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Dudley Street Reconstruction Project

Dudley Street Reconstruction Project

Notice: Dudley St. Reconstruction Project - Sidewalk replacement scheduled to begin Monday June 22nd

Beginning on or around Monday, June 22nd, the City’s contractor, Newport Construction, will begin sidewalk replacement on Dudley St. This work includes replacing concrete sidewalk still under warranty with the contractor but showing premature signs of spalling. Repairs are in spot locations only and are expected to last approximately 3-4 weeks, weather permitting. During this time, they will also be completing all other work associated with their contract including back-of-sidewalk restoration and punch list items.

What to Expect During Construction:

  • General work hours will be 7am – 4pm, Monday – Friday.
  • “No Parking” signs will be posted at least 48 hours in advance of construction; please be sure to check posted signs for exact dates and times.
  • When work occurs directly in front of driveways or entryways, access may be limited. The contractor will work with residents and businesses directly to limit disruptions to the greatest extent possible.
  • City services will continue uninterrupted and emergency vehicles will maintain access at all times.

Information & Assistance:
If you have any questions regarding construction, please contact Kate Riley, Community Relations Manager, at 617-349-4870 / kriley@cambridgema.gov or Emily Paulsen, Engineer, at 857-233-8878 / epaulsen@cambridgema.gov.

Thank you in advance for your patience during this construction.

October 2019

Crews will continue to work on punch list items as they conclude this project. 

June 2019

Crews will be installing tree protection on Dudley St. as needed. They will begin saw-cutting sidewalk panels for replacement towards the end of the week (weather permitting). Beginning week of 6/24, crews will start replacing impacted sidewalk panels, starting at Clifton St. and working towards Mass Ave. 

After a delay due to wet weather, crews have begun saw cutting defective sidewalk panels. Once the concrete has been removed, new sidewalks will be poured with cement that has undergone rigorous testing to ensure quality. We expect this to take place mid-late June. Thank you for your patience as we work to fix the spalling sidewalks. 

April 2019

Beginning the week of May 13th, the City’s contractor, Newport Construction, will begin sidewalk replacement on Dudley Street.  This work includes replacing concrete sidewalk still under warranty with the contractor but showing signs of spalling. Repairs are expected to last approximately 3-4 weeks, weather permitting.

What to Expect During Construction:

  • General work hours will be 7am – 4pm, Monday – Friday.
  • If the project requires a street closure, you will be notified in advance.
  • “No Parking” signs will be posted at least 48 hours in advance of construction; please be sure to check posted signs for exact dates and times.
  • When work occurs directly in front of driveways or entryways, access may be limited. The contractor will work with residents and businesses directly to limit disruptions to the greatest extent possible.
  • City services will continue uninterrupted and emergency vehicles will maintain access at all times.

Information & Assistance:

If you have any questions regarding construction, please contact Kate Riley, Community Relations Manager, at 617.349.4870 / kriley@cambridgema.gov or Melissa Miguel, Supervising Engineer, at 617.349.9351 / mmiguel@cambridgema.gov.

December 2018

Week of 12/17: Finish loam, signage and miscellaneous punch list items. End of December/early January- finish raised intersection at Clifton. Newport will return in the spring for minor sidewalk repair, paving and line striping. 

Week of 12/3: raised intersections at Third St. and Thorndike. Finish brick sidewalks on Dudley St., even side, between Mass Ave. and Cedar St. 

November 2018

The City's contractor, Newport Construction is continuing to work on "back of sidewalk restoration", which includes any repairs that need to be done to abutting property that was disturbed during the reconstruction project. Construction is ongoing and once the contractor is done all construction equipment will be removed. 

The City’s contractor, Newport Construction, will be prepping and paving Dudley Street on Tuesday, November 6th and Wednesday, November 7th.
This work is expected to take approximately a day and a half to complete, weather permitting. If conditions are wet on the day of scheduled paving, work will be delayed until the next day. Please visit the project page for any updates regarding rescheduling – www.cambridgema.gov/theworks/DudleySt.
Vehicle access in and out of properties will be restricted during work hours while crews perform the paving. Please plan vehicle trips accordingly.
Any additional restoration items related to the project, including back of sidewalk work and pavement markings, will be completed by the contractor in the coming weeks before the end of construction.

What to Expect during Paving: 
  • Work hours will be 7 AM to 5 PM.
  • Vehicle access in and out of properties will be restricted. Please plan vehicle and parking trips accordingly. 
  • “No Parking” signs will be posted; please be sure to check dates/times. 
  • Emergency vehicles will have access at all times. 

