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Huron Ave and Cushing Plaza Improvements Project

As part of the Five-Year Street and Sidewalk Reconstruction Plan, Huron Avenue, from Fresh Pond Lane to Fresh Pond Parkway is scheduled for reconstruction.  Improvements include adding 3 new fully accessible crosswalks, making improvements to existing crossings, adding a 2-way separated bike lane along the reservation, and increased opportunities for tree plantings.

Cushing Plaza, located at Cushing Street and Huron Avenue, is being reconstructed to allow stormwater to infiltrate and provide enhanced biochar and compost soil for the new trees and garden plantings. This project provides an opportunity to reduce 3750 square feet of paved area and plant 20 trees. 

For details about the design and community process, please visit: www.CambridgeMA.gov/GlackenField

September 2024

Week of September 2:  Punch List items

NO WORK Monday, September 2, Labor Day or Tuesday, September 3, Voting Day

**This Raised Intersection Repair has been rescheduled to Wednesday, August 7th, Huron Ave at Holly Ave**

**This repair has been cancelled due to wet weather. It will be rescheduled at a later date**

Construction Notice:  Raised Intersection Repair Tuesday, August 6th, Huron Avenue at Holly Avenue

As part of the ongoing Huron Ave Reconstruction Project, the City’s contractor, Newport Construction, will mobilize on Tuesday, August 6th, to perform repairs to the raised intersection at Huron Ave and Holly Ave.

This work is expected to take approximately 1 day to complete, weather permitting.

Newport will be regrading the approach to the raised intersection and repaving the affected areas of the intersection.

Detours will be in place during work hours. Please look for Detour signs, Road Closed signs, and No Parking signs as they will be changing frequently during the work.

What to Expect During Construction:

  • Work hours will be 7am – 4pm.
  • Please check posted No Parking signs.
  • Please follow pedestrian detour signs.
  • Access to properties will be maintained, when possible.
  • Access will be maintained for emergency vehicles and City services.

Information & Assistance:

Questions regarding this project? Contact Kristen Kelleher, Community Relations Manager, at 617-349-4825/kkelleher@cambridgema.gov or Melissa Miguel, Supervising Engineer, at 617-349-9351/ mmiguel@cambridgema.gov For more information about the project, visit www.CambridgeMA.gov/HuronAve. If you have any special needs or disabilities, please contact us to arrange for special accommodation that may be necessary.

August 2024

Week of August 5: Punch List items 

Week of August 12: Punch List items 

Week of August 19: Punch List items, pavement markings, landscaping  

Week of August 26: Punch List items, pavement markings, landscaping 

July 2024

Week of July 8: Cushing Plaza - Plantings, Huron Ave - landscaping, pavement markings, punch list items

Week of July 15:  Plantings, pavement markings 

Week of July 22:  Punch list items

Construction Notice:  Final Street Paving beginning June 17th

As part of the ongoing Huron Ave Reconstruction Project, the City’s contractor, Newport Construction, will mobilize on Monday, June 17th to perform final street paving work. Crews will work primarily between Aberdeen Avenue and Fresh Pond Parkway.

This work is expected to take approximately 1 week to complete, weather permitting.

No work will be present on Wednesday, June 19th in observation of the Juneteenth Holiday.

Detours will be in place during work hours. Please look for Detour signs, Road Closed signs, and No Parking signs as they will be changing frequently during the work.

What to Expect During Construction:

  • General work hours will be 7am – 4pm, Monday-Friday.
  • Please check posted No Parking signs.
  • Please follow pedestrian detour signs.
  • Access to properties will be maintained, when possible.
  • Access will be maintained for emergency vehicles and City services.

Information & Assistance:

Questions regarding this project? Contact Kristen Kelleher, Community Relations Manager, at 617-349-4825/kkelleher@cambridgema.gov or Melissa Miguel, Supervising Engineer, at 617-349-9351/ mmiguel@cambridgema.gov. For more information about the project, visit www.CambridgeMA.gov/HuronAve. If you have any special needs or disabilities, please contact us to arrange for special accommodation that may be necessary.

