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Keep Pumpkins Out of Landfills and Dispose of Them through Compost or Yard Waste Bins

Pumpkin Disposal

During the Halloween season nearly 1.3 billion pounds of pumpkins end up in landfills each year. Methane from pumpkins in the trash is spooky and contributes to climate change! We could use your help diverting them.

Pumpkins should go in compost or in yard waste collection. If putting in compost carts, no bag is necessary. Find a compost drop off location near you.

For yard waste: put pumpkin in yard waste bin or lawn bag. Please no candles or paint.

Visit www.CambridgeMA.Gov/Recycle and use our Get Rid of It Right tool to find out how to dispose of thousands of everyday items. More than 120,000 searches have been conducted in 2023 so far!

Page was posted on 11/1/2023 9:18 AM
Page was last modified on 11/1/2023 11:20 AM
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