Information & Assistance:
Questions regarding this project? Contact Kate Riley, Community Relations Manager, at 617.349.4870 / kriley@cambridgema.gov or Melissa Miguel, Supervising Engineer, at 617-349-9351 / mmiguel@cambridgema.gov. If you have any special need or disability, please contact us to arrange for special accommodations that may be necessary.

October 2018

In preparation for the final paving of Dudley St. (anticipated for Monday, November 5th and Tuesday, November 6th, weather permitting), crews will be working to raise casting structures on Dudley street on Tuesday, October 30th and Wednesday, October 31st. Please use caution when driving on Dudley St. while castings are above grade.

Now that construction at Russell Field and Eversource gas work is wrapping up, the City’s contractor, Newport Construction, will begin the final phase of the construction project beginning Tuesday, October 9th.

Over the next few weeks crews will be working on the following items:
• Finishing curbs and sidewalks between Cedar St. and Mass Ave. and the raised crosswalk at Mass Ave.
• Constructing raised crosswalks at Reed, Montgomery, Clay and Jackson.
• Constructing raised intersections at Cedar St. and Clifton St.
• Completing sidewalk panels, tree wells and any remaining back-of-sidewalk restoration. Please note, trees are not planted by the contractor. They are planted by the City and will be planted either this fall or next spring.

An additional notification will be sent out ahead of the final paving which is tentatively scheduled for the last week in October.

Access in and out of properties will be maintained but could be restricted at times.

What to Expect During Construction:
• General work hours will be 7am – 4pm, Monday-Friday.
• Please check posted No Parking signs.
• Please follow detour signs.
• Access will be maintained for emergency vehicles and City services.

For Information and Assistance During Construction:
Questions regarding this project? Contact Kate Riley, Community Relations Manager, at 617.349.4870/ kriley@cambridgema.gov or Melissa Miguel, Supervising Engineer, at 617-349-9351. For more information about the project and to sign up for the project email list, visit www.CambridgeMA.gov/theworks/DudleySt. If you have any special need or disability, please contact us to arrange for special accommodations that may be necessary.

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this construction.

September 2018

Crews will be working on raised crosswalks at the following locations:

9/21- Dudley@Reed
9/21- Dudley@Montgomery
9/28- Dudley@Jackson
9/28- Dudley@Clay

Specialty brick crews will be onsite to set brick sidewalks during the week of 10/8-10/12.

The final paving of Dudley St. is tentatively scheduled for the week of 10/22, weather permitting.

August 2018

Crews are finishing sidewalk installations between Cedar St. and Mass Ave. Construction of the raised intersections and final paving has been delayed due to construction taking place on Russell Field. Heavy trucks are expected to be going in and out of that location over the next few weeks, so intersections will be installed when that is complete and final paving will likely take place late September, early October. Please see the below notice that went out to residents regarding activity at Russell Field.

Notice: Russell Field Renovation- Soil Removal to Begin Week of August 13th.

Beginning Tuesday, August 14th and continuing for the next three weeks, weather permitting, large trucks will be in the area removing soil from the Russell Field construction site.

Truck traffic coming into the site will be turning right onto Dudley St. from Cedar St., against the one way. Returning from the site, trucks will drive all the way down Dudley St. to Mass Ave., going against the one-way from Cedar, and turn left at Mass Ave. Police details will be on-hand to safely manage the flow of traffic and to direct drivers through temporary details as trucks enter and exit.

To accommodate these large trucks at the intersections, some parking restrictions will be in place at the following locations:

  • Between 2377 and 2385 Mass Ave.
  • The intersection of Mass Ave. and Dudley St.
  • The intersection of Dudley St. and Cedar St.
  • The intersection of Dudley St. and Clifton St.

Dudley St. will be temporarily closed as trucks enter and exit the site. Street closure will be minimized to periods when active trucking is taking place and police details will be in place to either briefly hold traffic or direct drivers to a detour.

June 2018

The Dudley Street Reconstruction project is progressing according to the following schedule:

July 2-6

Adjust castings, install signage, limited back of sidewalk restoration, loam, clean-up.

July 9-13

Finish tree pit installations (soil and concrete), R&R curb Cedar to Mass (even side), pour ramps at Cedar

July 16-20
Install new pavers in raised intersection at Cedar

July 23-27
Install new brick sidewalk Cedar to Mass (even side)

Weather permitting the final paving of Dudley Street will take place on mid-late August. Final paving will take 3-4 days to complete. Please keep an eye out for notices and emails. 

