An area in Flagstaff Park, located at 1501 Mass Ave, is developing into a meadow in the coming months, in an attempt to allow more open areas of the City to be more natural. Adding natural areas to our parks and streetscapes will encourage a greater diversity of plant and insect species. Flowering plants and native grasses are needed to create the habitat required by pollinating insects. A healthy urban ecology will support food sources for birds, bats, moths, flies, and native and non-native bees.
The Department of Public Works Parks Division is managing the field while the meadow development progresses. This approach supports the habitat and also requires significantly less mowing. These meadows have proven to be successful as we continue to expand the program. Please enjoy the process while we encourage the growth of native wildflowers and grasses and to restore the habitat for native species.
here for an aerial view of Flaggstaff Park and the Meadow.