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Alewife Linear Park Restoration Project

Since the development of Alewife Linear Park in the 1980's, there has been an overall decline in the tree canopy. The Forestry Department is proposing a restoration project to develop a more robust and sustainable tree canopy in several locations along the path between Clifton St. and Cedar St. This project is slated to take place in phases beginning Fall 2019. 

Notice: Work Beginning on Alewife Linear Park

Over the next few weeks, restoration work will begin at Alewife Linear Park. There are three phases of work taking place at the Harvey St. entrance to the path. Work will not interfere with access to the path. 

Work consists of:

  • Pruning limbs on existing trees
  • Soil remediation including aeration and the addition of biochar and compost amendments to the planting zone
  • Tree plating- November 13th-  70+ trees will be planted with the help of CRLS students and advisors

Community Meeting Notice: Alewife Linear Park - Tree Planting Discussion, Thursday, October 10th. 

Meeting point for walk 6-6:30PM: Alewife Linear Park Entrance (Cedar St. and Mass Ave)
Discussion 6:30-7:30PM: Trolley Square Apartments Community Room (8 Cameron Ave)

The Department of Public Works is hosting a community discussion about tree planting and landscape concepts along Alewife Linear Park on Thursday, October 10th. Please join City staff for a walk through the area and a discussion about this project.

Weather permitting, the walk will begin at 6PM. Please meet at the entrance to the park at Cedar St. and Mass Ave. (across from the Friendly Corner).
At 6:30PM, there will be a discussion at the Trolley Square Apartments Community Room at 8 Cameron Ave. In the event of poor weather conditions, we will cancel the walk and just have the discussion beginning at 6PM.

We encourage you to attend as we value the feedback we receive from residents.

Information and Assistance

The City of Cambridge does not discriminate on the basis of disability. The City of Cambridge will provide auxiliary aids and services, written material in alternative format, and reasonable modifications in policies upon request. To receive future updates via email about this project, please visit https://lp.constantcontact.com/su/rp5MLMR or contact Kate Riley, Community Relations Manager, at kriley@cambridgema.gov / 617-349-4825.

Page was posted on 10/17/2019 1:05 PM
Page was last modified on 7/25/2023 3:42 AM
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