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Earth Day Celebration on Saturday, April 19

Earth Day is Tuesday April 22, 2025, but we are celebrating early! Join us on Saturday, April 19, 2025, at the Main Public Library, 449 Broadway.  

Outdoor Celebration

Saturday, April 19, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. (Rain Date: April 20)
Joan Lorentz Park, 441 Broadway (outside of the Main Public Library)

It will include:

  • Finished Compost Giveaway - The City's Department of Public Works will bring 20 tons of free finished compost for residents to use in their gardens. The compost is made from the yard waste collected through the City’s curbside collection program. Learn more.
  • The City’s Forestry Division - will be available to answer your tree questions and tell you more about the City’s Forest Friends initiative.
  • Green Cambridge – will have information about their Canopy Crew program, which will plant a tree in your yard for free.
  • The City's Stormwater Program - will be discussing the City's Storm Stewards Volunteer Program and what you can do on your property or in the street to protect the health of our local rivers. 
  • Cambridge Plant & Garden Club - will be joining us with information about native gardening.
  • Sustainable Cambridge - ride the electricity bike to generate your own electricity and learn about energy programs that the City offers for Cambridge residents

Indoor Celebration

Saturday, April 19, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
The Cambridge Public Library, The Hive, 449 Broadway (Inside Lower Level)

  • Fix It Clinic - Do you have a household item that broke?  Don't trash it--Fix It!  The City is hosting its 8th Fix-It Clinic to try to bring broken items back into use.  Volunteer coaches will help visitors try to repair items. Registration is required for this event. 
Page was posted on 3/6/2025 2:49 PM
Page was last modified on 3/10/2025 9:53 AM
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