Street Cleaning
Public Works mechanically sweeps each street in Cambridge once per month, April through December (weather permitting). Signs are posted on each residential street indicating the schedule. In order to ensure that streets are properly cleaned, cars must move off the side of the street being swept to avoid being ticketed and towed. Citywide street sweeping includes twice yearly vacuum sweeping to improve stormwater quality.
Household Hazardous Waste Collection Days
The City of Cambridge will hold four (4) Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection Days in 2014. Cambridge residents only. You must bring proof of residency. Please see below for dates and locations.
Date Time Location
Saturday, May 3 9am-1pm Parking Lot on Field Street at Fern Street by Danehy Park
Saturday, June 7 9am-1pm Volpe Transportation Building Parking Lot (55 Broadway)
Saturday, August 23 9am-1pm Parking Lot on Field Street at Fern Street by Danehy Park
Saturday, October 4 9am-1pm Volpe Transportation Building Parking Lot (55 Broadway)
Please click here to view what items will be accepted.
Yard Waste Collection
In 2014, separate yard waste collection begins the week of March 31 and continues through December 12. Set yard waste out by 7am on your regular collection day, or after 6pm the night before. If your yard waste was not picked up and is properly prepared, call 617.349.4800 by 12 noon the day following collection, email us, or use Cambridge iReport. Remember that collection is one day behind on holiday weeks.
Yard waste is not accepted in plastic bags by recycling or rubbish crews. Place yard waste in barrels marked with City-issued stickers facing the street, or in lawn refuse bags sold in most hardware stores. Barrels and bags must be set on the curb apart from the trash. Do not staple or tape bags. Bundle small twigs and branches with string. Call DPW for stickers.
Please click here to view the list of accepted materials.