswalk and travel lane pavement markings along Amory Street, Sherman Street (from Walden St. to Garden St.), and Fulkerson Street.

Crews will begin mobilizing at 6pm on Thursday, July 21, and work will conclude at 5am the following morning.

Crews will begin line striping operations on Amory Street at 6pm, then move on to Sherman Street, and finish with Fulkerson Street.

What to Expect During Line Striping:

  • “No Parking” signs will be posted along the affected streets. Please be sure to check posted signs for exact date and times.
  • Bright lights will be utilized during this nighttime work. Please be sure to close curtains in your home to minimize disruption to you and your family.
  • Noise generated from this work will be produced by the sprayer from the painting equipment and is relatively quiet.

For Information and Assistance During Line Striping:

If you have any questions about this work or need assistance, including if you have any special needs or disabilities that require a special accommodation, please contact Dan Riviello at (617) 349-4825 or driviello@cambridgema.gov. In case of emergency, please call the Cambridge Public Works Department at 617-349-4800.

July 14, 2016

A crew will be on Amory St on Friday, July 15th to complete final punch-list items for the project. They will be in various locations on the street but do not anticipate restricting access to the roadway or properties in any significant way.

If work is occurring where you need access, please speak with the workers on site for accommodations.

Amory St Reconstruction Project Update - May 19, 2016
Final roadway paving scheduled for May 24-25th

The City’s contractor, D’Allessandro Corporation, will performing final roadway paving on Amory Street. This work is schedule for Tuesday, May 24th and Wednesday, May 25th, weather permitting.

As there is a chance of rain in the forecast, Thursday, May 26th is scheduled as a rain date for paving.

Amory St. will be closed to traffic from Broadway to Hampshire St, and vehicle access in and out of properties may be limited at times, however access will be maintained for abutters. Please plan vehicle trips accordingly.

During this work, posted “No Parking” signs will be changing often so residents are asked to please take extra care to read posted signs for exact dates and times of restrictions.

What to Expect During Construction:

  • General work hours will be 7am – 6pm.
  • Vehicle access in and out of properties will be limited during work hours. Abutters will be given access whenever possible.
  • When work occurs directly in front of driveways or entryways, the contractor will coordinate access directly with residents and businesses.
  • “No Parking” signs will be changing constantly so please be sure to check posted signs for exact dates and times.
  • City services will continue uninterrupted and emergency vehicles will maintain access at all times.

Information & Assistance:

If you have any questions regarding construction, please contact Dan Riviello, Community Relations Manager, at 617.349.4825 / driviello@cambridgema.gov or Hussein Musa, Project Manager, at 617-349-4831 / hmusa@cambridgema.gov. For more information and updates on this project, please visit www.CambridgeMA.gov/theworks/AmorySt.

Thank you in advance for your patience during this work.

Amory St Reconstruction Project Update - May 12, 2016
Raising castings and miscellaneous work

The City’s contractor, D’Allessandro Corporation, will be on site raising castings and performing miscellaneous repairs through next week in preparation for final roadway paving.

Crews will also be working on the raised crosswalk at Broadway during this time.
Amory St. will be closed to traffic from Broadway to Hampshire St, and vehicle access in and out of properties may be limited at times, however access will be maintained for abutters. Please plan vehicle trips accordingly.

During this work, posted “No Parking” signs will be changing often so residents are asked to please take extra care to read posted signs for exact dates and times of restrictions.

What to Expect During Construction:

General work hours will be 7am – 4pm.
Vehicle access in and out of properties will be limited during work hours. Abutters will be given access whenever possible.
When work occurs directly in front of driveways or entryways, the contractor will coordinate access directly with residents and businesses.
“No Parking” signs will be changing constantly so please be sure to check posted signs for exact dates and times.
City services will continue uninterrupted and emergency vehicles will maintain access at all times.

Information & Assistance:
If you have any questions regarding construction, please contact Dan Riviello, Community Relations Manager, at 617.349.4825 / driviello@cambridgema.gov or Hussein Musa, Project Manager, at 617-349-4831 / hmusa@cambridgema.gov. For more information and updates on this project, please visit www.CambridgeMA.gov/theworks/AmorySt.

Thank you in advance for your patience during this work.

Amory St Reconstruction Project Update
Roadway grinding on Monday, May 9 & Tuesday, May 10

Beginning Monday, May 9th, the City’s contractor, D’Allessandro Corporation, will perform roadway grinding on Amory Street from St. Mary Road to Hampshire Street as part of the Amory Street Reconstruction Project. On Tuesday, May 10th, grinding will take place from St. Mary Road to Broadway as well as a small section on Broadway at Amory St.

Amory St. will be closed to traffic from Broadway to Hampshire St on Monday and Tuesday. Vehicle access in and out of properties will be limited during work hours while crews perform the roadway grinding, but abutters will have access. Please plan vehicle trips accordingly.

This work is being performed in preparation for final roadway paving in the coming weeks. Residents will be notified in advance of this work.

What to Expect During Construction:

  • General work hours will be 7am – 4pm.
  • Vehicle access in and out of properties will be limited during work hours. Abutters will be given access whenever possible.
  • When work occurs directly in front of driveways or entryways, the contractor will coordinate access directly with residents and businesses.
  • “No Parking” signs will be posted at least 24 hours in advance of construction; please be sure to check posted signs for exact dates and times.
  • City services will continue uninterrupted and emergency vehicles will maintain access at all times.

