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Binney Street Stormwater Utility Improvements Construction Project

The City of Cambridge and DivcoWest, the developer of NorthPoint, will be implementing storm water infrastructure improvements on Binney Street. The new drainage system will be installed in Binney Street from Cardinal Medeiros Avenue to the area west of Galileo Galilei Way, through the park area to Broadway. The system will be owned and maintained by the City of Cambridge.

This project is now complete.

September 6, 2019

Cardinal Medeiros Ave. and Binney St. Update

I am reaching out to provide an update on construction in your neighborhood.  Two key projects are currently underway in the area; the Binney Street Stormwater Improvements and 399 Binney Street Construction, including street and sidewalk reconstruction.   

The schedule for these projects has been delayed due to significant utility conflicts.  I know the on-going construction and the delays are frustrating, but I want to assure you that city staff and the contractors are working closely with all of the utility companies to prioritize this work.  These improvements to the utility infrastructure are critical to the City’s long-term goals of creating a cleaner Charles River and maintaining a reliable water distribution system and we are committed to completing them as quickly as possible.

Binney Street Stormwater Improvements

The Binney St Stormwater Improvements are being constructed by DivcoWest, the developer for Cambridge Crossing, in association with the City of Cambridge.  This work includes installing new storm drain pipes.  Once completed this project will remove stormwater entering the sewer system; improve the capacity of the sewer system in the Cardinal Medeiros Ave area; and reduce combined sewer overflows into the Charles River.   The work also includes replacing sections of water main.

While significant progress has been made, utility conflicts have caused the project to take longer than anticipated.    These conflicts have required utility companies to relocate their existing infrastructure and DivcoWest’s contractor has had to use smaller crews and equipment to work around the utility contractors; reducing their overall efficiency and production. 


399 Binney Street Project

As part of the construction of the commercial building at 399 Binney Street, Alexandria Real Estate, the developer, is reconstructing the sidewalks, paving the streets, and planting 5 new street trees on Cardinal Medeiros Ave and Binney St.  Alexandria is also constructing a raised crosswalk on Binney St between the 1 Kendall Garage and the 1 Kendall Complex, and upgrading the traffic signal at Cardinal Medeiros Ave and Hampshire St. 

Alexandria is making good progress on their street and sidewalk reconstruction and has approximately 4 to 6 weeks of work remaining.  However, the construction has to be closely coordinated with the Binney St Stormwater Improvements and the various utility contractors, which has delayed the completion of the work.

Overall Schedule

Due to the utility conflicts, construction and final paving will continue in this area through the end of this construction season.   We will continue working with the contractors and the various utility companies to coordinate the construction and will provide additional notification prior to the final paving operation, which will occur either later this year or in spring of 2020.

Continued Traffic Detours:

The existing detour for northbound traffic on Cardinal Medeiros Ave between Hampshire St and Cambridge St during working hours will continue to be utilized to support construction.  Beginning September 3rd the detour will not begin until 9 am to facilitate school traffic. 

Information & Assistance:

If you have any questions regarding construction, please contact Kate Riley, Community Relations Manager, Department of Public Works, at 617.349.4870 / kriley@cambridgema.gov.  For any specific questions regarding the Binney Street Stormwater Improvements, please contact DivcoWest’s  project representatives at their Construction Hotline – (617) 866-8971 or you can email them directly at mitigation@csl-consulting.com .

Thank you for your continued patience and understanding during this construction.  We know the delays are frustrating and working closely with all of the contractors to prioritize this work and the coordination.

November 11, 2018

The ongoing new storm water utility installation, through DivcoWest and the City of Cambridge, to improve storm water management in the area, has progressed to the next phase of work. The new drainage system will be installed in Binney Street from Cardinal Medeiros Avenue to the area west of Galileo Way, through the park area to Broadway. The system will be owned and maintained by the City of Cambridge.

In order to make a new water connection, the construction crews will be working near the rail crossing on Binney Street on Saturday, November 17th starting at 7am. We do not anticipate any major disruptions as the excavation for the utility work has already taken place. There will be no residential water service interruptions during this work.

If there are questions comments or concerns, we ask that you contact our project representatives at our Construction Hotline – 617- 866-8971 or you can email them directly at mitigation@csl-consulting.com.