June 2024

Week of June 3:  Punch list items

Week of June 10:  Punch list items

Week of June 17 (no work on Juneteenth, June 19 Holiday): Roadway milling & paving on Huron Ave (Aberdeen Ave to Fresh Pond Parkway)

****** Work is weather dependent. Schedule is subject to change based on field conditions.


NOTICE:  UPDATED Paving Schedule Due to Monday's Rain

  • Paving Tuesday, October 31, 2023, from Aberdeen Ave to the Golf Course

Construction Notice:  Roadway Milling and Paving on Huron Ave Beginning October 18th

The City's contractor, Newport Construction, will be performing roadway milling (grinding) and paving on Huron Ave beginning Wednesday, October 18.

Tentative milling and paving schedule as follows:

  • Milling (grinding) Wednesday, October 18 through Saturday, October 21
  • Paving Friday, October 27 Saturday, October 28 and Monday, October 30

This schedule is weather dependent and subject to change. All changes to the schedule will be posted on the project page: www.CambridgeMA.gov/HuronAve

What to Expect During Construction:

  • Work hours will be from 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
  • On street-parking spaces will be impacted during this work. Paper signs will indicate the hours and locations where parking is not allowed. These signs will be posted at least 24 hours before restrictions are in effect.
  • Detours will be in effect while work is underway (between 7:00 a.m. and 6 p.m.). Please pay careful attention to signs
  • As the street is milled, the surface will be rough, with raised manhole covers. The roadway will be lower, making the curbs higher for parked cars. Please take caution when opening car doors, so they aren’t damaged on curbs.
  • Motorcycles and bicycles use caution when traveling on milled surface.
  • If your driveway is within the limits of new paving, please plan trips accordingly.

Newly paved areas will be reopened to users as conditions allow, typically within a few hours of completion. Weather permitting.

Information & Assistance:

If you have any questions about the paving operations or need assistance, including any special needs or disabilities that require a special accommodation, Contact Kristen Kelleher, Community Relations Manager, at
617-349-4825/kkelleher@cambridgema.gov. In case of an emergency after hours, please call the 24-Hour line at 617 349-4800.

October 2023

Week of October 9: No work on October 9th. Curb and sidewalk work

Week of October 16: Roadway milling (grinding) to begin October 18th.

Week of October 23: Raise castings (elevate manhole covers) Curb and sidewalk work. Paving scheduled to begin October 27th.

Week of October 30: Paving continues and punch list items for Cushing Plaza.

****** Work is weather dependent. Schedule is subject to change based on field conditions.

August 2023:

Week of July 31: Curb and Sidewalk work from the Golf Course to Holworthy St

Week of August 7: Curb and Sidewalk work from the Golf Course to Holworthy St continues

Week of August 14: Curb and Sidewalk work from the Golf Course to Holworthy St continues

Week of August 21: Curb and Sidewalk work from the Golf Course to Holworthy St continues

****** Work is weather dependent. Schedule is subject to change based on field conditions.

July 2023: 

Week of July 3: No work on July 4th. Layout and saw cutting to prepare for curb and sidewalk work. 

Week of July 10: Curb and sidewalk work primarily on the reservation side with several discreet wheelchair ramp repairs on the opposite side of street.

Week of July 17: Curb and sidewalk work 

Week of July 24: Curb and sidewalk work 

Week of July 31: Curb and sidewalk work continues

****** Work is weather dependent. Schedule is subject to change based on field conditions.

Construction Notice: June 29, 2023 - Huron Ave Reconstruction

As part of the ongoing Huron Ave Reconstruction Project, the City’s contractor, Newport Construction, will mobilize on Wednesday, July 5th to begin curb and sidewalk work. Crews will work primarily on the reservation side with several discreet wheelchair ramp repairs on the opposite side of street.

This work is expected to take approximately 8 weeks to complete, weather permitting.

Detours will be in place during work hours.  Please look for Detour signs, Road Closed signs, and No Parking signs as they will be changing frequently during the work.

What to Expect During Construction:

  • General work hours will be 7am – 4pm, Monday-Friday.
  • Please check posted No Parking signs.
  • Please follow pedestrian detour signs.
  • Access to properties will be maintained, when possible.
  • Access will be maintained for emergency vehicles and City services.

Information & Assistance:

Questions regarding this project?  Contact Kristen Kelleher, Community Relations Manager, at 617-349-4825/kkelleher@cambridgema.gov or Melissa Miguel, Supervising Engineer, at 617-349-9351/ mmiguel@cambridgema.gov. For more information about the project, visit www.CambridgeMA.gov/HuronAve. If you have any special needs or disabilities, please contact us to arrange for special accommodation that may be necessary.

