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Appleton Street Infrastructure Improvements Project

Highland Street to Brattle Street

This project has been completed. No further updates to this project page will be made.

NOTICE: Appleton St. Final Paving on Wednesday, September 27

The City’s contractor, P Gioioso & Sons, will pave the roadway on Appleton Street on Wednesday, September 27, weather permitting. We expect the paving to take 1 day to complete.

Vehicle access in and out of properties will be restricted during work hours while crews perform the paving. Please plan vehicle trips accordingly.

Project Schedule
• On Wednesday, September 27, crews will pave Appleton Street between Highland St. and Brattle St. This is the final paving.
• We expect the paving to take 1 day to complete.
• Please note that paving is weather dependent and may be rescheduled due to heavy rain.
• Punch list items, back of sidewalk work, and pavement markings remain and will be completed by the contractor in the coming weeks before the end of construction

What to Expect during Paving
• Work hours will be 7 AM to 5 PM.
• Appleton Street will be closed to through traffic during paving.
• Vehicle access in and out of properties will be restricted. Please plan vehicle and parking trips accordingly.
• “No Parking” signs will be posted; please be sure to check dates/times.
• Emergency vehicles will have access at all times.

If you have any questions regarding paving, please contact Eric Breen, Project Engineer at 617.349.6954/ ebreen@cambridgema.gov or Mike Ruta, Construction Supervisor for Gioioso at 617.293.7881 mruta@pgioioso.com. If you have any special need or disability, please contact us to arrange for any special accommodations that will be necessary.

We apologize in advance for any inconvenience you may experience during this construction, and thank you for your continued patience and understanding.

June 5, 2017
  • Crews are expected to return to Appleton St in August to begin sidewalk reconstruction.  Please check back for updates. 


May 8, 2017

  • Crews will return to Appleton St on Tuesday, May 9 to begin roadway reconstruction.  We expect the work to take 10 days to complete.


May 4, 2017

  • Crews will resume construction activities on Appleton St during the week of May 8.  Crews will first perform roadway reconstruction, followed by sidewalk reconstruction.


January 2017

  • Crews have demobilized from Appleton St and will return later this construction season to perform surface improvements (most likely in the summer).


December 5, 2016

  • Crews are continuing their water work this week. We expect the work to be completed in about 2 weeks.


November 21, 2016

  • Crews will continue water work and sewer work this week. There will not be any construction activities on Thursday, November 24 for the Thanksgiving holiday.


November 14, 2016

  • Crews will continue water work at the intersection of Appleton St and Highland St. Construction activities are expected to conclude on Appleton St in 2-3 weeks.


October 17, 2016

  • Crews will resume water main work this week at Appleton St and Brewster St.


October 11, 2016

  • Verizon will be onsite this week relocating their duct bank


September 12, 2016

  • Crews will continue with sewer work this week, and will move to the intersection of Appleton St and Brattle St.


September 6, 2016

  • Crews will begin sewer work this week at the intersection of Appleton St and Brewster St.


August 15, 2016

  • Crews will perform test pits on Appleton St and Highland St this week.


As part of the Appleton Infrastructure Improvements Project, the City’s contractor, P.Gioioso & Sons, is scheduled to begin utility work on Appleton Street between Brattle and Highland Streets the week of August 22.This contract also includes improvements on Newport Rd and Roseland St, in Porter Square.

Staff from the Department of Public Works (DPW) will manage this project.

Page was last modified on 7/25/2023 3:42 AM
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