April 2018

Dudley Street Reconstruction Project- 

Road Closures at Jackson St. and Clay St. for Raised Crosswalk Installation 

The City’s contractor, Newport Construction, will begin constructing the raised crosswalks at Jackson St. and Clay St. on Wednesday, May 16th

During this work, Jackson St. and Clay St. will be closed to though traffic. Detours for pedestrians and vehicles will be in place. “No Parking” signs will also be present and changing frequently, so please check all posted signs.

Access in and out of properties will be maintained but could be restricted at times.

What to Expect During Construction:

  • General work hours will be 7am – 4pm, Monday-Friday.
  • Please check posted No Parking signs.
  • Please follow detour signs.
  • Access will be maintained for emergency vehicles and City services.

Detours will be in place during work hours.  Please look for Detour signs, Road Closed signs, and No Parking signs as they will be changing frequently during the work.

Additionally, we’ve refreshed the tree stickers that were originally placed in the fall in areas deemed appropriate for street tree plantings by the city arborist and the supervising engineer. We’ve already heard from some of you, but if you have any additional feedback regarding the proposed tree locations, please

contact our Supervising Engineer and City Arborist by Friday, May 18, 2018.

For Information and Assistance During Construction:

Questions regarding this project?  Contact Kate Riley, Project Administrator, Community Relations, at 617.349.4870/ kriley@cambridgema.gov or Melissa Miguel, Supervising Engineer, at 617-349-9351.  For more information about the project and to sign up for the project email list, visit www.CambridgeMA.gov/theworks/DudleySt.  If you have any special need or disability, please contact us to arrange for special accommodations that may be necessary.

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding during this construction.

Dudley St. Reconstruction Project- 

Curb and sidewalk work beginning 5/7, 

Road reconstruction continuing through 5/11  

As part of the ongoing street and sidewalk reconstruction work on Dudley St., the City’s contractor, Newport Construction, will mobilize on Monday, May 7th to begin curb and sidewalk work.  Crews will begin at Clifton St. and work their way towards Reed St. removing the sidewalks, removing and resetting curbing, and then installing new sidewalks. 

This work is expected to take approximately 4 weeks to complete, weather permitting.

To ensure that the roadway conditions will be favorable for many years to come, crews will continue full-depth reconstruction of the roadway from Reed St. to Mass. Ave.

Final roadway paving will occur at the end of the Dudley Street project and will be announced via an additional notice in the coming months. Detours will be in place during work hours.  Please look for Detour signs, Road Closed signs, and No Parking signs as they will be changing frequently during the work.

At the end of each day, the contractor will clean the work site to allow for motorists to utilize the roadway.

What to Expect During Construction:

  • General work hours will be 7am – 4pm, Monday-Friday.
  • Please check posted No Parking signs.
  • Please follow pedestrian detour signs.
  • Access to properties will be maintained, when possible.
  • Access will be maintained for emergency vehicles and City services.

Information & Assistance:

Questions regarding this project?  Contact Kate Riley, Project Administrator - Community Relations, at 617.349.4870/ kriley@cambridgema.gov or Melissa Miguel, Supervising Engineer, at 617-349-9351.  For more information about the project and to sign up for the project email list, visit www.CambridgeMA.gov/theworks/DudleySt.  If you have any special need or disability, please contact us to arrange for special accommodations that may be necessary.

Dudley Street Reconstruction Project - Roadway Reconstruction to Begin Week of 4/30

In association with the Dudley Street Reconstruction Project, the City’s Contractor, Newport Construction., will begin to reconstruct the roadway on Dudley St. (between Clifton St. and Reed St.) during the week of April 30th. This work is anticipated to last for approximately one week, weather permitting.

To ensure that the roadway conditions will be favorable for many years to come, crews will engage in full-depth reconstruction. At the end of each day, the contractor will clean the work site to allow for motorists to utilize the roadway. We kindly ask that motorists drive through the construction zone slowly outside of general working hours.

Work will begin on Dudley St. from Clifton St toward Reed St. The contractor plans to complete 1-2 blocks of full-depth excavation, then perform base paving in that area before moving on to the next 1-2 block section.  This pattern will continue down Dudley St. to Reed St. Clifton St. will remain open.

Detours will be in place during work hours.  Please look for Detour signs, Road Closed signs, and No Parking signs as they will be changing frequently during the work.

