Expanded Compost Drop Off Locations Now Available
DPW is happy to announce the opening of 5 compost locations for residents to bring food scraps for composting. Beginning in March, DPW suspended separate curbside collection of compost due to COVID-19 restrictions on the number of employees in DPW trucks. This service will remain suspended until it is safe to resume increased staffing capacity for separate compost collection.
In the meantime, residents may now bring food scraps to the locations listed below. Food scraps collected at these locations will be brought to our food waste site in Charlestown and NOT disposed of as trash.
Compost Drop Off Locations:
Need compost bags? DPW is offering a one-time, socially-distanced drop off of 1 roll of compost bags per household. If you'd like 1 roll of bags delivered to your home, please fill out this form.
If you'd like to learn more about composting in Cambridge, please visit www.cambridgema.gov/Services/curbsidecomposting.