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Forest Friends Program Logo

Help Cambridge Trees

Public Works

We need your help to help maintain a healthy, vibrant urban forest! Become a Cambridge Urban Forest Friend today!

Our trees make our neighborhoods more beautiful, shade our parks and walkways, and clean our air and water. The urban forest is also an essential resource when it comes to fighting climate change.

As a Forest Friend volunteer, you will contribute to the vitality of our urban forest, protect our planet, and make our city a better place to live.

Moving to the city can be challenging for a young tree. The primary goal of the Forest Friend program is to help new trees become established so they can provide benefits to our communities for generations. Choose a street tree near your home, business, or school and help keep it healthy by watering it and tending to the tree well.

Sign up to receive the monthly Forest Friends newsletter

Below is a list of the essential dos and don'ts involved in caring for a street tree. A more in-depth description of these requirements can be found in the Forest Friend guide and the FAQ section.

Cover Page of Tree Care Guide

Cambridge Forest Friends Tree Care Guide

Images of do's and don'ts for caring for a tree

How to Start

  • Visit our Forest Friends Interactive Map
  • Enter your address (street name first, followed by address number) to zoom the map to your location and view available trees
  • Choose a tree by clicking on it, then fill out the form


Any Cambridge resident willing to water the tree and provide some general care for the tree is welcome to become a Cambridge Urban Forest Friend. 


Interactive Map

View the interactive Forest Friends map

For those trying to access this map on an iPhone, remember to turn off your Pop-up blocker. Go to Settings > Safari > Block Pop-ups and make sure to disable that option.

Having issues with the map? Contact Kristen Kelleher at Public Works - kkelleher@cambridgema.gov / 617-349-4825.

Spread mulch within the tree well, being careful not to let the mulch touch the tree trunk. The mulch should reach a depth of three inches. You have mulched correctly when it is three inches thick and three inches away from the trunk of the tree. A compost-mulch blend is highly recommended because bark mulch alone offers little nutritional value. Program participants are eligible for one free bag of a compost-mulch blend. Please contact us to inquire about how to receive your bag.

  • Mulch insulates the soil helping to provide a buffer from heat and cold temperatures.
  • Mulch retains water helping to keep the roots moist.
  • Mulch helps keep weeds out to help prevent root competition.
  • Mulch prevents soil compaction.

Page was posted on 11/14/2019 9:01 AM
Page was last modified on 1/15/2025 9:29 AM
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