What to Expect During Construction:

  • General work hours 7am-4pm, Monday through Friday.
  • Please check posted No Parking signs.
  • During this work, the roadway will be lower, making the curbs higher for parked cars.  Please use caution when opening car doors as to not damage them on the curbs.
  • Access will be maintained for abutters whenever possible.  During work hours, abutters will be allowed to travel the wrong way down one way streets in order to access their property. Caution should be used.  After work hours, roadways will reopen for all in their normal travel directions.
  • Access will be maintained for City services and emergency vehicles.

Final roadway paving will occur at the end of the Dudley Street project and will be announced via an additional notice in the coming months.

For Information and Assistance During Construction:

Questions regarding this project?  Contact Kate Riley, Project Administrator, Community Relations, at 617.349.4870/ kriley@cambridgema.gov or Melissa Miguel, Supervising Engineer, at 617-349-9351.  For more information about the project and to sign up for the project email list, visit www.CambridgeMA.gov/theworks/DudleySt.  If you have any special need or disability, please contact us to arrange for special accommodations that may be necessary.

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding during this construction.

The City's contractor is continuing drainage work for the next two weeks. Weather permitting, road reclaiming will take place the last week in April and first week of May. Expect road closures during that time. We will notify residents of specific closures when the schedule is finalized.

February 2018:

The City's contractor will begin drainage work during Winter 2018 ahead of street and sidewalk construction.

Dudley Street Reconstruction Project
Locations identified for potential addition of street trees during project

The Department of Public Works has received requests from several neighbors on Dudley Street about placing additional street trees as part of the reconstruction project.

The City Arborist walked Dudley Street recently and we have placed stickers on the sidewalk noting possible locations for new plantings.

We ask that residents observe these stickers and proposed locations and provide feedback to Public Works about whether they wish for a street tree to be placed at that location.

Please contact our Supervising Engineer and City Arborist by March 15, 2018 with any questions, comments, or concerns about the proposed locations:

• Melissa Miguel, Supervising Engineer – mmiguel@cambridgema.gov
• David Lefcourt, City Arborist – dlefcourt@cambridgema.gov

As a reminder, the addition of street trees is part of this project and planting will take place at the end of the project during either the 2018 fall or spring planting season.

Dudley Street Reconstruction Project
Drainage work to begin week of December 4, 2017

As part of the Dudley Street Reconstruction Project, the City’s contractor, Newport Construction, will begin mobilizing on Dudley Street this week ahead of the start of drainage work.

Newport has installed tree protection along the street and will be performing survey and layout work, saw-cutting areas of the roadway, and delivering drainage structures to the site this week.

On or about Wednesday, 12/6, Newport will begin the installation of several catch basins along the curb line to improve drainage along Dudley St. This will begin at Clifton St. and work its way toward Mass Ave and is expected to last through the winter, weather permitting. The contractor expects to begin roadway and sidewalk reconstruction work in April/May with an anticipated completion date for the project of fall 2018.

The Dudley Street Reconstruction Project is part of the City’s 5-Year Plan for Street and Sidewalks and will include paving, sidewalk work, and pedestrian ramp installations.

What to Expect During Construction:
  • Work hours will be 7 AM to 4 PM, Monday-Friday.
  • “No Parking” signs will be posted; please be sure to check dates/times. 
  • Vehicle access in and out of properties will be maintained, but may be restricted for short periods. If you need access and your driveway is blocked, please speak to a crew member on site and they will make accommodations for you.
  • Emergency vehicles will have access at all times. 
Once the drainage work is complete, an additional notice will be sent to residents announcing the start of street and sidewalk reconstruction in the coming months. The addition of street trees are also part of this project and planting will take place at the end of the project during either the fall or spring planting season. Residents should also be aware of the following:
  • Back of Sidewalk Tree Planting Program
    • The term “Back of Sidewalk" refers to the edge of the sidewalk where public way meets private properties. In the case of this program, the City will plant trees along the back of sidewalk, (up to 20 feet off the public way) on private property of interested, eligible owners.
  • Sidewalk material options
    • It is the City’s policy to replace existing sidewalks with the same material (concrete with concrete, brick with wire cut brick). However, during this project, property owners will have the option of changing their sidewalk material for a fee if they choose. More information is available on the reverse side of this notice.
Information & Assistance:
Questions regarding this project? Contact Dan Riviello, Community Relations Manager, at 617.349.4825/ driviello@cambridgema.gov or Hussein Musa, Engineer, at 617-349-4831 / hmusa@cambridgema.gov. If you have any special need or disability, please contact us to arrange for special accommodations that may be necessary.

November 22, 2017

Crews have installed tree protection ahead of drainage work which they anticipate starting in the coming weeks.  A more detailed notice will be sent to residents once we have more details and dates to share.

