Food Truck Vending in Cambridge

Food trucks are an important part of the Cambridge food businesses economy. Like farmers markets and open air festivals, food trucks offer new food businesses a relatively low-cost opportunity for testing menu items, building brand awareness, and growing a loyal customer base. Additionally, their “pop-up” style of operation introduces a playful element to public spaces that residents, workers, and visitors enjoy and appreciate as part of a high quality of life in Cambridge.

Where & How to Vend

Food truck operators can do business in the City of Cambridge in these ways:

  • Occasional one-time vending at Traffic, Parking & Transportation Department approved public locations. One-time vending events must be open to the public. 
  • Regular or one-time vending at private locations supported by a landlord agreement.

Permitting & Licensing

The following steps are required for food truck operators to secure the necessary permits and licenses for food truck vending in the City of Cambridge. It is recommended to move through the process in chronological order since later items (like permits) may be dependent on earlier items (like business certificates).

Step 1: Identify, and get permission for, a vending location

  • Regular or one-time vending at private locations supported by a landlord agreement (e.g. business or private parcel of land): Obtain a letter of permission from landlord of private property, noting the date, time, the property owner's contact information, and the name of the food truck.

Step 2: Protect and Certify Your Food Truck Business

  • Obtain a Business Certificate from the municipality where your business is based (if based in City of Cambridge, see City Clerk’s Office)
  • Obtain active Insurance (third party sources)
  • Obtain ServSafe Certification (third party sources)
  • Obtain a valid License or Permit for restaurant or commissary kitchen where food is prepared (see respective municipality regulations, if City of Cambridge, see Inspectional Services)
  • Obtain valid Massachusetts vehicle registration (see MA Department of Motor Vehicles)

Step 3: Permit and License Your Truck

A: Schedule an Inspection of the inside of your truck

*Note: Print out and bring the Peddler Truck Inspection form to your inspection

  • Cambridge Inspectional Services: (617/349-6100)

B:  License and Permit your truck(s) for vending in Cambridge

  • Obtain a State of Massachusetts Hawkers & Peddlers License (MA Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulations)
  • Obtain a Mobile Food Truck Permit from the Cambridge Inspectional Services Department (ISD)
  • Obtain a Hawkers & Peddlers License from the Cambridge License Commission if you plan to vend on a public street

For More Information

If you are a property owner interested in hosting a food truck but have questions contact Christina DiLisio at or 617/349-4601.