Healthy Aging and Bicycling Dinner and Focus Group

5:30 PM - 7:30 PM Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Fresh Pond Apartments 364 Rindge Avenue

Contact:, Jennifer Lawrence

Separated Bike Lane

The City of Cambridge is pleased to have a grant from the Massachusetts Councils on Aging through our Cambridge in Motion program to talk to seniors about the barriers to bicycling in Cambridge.

Are you over 50 years of age and interested in bicycling in Cambridge? The City of Cambridge is hosting events and activities to talk to you about how to make bicycling the option for you to get around town.

Please join us for a dinner and informal chat on the challenges and opportunities for bicycling in Cambridge. Event is free. All participants will receive a free bicycle helmet and other giveaways.

All participants must RSVP to Jennifer Lawrence,, 617/349.4671.