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Final Milling and Paving of Inman Square the Week of July 24

caution sign The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 1 year ago.

Map of approximate limits of upcoming milling and paving in Inman Square

As we near the end of the Inman Square Intersection Improvements project, the City’s contractor Newport Construction will perform roadway milling (grinding), and final paving during the week of July 24-28, 2023. The work areas are shown in yellow to the right. There will be roadway closures and detours required as part of this work (see details below).

We encourage vehicular and bicycle travelers to avoid this area if at all possible, particularly on July 27-28.

What to expect during this construction: (Dates below are "weather permitting"!)

  • Work will occur during weekday hours of 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM.
  • 7/24-7/26: Cambridge and Hampshire will be open to traffic but will be in a milled/rough surface condition, with raised manhole covers. All traffic, particularly bicycles and motorcycles, should operate with caution. The roadway will be lower, making the curbs higher for parked cars. Please use caution when opening car doors as to not damage them on the
  • Thursday/Friday 7/27-28: The following patterns will be in place for much of 7/27 and possibly into part of 7/28, progress and weather depending:

    • Cambridge Street will be closed to all eastbound traffic between Springfield and Prospect Street during work hours. Eastbound traffic will be detoured via Hampshire and Prospect Streets. The detour will be similar to the pattern during much of 2020 and 2021. See solid lines and arrows labeled 1 on map above
    • Hampshire Street will be closed to all westbound traffic between Prospect Street and the Somerville City line during work hours. Westbound traffic will be detoured via Prospect, Cambridge, and Line Streets to Kirkland Street. See dashed lines and arrows labeled 2 on map above
    • Access to Fayette, Antrim. Inman, and Dickinson Streets will be restricted during a portion of the work. These streets may be restricted to abutters only and require "wrong way" travel at times. Residents of these streets should allow extra time for travel and pay careful attention to signs and detail officer directives. 

Parking, Loading, and Abutter Access

  • On-street parking spaces will be impacted during this work. Drivers should pay careful attention to parking restrictions, which will be posted at least 24 hours in advance.
  • Newport and the City will work with individual businesses to accommodate loading and driveway access during construction.
  • Pedestrian access to abutting businesses and residences will be maintained.
  • Bicycle traffic will be maintained on the new separated facilities as much as possible. Cyclists should pay attention to signs and police officer directives.
  • Certain changes to MBTA bus routes and stops will be in effect on 7/27-28. Signs will be posted at MBTA bus stops in advance.

For Information and Assistance During Construction
Cambridge DPW staff will be on-site during this work and will be available to respond to questions and concerns.

In addition, if you have general questions or concerns about this work or the Inman Square project in general,you may contact Kristen Kelleher, DPW Community Relations Manager at (617) 349-4825 or kkelleher@cambridgema.gov. More information about the project in general can be found at www.cambridgema.gov/InmanSquare.

In case of a construction emergency, please call the Cambridge Public Works Department 24-hour hotline at 617-349-4800.

As we near the finish line of the Inman Square Improvements Project we want to thank you for your continued patience and understanding during this construction.

Page was posted on 7/24/2023 5:41 PM
Page was last modified on 7/25/2023 3:33 AM
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