June 2023:

Week of June 12: Layout and saw cutting for curb and sidewalk work.

Week of June 19: No work on Monday the 19th due to Juneteenth Holiday. Saw cutting and layout for rest of week.

Week of June 26: Layout and saw cutting for curb and sidewalk work.

*****Work is weather dependent. Schedule is subject to change based on field conditions. 

Construction Notice: April 22, 2023 - Huron Ave and Cushing Plaza Improvements

In association with the Huron Ave. and Cushing Plaza Improvements Project, the City’s Contractor, Newport Construction., will be continuing drainage installation on Huron Ave at Cushing St. on Saturday April 22nd.

This work is taking place on the weekend after close coordination with the Haggerty School in an effort to cause the least disruption as possible.

At the end of each day, the contractor will clean the work site to allow for motorists to utilize the roadway. We kindly ask that motorists drive through the construction zone slowly outside of general working hours.

Detours will be in place during work hours. Please look for Detour signs, Road Closed signs, and No Parking signs as they will be changing frequently during the work.

What to Expect During Construction:

  • Saturday work hours 9am-4pm.
  • Please check No Parking Signs
  • During this work, the roadway will be lower, making the curbs higher for parked cars. Please use caution when opening car doors as to not damage them on the curbs.
  • Access will be maintained for abutters whenever possible.
  • Access will be maintained for City services and emergency vehicles.

For Information and Assistance During Construction:

Questions regarding this project? Contact Kristen Kelleher, Community Relations Manager, at 617.349.4825/ kkelleher@cambridgema.gov or Melissa Miguel, Supervising Engineer, at 617-349-9351/mmiguel@cambridgema.gov. For more information about the project and to sign up for the project email list, visit www.cambridgema.gov/huronave If you have any special need or disability, please contact us to arrange for special accommodations that may be necessary.

April 2023:

Week of April 10:  Drainage work will continue on Huron Ave. from the city line to Holworthy St.

Week of April 17:  Drainage work will continue on Huron Ave. from the city line to Holworthy St. 

Week of April 24:  Drainage work will continue on Huron Ave. from the city line to Holworthy St. 

March 2023:

Week of March 13: Drainage work

Week of March 20: Drainage work continued

Week of March 27: Drainage work continued 

Construction Notice: February 28, 2023 - Huron Ave Reconstruction

As part of the Huron Avenue Reconstruction Project, the City’s contractor, Newport Construction, will begin mobilizing in the coming weeks.

Newport will begin installing tree protection along the street, performing survey and layout work, saw-cutting areas of the roadway and delivery and install of drainage structures. DigSafe markings will also begin appearing on the sidewalk and roadways.

This project is part of the City’s 5-Year Plan for Street and Sidewalks and will include paving, sidewalk improvements and utility installations.

The addition of street trees is also part of this project and planting will take place at the end of the project during either the fall or spring planting season.

What to expect during construction:
•Work hours will be 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday-Friday.
•“No Parking” signs will be posted; please be sure to check dates/times.
•Vehicle access in and out of properties will be maintained but may be restricted for short periods. If you need access and your driveway is blocked, please speak to a crew member on site and they will make accommodations for you.
•Emergency vehicles and City service vehicles will have access at all times.

Information & Assistance:
Questions regarding this project? Contact Kristen Kelleher, Community Relations Manager, at 617-349-4825/ kkelleher@cambridgema.govor Melissa Miguel, P.E. Supervising Engineer, at 617-349-9351/ mmiguel@cambridgema.gov For more information about the project and to sign up for the project email list, visit http://www.cambridgema.gov/huronave. If you have a special need or disability, please contact us to arrange for accommodations that may be necessary. In case of an emergency after hours, please call the 24-hour line at 617-349-4800.

Construction Notice: Huron Ave and Cushing Plaza Improvements Project Update

The City has awarded the contract that includes the Huron Avenue and Cushing Plaza Improvement Projects to Newport Construction. Newport has successfully completed a number of projects in Cambridge, and we are excited to have them on board for this project.

Exciting improvements to Huron Avenue include adding 3 new fully accessible crosswalks, making improvements to existing crossings, adding a 2-way separated bike lane along the reservation, and increased opportunities for tree plantings.