October 25, 2018

DivcoWest and the City of Cambridge are currently installing a new storm water infrastructure to improve storm water management in the area. The system will be owned and maintained by the City of Cambridge.

The next phase of work will begin on Thursday, November 1st and will continue into December. In the month of November, work will take place within the current construction zone in front of 399 Binney Street. No road closures are expected during this phase of work. From December through January, work will take place on Cardinal Medeiros Ave in front of the 399 Binney Street Building. Traffic impacts on Cardinal Medeiros will be determined as work progresses. Work hours will be 7:00am to 6:00pm Monday through Friday, and Saturday from 9:00 am to 6:00 PM. Any extension of these hours will be posted to the website and flier will be distributed.

The project team intends to make every effort to communicate construction activities and any potential disruptions to the area stakeholders. If there are questions comments or concerns, we ask that you contact our project representatives at our Construction Hotline – 617- 866-8971 or you can email us directly at mitigation@csl-consulting.com .  Please also contact us to sign up for regular project updates.

August 21, 2018

McCourt (DivcoWest’s contractor) is continuing work in the undeveloped parcel adjacent to the Grand Junction Railroad between Binney Street and Broadway. The installation of new drainage infrastructure started near Broadway (southern end) and is continuing north through the parcel. Traffic and bicycle lanes are shifted and traffic lanes are modified in Galileo Galilei Way to provide pedestrian access. Work hours in the parcel will be Monday through Friday 7am to 4pm, and occasional Saturdays 9am to 5pm.

August 6, 2018

McCourt will be working in Binney Street (between Cardinal Medeiros and Galileo Galilei Way). McCourt will also be working in the undeveloped parcel adjacent to the Grand Junction Railroad between Binney Street and Broadway. The installation of new drainage infrastructure will start near Broadway (southern end) and continue north. Traffic and bicycle lanes will shift in Galileo Galilei Way to provide pedestrian access. Work hours in the parcel will be Monday through Friday 7am to 4pm.

July 23, 2018

Due to multiple crews performing utility work on Binney Street between Cardinal Medeiros Avenue and Fulkerson Street, Binney Street will be closed at Cardinal Medeiros Avenue during work hours from July 25, 2018 until August 31, 2018. On-going utility work includes significant repairs by Eversource Electric, Eversource Gas and storm drain installation by McCourt Construction.

During this work Binney Street will be closed to through traffic. Detours for pedestrians and vehicles will be in place. “No Parking” signs will also be present and could change frequently, so please check all posted signs.

Access in and out of the 1 Kendall Square parking garage will be maintained at all times via Fulkerson Street.

What to Expect During Construction:
  • General work hours will be 7am – 4pm, Monday-Friday and 9am – 4pm, Saturdays. Work hours may extend until 6pm for certain activities.
  • Please check posted No Parking signs.
  • Access will be maintained for emergency vehicles and City services.
Please look for Road Closed signs and No Parking signs as they may change frequently during the work.

For Information and Assistance During Construction:
Questions regarding this project? Contact Kate Riley, Project Administrator, Community Relations, at 617.349.4870/ kriley@cambridgema.gov or James Wilcox, Director of Engineering Services at 617-349-6426.

If you have any special need or disability, please contact us to arrange for special accommodations that may be necessary.

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding during this construction. 
July 12, 2018

Work in the undeveloped parcel was put on hold so McCourt (DivcoWest’s contractor) could install some of the new drain infrastructure on Binney Street near Cardinal Medeiros. DivcoWest is coordinating the construction activities with Alexandria Real Estate (399 Binney Street development). Work hours are 7am to 6pm Monday through Friday.

McCourt will continue to install the drain infrastructure in the undeveloped parcel adjacent to the Grand Junction Railroad between Binney Street and Broadway park later this month. McCourt is working to prepare the approved Traffic Management Plan for Galilei Way that will be utilized when work in the undeveloped parcel continues. The median near Binney Street was removed last week, and the road is to be repaved and restriped soon.

DivcoWest is coordinating with the required city departments and Alexandria Real Estate to allow McCourt to continue a portion of the utility work on Binney Street at night starting later in the summer.