Information & Assistance:

If you have any questions regarding construction, please contact Dan Riviello, Community Relations Manager, at 617.349.4825 / driviello@cambridgema.gov or Hussein Musa, Project Manager, at 617-349-4831 / hmusa@cambridgema.gov. For more information and updates on this project, please visit www.CambridgeMA.gov/theworks/AmorySt.

Thank you in advance for your patience during this work.

Amory St Reconstruction Project Update
Road closures for week of May 2nd

Beginning Monday, May 2nd, the City’s contractor, D’Allessandro Corporation, will begin the installation of a raised intersection at Amory Street and St. Mary Road as part of the Amory Street Reconstruction Project.

To complete this work, St. Mary Road will be closed to through traffic at Inman Street. Amory Street at Broadway will also be closed to through traffic. Abutters will have access.

This closure will be in effect Monday, May 2nd through Friday, May 6th, from 7am – 4pm each day.

What to Expect During Construction:

  • General work hours will be 7am – 4pm, Monday – Friday.
  • Access will be maintained for abutters
  • “No Parking” signs will be posted at least 24 hours in advance of construction; please be sure to check posted signs for exact dates and times.
  • When work occurs directly in front of driveways or entryways, the contractor will coordinate access directly with residents and businesses.
  • City services will continue uninterrupted and emergency vehicles will maintain access at all times.

Information & Assistance:

If you have any questions regarding construction, please contact Dan Riviello, Community Relations Manager, at 617.349.4825 / driviello@cambridgema.gov or Hussein Musa, Project Manager, at 617-349-4831 / hmusa@cambridgema.gov. For more information and updates on this project, please visit www.CambridgeMA.gov/theworks/AmorySt.

Thank you in advance for your patience during this construction.

Amory St Reconstruction Project Update
Work scheduled to resume week of April 11
Beginning Monday, April 11th, the City’s contractor, D’Allessandro Corporation, will begin preparations on Amory Street for the final phase of the Amory Street Reconstruction Project. This phase of the project includes street and sidewalk improvements and traffic calming measures.
Sidewalks will be excavated and reconstructed from St. Mary Road to Hampshire Street, a raised intersection will be installed at the St. Mary Road and Amory St. intersection, and the roadway will be repaved.

What to Expect During Construction:
  • General work hours will be 7am – 4pm, Monday – Friday.
  • If the project requires a street closure, you will be notified in advance.
  • “No Parking” signs will be posted at least 24 hours in advance of construction; please be sure to check posted signs for exact dates and times.
  • When work occurs directly in front of driveways or entryways, the contractor will coordinate access directly with residents and businesses.
  • City services will continue uninterrupted and emergency vehicles will maintain access at all times.
Information & Assistance:
If you have any questions regarding construction, please contact Dan Riviello, Community Relations Manager, at 617.349.4825 / driviello@cambridgema.gov or Hussein Musa, Project Manager, at 617-349-4831 / hmusa@cambridgema.gov. For more information and updates on this project, please visit www.CambridgeMA.gov/theworks/AmorySt.

Thank you in advance for your patience during this construction.

December 2015

The contractor has suspended work for the season and will re-mobilize in the area in spring 2016.

November 2015

The City’s contractor, D’Allessandro Corporation, will resume work in the area beginning on Wednesday, November 4, weather permitting. Remaining work for this season includes curb extensions and sidewalk reconstruction.

It is estimated that this work will take approximately 4-5 weeks to complete, weather permitting. Installation of raised crosswalk and final roadway paving is anticipated for spring 2016.

What to Expect During Construction:

  • General work hours will be 7 AM to 4 PM, Monday-Friday.
  • “No Parking” signs will be posted at least 24 hours in advance of construction; please be sure to check posted signs for exact dates and times.
  • When work occurs directly in front of driveways or entryways, the contractor will coordinate access directly with residents.
  • City services will continue uninterrupted and emergency vehicles will maintain access at all times.

September 2015

The City’s contractor, D’Allessandro Corporation, will resume work in the area beginning on Monday, September 14th, weather permitting. Remaining work consist of sidewalk reconstruction, installation of raised crosswalks, and curb extensions. It is estimated that the reconstruction of the sidewalks will take approximately 5-7 weeks. Final roadway paving notices will be distributed in advance of any partial/full road closures.

What to Expect During Construction:

  • General work hours will be 7AM to 4 PM, Monday-Friday.
  • “No Parking” signs will be posted at least 24 hours in advance of construction; please be sure to check posted signs for exact dates and times.
  • When work occurs directly in front of driveways or entryways, the contractor will coordinate access directly with residents.
  • City services will continue uninterrupted and emergency vehicles will maintain access at all times.

August 2015

Eversource Gas is currently updating the gas main and individual services on Amory Street between St. Mary Road and Hampshire Street. Once that work is completed, the City's contractor, D'Allessandro Corporation, will begin to schedule work to reconstruct the sidewalks and roadway.

Design Update
In addition to sidewalks, handicap ramps and roadway reconstruction and paving, the project includes traffic calming elements to reduce vehicle speeds and enhance safety for pedestrians. These were developed through a community process, which included a neighborhood meeting (May 2014) where residents expressed their concerns that vehicles were traveling too quickly and did not obey the stop sign at the intersection at St. Mary Road. City staff also had several follow-up meetings with individual property owners.

As a result, the project design includes a new raised crosswalk at the intersection of Amory Street with Broadway and a curb extension at the intersection of Amory and Hampshire Street. A raised intersection will be constructed at Amory and St. Mary to slow vehicles and curb extensions around existing trees in front of #119 - #127 and #153 to provide access and enhance pedestrian safety. The stop sign at the intersection will also be removed due to the raised intersection.

Page was last modified on 7/25/2023 3:42 AM
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