The Huron Avenue sidewalk along the reservation will be completed as part of this project. Ultimately this full sidewalk will run from Fresh Pond Parkway to the Golf Course parking lot. Portions of the sidewalk were completed as part of the recent Glacken Field Project, and the remaining sidewalk will be constructed as part of this contract.

Cushing plaza is being reconstructed to allow stormwater to infiltrate and provide enhanced biochar and compost soil for the new trees and garden plantings. This project provides an opportunity to reduce 3750 square feet of paved area and plant 20 trees with the ability to plant an additional 6 trees in the future, within both sides of the plaza. Plantings will take place at the end of the project during either the Spring or Fall planting season.

The City’s contractor, Cambridge Landscaping will be mobilizing on Monday, January 9th to begin transplanting 4 gingko trees to Danehy Park. The gingko trees have not thrived in the existing plaza, which currently has very limited soil and air for the trees. The new Danehy Park transplant location will have an improved irrigated growing environment giving the trees a better chance of thriving.

Following the tree work, Newport Construction will begin mobilizing in the coming months to begin reconstruction. City staff is currently working with Newport to develop their overall construction phasing and we will share more information in the coming weeks.

Information & Assistance:
The City of Cambridge does not discriminate on the basis of disability. The City of Cambridge will provide auxiliary aids and services, written materials in alternative format, and reasonable modifications in policies upon request. To receive future updates via email, please contact Kristen Kelleher, Community Relations Manager, at kkelleher@cambridgema.gov / 617-349-4825. For information about the project please contact Melissa Miguel, Supervising Engineer at mmiguel@cambridgema.gov / 617-349-9351.

Construction Update- Finalized Plans and Bid

Project plans have been uploaded to the "Documents" tab of this page. 

The first plan is a summary of agreed upon upgrades developed at our onsite meeting on 8-26-21.  The second plan shows those upgrades as they have been incorporated into our construction documents.

This plaza is part of a larger city-wide construction project.  The project manual requires the contractor to complete the Cushing Plaza and Huron Avenue construction within the first year of executing the contract.  We realize the area has seen a lot of construction at Danehy Park and we would like to get this additional work done as soon as possible so once we complete the area we will not have to come back for major construction. 

The project is set to be put out to bid in May of this year with the hopes of having a contractor on board by mid-June.  Notices will be sent to this email, delivered door to door and posted on the project page.

For neighbors who would like to be added to the email list they can find the “Sign Up Now” link under the “Contact” tab of the project page. 

Please note that the larger shade trees have been broken up into 2 phases.  We will plant some trees now (highlighted in orange on the attached) then re-evaluate in a couple of years the planting of Phase II (highlighted in green).  This was done due to tree density concerns we heard from the abutters.  There is a legend on the plan showing shrubs and lower growing trees so please review as in 2D it may appear to some that a forest of shade trees is being proposed.

The presentation from the July 29th Community Meeting is available under the 'documents' tab. 

Cushing Plaza Reconstruction Project: Community Meeting Thursday, July 29th from 6PM to 7:30PM

Cushing Plaza, located at Cushing Street and Huron Avenue, is scheduled for upcoming reconstruction.

The Department of Public Works and the City's Community Development Department will be hosting a community meeting on Thursday, July 29th from 6PM-7:30PM at the West Cambridge Youth Center, 680 Huron Ave to discuss the Cushing Plaza Reconstruction Project. We encourage you to attend, as we value the feedback, we receive from Cambridge residents and businesses. Please note all attendees must wear a mask when inside the Youth Center.

City staff will be presenting design plans that propose to reduce the amount of impervious brick area and create space for trees and landscaping. Removing hardscape results in improved water quality by reducing stormwater runoff and allowing rainwater to infiltrate the ground.

For those unable to attend, the presentation will be posted to the project page following the meeting.

Information and Assistance:

The City of Cambridge does not discriminate on the basis of disability. The City of Cambridge will provide auxiliary aids and services, written materials in alternative format, and reasonable modifications in policies upon request. To receive future updates via email, please contact Kristen Kelleher, Project Administrator – Community Relations at kkelleher@cambridgema.gov / 617-349-4825. For information about the project please contact Melissa Miguel, Supervising Engineer at mmiguel@cambridgema.gov / 617-349-9351.


Page was posted on 7/15/2021 3:27 PM
Page was last modified on 8/27/2024 9:55 AM
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