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Danehy Track and Field Construction Project

The City is planning to replace the field and track at Danehy Park. The field and track, installed in 2012, are at the end of their useful life and need to be replaced. The scope of work will include the replacement of the synthetic turf field and the track, as well as upgrades to the adjoining amenities including team benches, bleachers, and shot put and discus throwing areas.


Construction Update: Danehy Track and Field Project

The field turf has been replaced, and the new track and throwing areas have been installed. Landscaping and other amenities will be done by early spring 2025. Thank you for your patience. We're excited to open this space to the public this spring!

CONSTRUCTION NOTICE: Temporary Parking Impact at Danehy Park New Street Lot

Several parking spaces at the Danehy Park lot will be closed until around November 9. The City’s contractor is using these spots to stage materials needed for track and field improvements. Spaces will reopen as soon as materials are used up. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience.

CONSTRUCTION NOTICE: Track and Field Construction at Danehy Park

The City has started replacing the track and field #4 at Danehy Park. These were originally installed in 2012 and are now at the end of their useful life. Work includes synthetic turf field and track replacement as well as amenity upgrades. Upgrades include team benches, spectator seating, and shot put and discus throwing areas.
Danehy Park is the site of a former landfill. Since the landfill was capped in 1990, the management of the site is controlled by permitting through the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP).  To ensure that the site is managed in a safe manner and that landfill gases are properly managed and allowed to vent safely, the City conducts quarterly monitoring, inspects the methane trench (which is the stone-filled trench around the perimeter of the park) annually, and develops an annual environmental monitoring report that is submitted to MassDEP.  You can find the environmental monitoring reports here: https://www.cambridgema.gov/Departments/publicworks/cityprojects/2024/danehyparkenvironmentalmonitoring

As we implement projects in Danehy, we coordinate closely with MassDEP and identify opportunities to improve the existing venting system. To that end, we have expanded this project to provide additional venting in and around the track and field. Due to this additional work, the project will not be completed until the end of 2024 and track and field will not be available for fall sports. We are coordinating closely with the Department of Human Service Programs and various sports groups to find alternative locations for the upcoming playing season.

Thank you for your understanding and patience as we work to improve Danehy Park.

For Information and Assistance During Construction

Cambridge DPW staff will be on-site during this construction work and will be available to respond to questions and concerns.

For questions or concerns about this work or the project, you may contact Kristen Kelleher, DPW Community Relations Manager at (617) 349-4825 or kkelleher@cambridgema.gov. For questions regarding Danehy Park permitting and operations, please contact Adam Corbeil, Director of Recreation at (617) 349-6229 or acorbeil@cambridgema.gov.

More information about the project in general, can be found at https://www.cambridgema.gov/Departments/publicworks/cityprojects/2024/danehytrackandfieldconstructionproject

In case of a construction emergency, please call the Cambridge Public Works Department 24-hour hotline at 617-349-4800.
Page was posted on 7/3/2024 4:54 PM
Page was last modified on 1/8/2025 5:05 PM
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