Cancelled-Food Business Financials 101
5:30 PM - 8:30 PM Tuesday, May 12, 2020
City Hall Annex
344 Broadway
4th Floor Conference Room
City Wide
Christina DiLisio,, 617-349-4601
Attendees will learn all elements of a Profit and Loss Statement, how to analyze financial information and how to make business decisions to improve financial performance. Attendees will be given tools and approaches to help review company-specific financial history and performance. Attendees will learn industry standards (Expense Ratios, Cost Accounting Best Practices) and associated best practices for basic and exceptional financial performance for a restaurant. This training will be led by ReThink Restaurants, a leader in financial literacy and leadership development who has worked with such restaurants as Mei Mei Street Kitchen, Juliet, and Bar Mezzana. This workshop is ideal for early stage business owners or established businesses interested is staff development. Spanish-speaking presenter will be available to co-host. Priority will be given to Cambridge residents and businesses, participants in the Cambridge Food Truck Program, and women and minority-owned food businesses. All workshops are free to participantsTo register please click here.
The City of Cambridge does not discriminate based on disability. The city will provide auxiliary aids and services, written materials in alternative format and responsible modifications in policies and procedures to qualified individuals with disabilities upon request.
For more information on The Food Business Workshop Series click here.