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Porter/Harding Streets

The Porter/Harding work is part of the City’s 5-Year Plan for Street and Sidewalks and will include paving, sidewalk work, and pedestrian ramp installations on Porter and Harding streets.

The goal, in addition to the resurfacing of the roadways, is to improve conditions within the public right-of-way for all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists and those with disabilities. The design shall incorporate sidewalks, curb-cuts, curb extensions and crosswalks in compliance with the MassDOT, formerly Massachusetts Highway Department (MHD), Guidelines for Wheelchair Road and Pedestrian Access and the Massachusetts Architectural Access Board Regulations. Also, the design may include traffic calming tools and exclusive pedestrian and/or bicycle facilities.

August 2018

Week of 8/27-8/31- Raise structures on Harding and Porter

July 2018    Porter & Harding Streets Project

+++The City has been notified that several concrete sidewalk panels have been vandalized.  All concrete sidewalk panels that are vandalized, cracked, non-compliant, etc., will be replaced at the end of the project as part of the punch list phase.  Thank you for bringing this to our attention.+++

Harding St- Curb and Sidewalk work continues on the even side. Raised Crosswalk installation taking place at Jefferson St. 

Porter St- Raised Crosswalk work continues 

Porter & Harding Streets Project
Curb and sidewalk work to resume the week of May 14, 2018

The City’s contractor, Newport Construction, will resume curb and sidewalk reconstruction on Harding and Porter streets beginning the week May 14, 2018. This work is expected to take approximately 2 months to complete.

Crews will mobilize on site to clean catch basins and then begin curb and sidewalk work on Harding Street before moving to Porter Street.

During this work, sidewalk detours for pedestrians will be in place. “No Parking” signs will also be present and changing frequently, so please check all posted signs.

Access in and out of properties will be maintained but could be restricted at times.

What to Expect During Construction:
• General work hours will be 7am – 4pm, Monday-Friday.
• Please check posted No Parking signs.
• Please follow detour signs.
• Access will be maintained for emergency vehicles and City services.

Final paving expected in Fall 2018.

For Information and Assistance:

If you have any questions about the construction or need assistance, including if you have any special needs or disabilities that requires a special accommodation, please contact Dan Riviello, Community Relations Manager, at (617) 349-4825 / driviello@cambridgema.gov or Brian McLane, Project Engineer, at 617-945-4084 / bmclane@cambridgema.gov. In case of emergency, please call the Cambridge Public Works Department at 617-349-4800.

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding during this construction.

April 2018:

Porter: Drainage work is complete and sidewalk work has resumed and will continue for through June.

Harding: Drainage work is complete and sidewalk work will begin in early April and continue through June. 

February 2018:

Street and sidewalk construction will resume in Spring 2018. More information will be available once the contractor releases a construction schedule.

Porter & Harding Streets Project - October 6, 2017
Curb and sidewalk work to begin on or about Tuesday, October 10th

As part of the ongoing street and sidewalk reconstruction work on Porter and Harding streets, the City’s contractor, Newport Construction, will mobilize on or about Tuesday, October 10th to begin curb and sidewalk work.  Crews will remove the sidewalks, remove and reset curbing, and then install new sidewalks. 

This work is expected to take approximately 4 weeks to complete, weather permitting.

At the end of each day, the contractor will clean the work site to allow for motorists to utilize the roadway.

If time and weather allows, final roadway paving will be scheduled and announced via an additional notice in the coming weeks once curb and sidewalk work is complete before the end of this construction season.  If not, final paving will occur in the spring.

What to Expect During Construction:

  • General work hours will be 7am – 4pm, Monday-Friday.
  • Please check posted No Parking signs.
  • Please follow pedestrian detour signs.
  • Access to properties will be maintained, when possible.
  • Access will be maintained for emergency vehicles and City services.

Information & Assistance:

Questions regarding this project?  Contact Dan Riviello, Community Relations Manager, at 617.349.4825/ driviello@cambridgema.gov or Brian McLane, Engineer, at 617-945-4084.  For more information about the project and to sign up for the project email list, visit www.CambridgeMA.gov/theworks/PorterHarding.  If you have any special need or disability, please contact us to arrange for special accommodations that may be necessary.

Porter & Harding Streets Project - June 23, 2017
Full-depth roadway reconstruction to begin or or about Monday, August 7th

As part of the street and sidewalk reconstruction work scheduled for Porter and Harding streets, the City’s contractor, Newport Construction, will begin full-depth roadway reconstruction on or about Monday, August 7th, 2017 to ensure that the roadway conditions will be favorable for many years to come.

