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War Memorial Tennis Courts Resurfacing and Drainage Project

The City of Cambridge will be resurfacing the CRLS Tennis Courts located at War Memorial Recreation Center. Work includes resurfacing of the courts and drainage improvements. The scope of the project includes:

  • Addition of an on-site water bottle filler and water fountain
  • Lined for multi-purpose use
  • Replacement of lighting system with more efficient system designed to reduce light leak
  • Improved drainage
  • Addition of a tennis/rebound wall

Update - 11/1/2021

The courts are now complete. There will be some additional punch list items, including adding a water bottle fill station and some additional site work, but the courts are now lit and playable. 

Update - 9/27/2021

After weather delays, the courts will be paved on 9/27 and 9/28. The courts will need to cure for several weeks and then will be painted. 

Update - 9/10/2021

This project, originally slated to be completed in early September, will now continue through September. 

The Demolition and patch work wrapped up this week, with waterproofing and resurfacing to following. There will then be a 14-20 day cure time and painting. The courts should be usable by the first week in October, assuming the surface meets our specifications and passes inspection.

Due to a supply chain and design issue the light posts will be delivered later in October/November and installed shortly there-after.

Until this project is complete here is a list of other available courts in Cambridge:


Update- 6/28/2021

On Wednesday, June 30th crews will be using a crane to extract the light posts.  To access this work, expect to see a crane on the pathways of Joan Lorenz Park.

Construction Update 6/15/2021

Beginning Thursday, June 17th, The City’s contractor, Argus Construction, will be resurfacing the CRLS Tennis Courts located at War Memorial Recreation Center. Work is expected to last approximately 3 months and includes resurfacing of the courts and drainage improvements. The scope of the project includes:

  • Addition of an on-site water bottle filler and water fountain
  • Lined for multi-purpose use
  • Replacement of lighting system with more efficient system designed to reduce light leak
  • Improved drainage
  • Addition of a tennis/rebound wall

What to Expect During Construction:

  • General work hours will be 7am – 4pm, Monday – Friday.
  • Machinery including a small crane will be kept off street. No parking restrictions are expected at this time.
  • Construction noise is anticipated during work hours. This includes demolition and removal of the existing surface, and concrete cutting, etc.
  • City services will continue uninterrupted and emergency vehicles will maintain access at all times.

Information & Assistance:

If you have any questions regarding this project, please contact Adam Corbeil, Director of Cambridge Recreation, at 617-349-6229 / acorbeil@cambridgema.gov.

Thank you in advance for your patience during this construction.

Argus construction has been awarded the contract for this project. A detailed schedule will be available in the next few weeks. 

This project is currently in the bid phase. Once a contractor is on-board, there will be regular updates about the construction.  

Page was posted on 7/3/2019 3:26 PM
Page was last modified on 2/4/2025 4:11 PM
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