Spring 2017

Project staff is currently finalizing the final design for Dudley Street Improvements.  We expect the contract to go out to bid this summer, with construction starting this fall (pending the contractor's schedule).

Please check back for updates.


November 23, 2016

The Department of Public Works and the City’s Community Development Department will host a follow-up community meeting on Wednesday, December 7 to discuss the Dudley Street Reconstruction Project.

Dudley Street Community Meeting Notice
Rindge Ave Upper School Auditorium
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
6:00 PM

The Dudley Street Improvements (Mass Ave to Clifton St) are scheduled for the 2017/2018 construction season and are part of the City’s Five Year Plan for street and sidewalk reconstruction.

Information and Assistance
For any questions please contact Juan P. Avendano, Community Development Project Manager, at 617. 349.4655 or javendano@cambridgema.gov. To receive future updates via email, please contact Kelly Dunn, DPW Community Relations Manager, at kdunn@cambridgema.gov or 617.349.4870.


Dudley St Community Meeting Notice - June 14, 2016

The Department of Public Works and the City’s Community Development Department will be hosting a community meeting on Wednesday, June 22nd at 6:00pm in the auditorium at the Rindge Ave Upper School (70 Rindge Avenue) to discuss the Dudley Street Reconstruction Project.

We invite you to attend the meeting to share your thoughts regarding Dudley Street with other community members as we value the feedback we receive from Cambridge residents and businesses. Please contact us with questions or comments (see below).

The Dudley Street Reconstruction Project is anticipated to begin in 2017 and is part of the City’s five year plan for street and sidewalk reconstruction.

Information and Assistance:
For any questions please contact Juan P. Avendano, Community Development Project Manager, at 617. 349.4655 or javendano@cambridgema.gov. To receive future updates via email, please contact Dan Riviello, Community Relations Manager, at driviello@cambridgema.gov or 617.349.4825.


In association with The Department of Public Works (DPW) roadway and sidewalk reconstruction project, the Cambridge Water Department (CWD) will be replacing the old water main on Dudley St, starting at Clifton St and working towards Cedar St. This work is scheduled to begin on Monday, November 9th, or soon thereafter. During this process the Water Department will be upgrading the existing 100+ year old 6” cast iron water main with a new 8” Ductile Iron water main which will include all valves hydrants and water services. This work is expected to take approximately 3 months to complete.


As part of our ongoing maintenance program, we must periodically recondition and replace sections of our water system to maintain the highest quality water at an adequate pressure. Some of the benefits of this work are improved water quality, better flows, increased fire protection and better control of our system.


WATER SERVICE - The water main or your water service may need to be taken out of service to improve the system. During this project we will make every effort to minimize water service interruptions. While the work is in progress, residents and businesses along the route may have a need to be provided with a “temporary” supply of water during these interruptions. We will notify you at least 72 hours in advance of any water interruptions and make every effort to minimize impacts to your water service.

PARKING - Some restricted parking will occur during construction and every effort to minimize this inconvenience will be made. Daily work zones will be posted for no parking and every effort will be made to avoid any vehicle towing.


If you live, travel, work or shop in the project area, you'll notice a number of openings in the street to allow access to the water main running across the intersections. All openings will be covered at the end of each workday and will be resurfaced as soon as possible after the project is finished. You can help by cautioning your family and friends to watch their step and to avoid the work areas as much as possible.


The water department will be removing all lead-lined water services within this project area and replacing them with copper tubing. If our records indicate that you have a lead lined service, you will receive additional correspondence explaining the process and what steps you need to take. The lead-lined water services will be replaced from the water main to the property line (rear of sidewalk) at no charge to the customer. With regard to your water service from the property line to the water meter (property side), you may elect to retain the services of a contractor of your choice or you can select any of the pre-approved contractor’s from a list that will be provided with the upcoming lead service notification letter. The cost for replacing the water service from the property line to the water meter will be the responsibility of the property owner. It is in your best financial interest to have the property side water service work done in coordination with the work of the Water department. We will notify you in advance if you currently have a lead service line to your property.


If a problem should occur as a result of our work please report it directly to the Cambridge Water Department by calling Rich Holly at 617-680-7488 Mon-Fri from 7-3 or our 24-hour emergency number at 617-349-4770. Thank you for your patience and cooperation while we work to improve your water system.

Mark Gallagher
Director of Engineering and Distribution
Cambridge Water Department
617-349- 4770

Page was last modified on 7/25/2023 3:42 AM
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