This work is expected to take approximately 1 week to complete.

At the end of each day, the contractor will clean the work site to allow for motorists to utilize the roadway. We kindly ask that motorists drive through the construction zone slowly outside of general working hours. Final roadway paving will be scheduled and announced via an additional notice in the coming weeks.

What to Expect During Construction:
• General work hours will be 7am – 4pm, Monday-Friday.
• Please check posted No Parking signs.
• Please follow pedestrian detour signs.
• Access to properties will be maintained, when possible.
• Access will be maintained for emergency vehicles and City services.

Information & Assistance:
Questions regarding this project? Contact Dan Riviello, Community Relations Manager, at 617.349.4825/ driviello@cambridgema.gov or Brian McLane, Engineer, at 857-829-8597. For more information about the project and to sign up for the project email list, visit www.CambridgeMA.gov/theworks/PorterHarding. If you have any special need or disability, please contact us to arrange for special accommodations that may be necessary.

Porter & Harding Streets Project - June 23, 2017
Water services work to begin in the coming weeks

As part of the street and sidewalk reconstruction work scheduled for Porter and Harding streets, the City’s contractor, Newport Construction, will begin to replace select lead water services in the coming weeks.

This work is expected to take approximately 4 weeks to complete, and affected property owners will be notified by the Cambridge Water Department.

If you believe you may have a lead service but have not been contacted by the Water Department, please contact the CWD at 617-349-4770 or email mgallagher@cambridgema.gov.

What to Expect During Construction:
• General work hours will be 7am – 4pm, Monday-Friday.
• Please check posted No Parking signs.
• Please follow pedestrian detour signs.
• Access to properties will be maintained, when possible.
• Access will be maintained for emergency vehicles and City services.

Information & Assistance:
Questions regarding this project? Contact Dan Riviello, Community Relations Manager, at 617.349.4825/ driviello@cambridgema.gov or the Department of Public Works at 617-349-4800. For more information about the project and to sign up for the project email list, visit www.CambridgeMA.gov/theworks/PorterHarding. If you have any special need or disability, please contact us to arrange for special accommodations that may be necessary.

April 2017

Crews completed drainage work on Porter and Harding Streets.

Porter & Harding Streets Road/Sidewalk Work - January 31, 2017
Community meeting scheduled for Wednesday, February 8th

As part of the street and sidewalk reconstruction work scheduled for spring 2017, the City’s contractor, Newport Construction, will begin drainage work in the roadway during the week of February 6, 2017.

This first phase of utility work is expected to last for approximately 4 weeks, weather permitting, and general work hours will be 7am-4pm, Monday-Friday. “No Parking” signs will be posted, so please be sure to check posted signs to avoid being ticketed/towed. The roadway and sidewalk reconstruction is anticipated to begin this summer and last approximately 3-4 months.

The Porter/Harding street and sidewalk reconstruction work is part of the City’s 5-Year Plan for Street and Sidewalks and will include paving, sidewalk work, and pedestrian ramp installations on Porter and Harding streets.

We invite you to attend a community meeting with your neighbors and members of the Department of Public Works on Wednesday, February 8th, from 6-7:30pm in the community room of the Millers River Apartments located at 15 Lambert St. to learn more about this project, its scope, and anticipated schedule. Please enter through the Cambridge St. entrance between Warren St. and Max Ave. At the meeting we will also be discussing:

  • Back of Sidewalk Tree Planting Program
    • The term “Back of Sidewalk" refers to the edge of the sidewalk where public way meets private properties. In the case of this program, the City will plant trees along the back of sidewalk, (up to 20 feet off the public way) on private property of interested, eligible owners.
  • Sidewalk material options
    • It is the City’s policy to replace existing sidewalks with the same material (concrete with concrete, brick with wire cut brick). However, during this project, property owners will have the option of changing their sidewalk material for a fee if they choose. More information will be made available to residents.

Information & Assistance:

Questions regarding this project? Contact Dan Riviello, Community Relations Manager, at 617.349.4825/ driviello@cambridgema.gov or the Department of Public Works at 617-349-4800. For more information about the project and to sign up for the project email list, visit www.CambridgeMA.gov/theworks/PorterHarding. If you have any special need or disability, please contact us to arrange for special accommodations that may be necessary.
The Porter/Harding streets work is part of the City’s 5-Year Plan for Street and Sidewalks and will include paving, sidewalk work, and pedestrian ramp installations on Porter and Harding streets.
Page was last modified on 7/25/2023 3:43 AM
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