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Zero Waste Master Plan

Project Image

The Cambridge Zero Waste Master Plan (ZWMP) 1.0 was finalized in 2018 and resulted in the following changes to Cambridge’s waste programs:

  • Expand Curbside Compost access to all residential buildings
  • Begin Small Business Compost Program
  • Begin Small Business Recycle Program
  • Begin Mattress Recycling Program
  • Start Textiles Recovery program
  • Improve Recycling with Recycle Right campaign
  • Extend Yard Waste Collection by 2 weeks (thru Dec. 31)
  • Launch Standard Trash Carts

Through ZWMP 1.0, the City was able to achieve its first trash reduction goal: Reducing trash 30% by 2020, with 2008 as a baseline.

Starting in 2024, the City is working on ZWMP 2.0. The goal of this Plan are to:

  • Meet trash reduction goals: 50% reduction by 2030 and 80% reduction by 2050 from 2008 waste levels, 
  • Improve sanitation and reduce rodent activity, 
  • Combat climate change by diverting waste from the trash, and 
  • Make the City’s waste programs more accessible. 

June 12, 2024: The Department of Public Works (DPW) hosted a kick-off event at the King-Open School to gather feedback on the City’s waste programs.

July 15-Sept 6, 2024: Resident Stakeholder online survey was publicized.

October 22, 2024: DPW presented to the City Council’s Health & Environment Committee on 9 draft strategies to implement starting in 2025.

October 31, 2024: Feedback being accepted on Draft Strategies. Please submit your feedback by November 30, 2024 through this form.

Page was last modified on 12/5/2024 3:16 PM
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