June 27, 2018

McCourt (DivcoWest’s contractor) is continuing the utility construction in the undeveloped parcel adjacent to the Grand Junction Railroad between Binney Street and Broadway. This undeveloped parcel is owned by the City. McCourt is working with the DPW and the Traffic, Parking and Transportation Department (TPTD) to provide pedestrian access at the south end of the park by Broadway during construction. Traffic and bicycle lanes may shift.  Work hours in the parcel will be Monday through Friday 7am to 4pm.

DivcoWest is coordinating with the required city departments and Alexandria Real Estate to allow McCourt to continue a portion of the utility work on Binney Street at night. Approved work hours in the Noise Control Variance are week days only, 7pm to 6am.

June 18, 2018

McCourt is continuing the utility construction in the undeveloped parcel adjacent to the Grand Junction Railroad between Binney Street and Broadway. This undeveloped parcel is owned by the City. Work hours will be Monday through Friday 7am to 4pm.

Keolis is scheduled to replace the railroad tracks on Tuesday June 19 between the hours of 7pm and 7am. Keolis’ paving contractor is scheduled to repave the crossing on Saturday June 23. Works hours TBD.

June 14, 2018

McCourt Construction (DivcoWest's contractor) completed the utility work at the Grand Junction Railroad crossing at Binney Street. Keolis is evaluating the schedule for the track repair which will require a full closure of Binney Street. The track repair will be completed at night.

McCourt will continue with the utility construction in the undeveloped parcel adjacent to the Grand Junction Railroad between Binney Street and Broadway. This undeveloped parcel is owned by the City. Work hours will be Monday through Friday 7am to 4pm.

June 5, 2018

McCourt Construction (DivcoWest's contractor) is now installing and welding the steel pipe sleeves underneath the Grand Junction Railroad at Binney Street. McCourt is expected to complete the utility construction by early next week. Keolis has tentatively scheduled the track repair at Binney Street for next Tuesday (June 12) or Wednesday (June 13). This repair will require a full closure of Binney Street. Work hours of 7pm to 6am Monday through Friday will continue until the work at the Grand Junction Railroad crossing is completed.

May 30,2018

The Grand Junction Railroad (GJRR) is out of service until June 17, 2018 to allow several different subsurface utility projects to cross the train tracks. McCourt Construction (DivcoWest's contractor) continues to excavate a utility trench across the train tracks at Binney Street. Work hours are 7pm to 6am Monday through Friday. Following the completion of the utility work, Keolis must repair the tracks and reopen the GJRR by June 17, 2018. 

Binney St. Night Work - May 18, 2018

DivcoWest working with the City of Cambridge, and will be responsible for installing a new storm water utility in an effort to improve storm water management in the area. McCourt Construction is the contractor for this project and CSL Consulting will be assisting with neighborhood communication and logistics. The new drainage system will be installed in Binney Street from Cardinal Medeiros Avenue to the area west of Galileo Way, through the park area to Broadway. The system will be owned and maintained by the City of Cambridge.

The first phase of work started this Tuesday, May 15th and will be completed in mid-June at the rail road crossing. Work hours for this limited work will be 7:00pm to 6:00am Monday through Friday in order to minimize traffic disruption and reduce the overall duration of construction. The next phases of work will be scheduled during normal business hours, 7:00am to 6:00pm Monday through Friday, however, work hours may be extended periodically if doing so will minimize traffic disruption and reduce the overall duration of construction. When construction work is taking place, police details will be present to assist with access to detoured or impaired streets for pick-ups, drop-offs, home maintenance, medical needs or mobility impaired parking.

The project team intends to make every effort to communicate construction activities and any potential disruptions to the area stakeholders. If there are questions comments or concerns, we ask that you contact our project representatives at our Construction Hotline – 617- 866-8971 or you can email them directly at mitigation@csl-consulting.com . Please also contact us to sign up for regular project updates.

The first phase of work is being driven by Keolis’ operation of the Grand Junction Railroad. Work at the railroad crossing started Tuesday, May 15th and must be completed by mid-June. Work hours for the railroad crossing will be 7:00pm to 6:00am Monday through Friday. Night work was approved by the Cambridge License Commission. 
Page was posted on 5/21/2018 11:35 AM
Page was last modified on 7/2/2024 2:26 PM
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