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Spring Showers Bring Discounted Rain Barrels to Cambridge Residents

caution sign The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 3 years ago.

Rain Barrel
The City of Cambridge is partnering with the Great American Rain Barrel Program to offer interested Cambridge residents the opportunity to purchase a rain barrel at a discounted rate of $69. With more time spent at home in 2020, gardening has become a form of solace for many residents in the wake of the pandemic. To water these new gardens, residents are encouraged to take advantage of the discounted rain barrels. This method of irrigation conserves energy and money, while remaining environmentally conscientious.

Residents that purchase a rain barrel for $69, will be able to pick it up on Tuesday May 25 from 4:00-7:00 p.m. at the DPW facility, 50 Mooney St., Cambridge. Deadline for purchase is May 18.

Rain barrels offer homeowners an alternate free water supply to use on lawns, gardens or plants. They capture and store rainwater from the roof for later use in the garden. If rainwater is not captured and allowed to soak back into the ground, rivers and streams do not have the chance to sustain or "recharge" themselves. By capturing rainwater, stormwater runoff is reduced, water is conserved, and the groundwater is recharged.

“We are encouraging residents to use rain barrels because they help the city manage its water resources by reducing runoff, lowering municipal water demands, saving energy at treatment plants, and improving residential stormwater management,” said Owen O’Riordan, Commissioner, Cambridge Department of Public Works. "Homeowners who use rain barrels have seen a reduction in their water bills. It’s a win-win for the city and the homeowner.”

To find out more about the barrels and participate in The Great American Rain Barrel Program, please visit www.greatamericanrainbarrel.com/community/ and select Cambridge.
Page was posted on 4/8/2021 4:45 PM
Page was last modified on 7/25/2023 3:38 AM
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