Urban Cycling Workshop for Cambridge Residents
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Thursday, March 21, 2013
City Hall Annex
344 Broadway
2nd Floor Conference Room
Jennifer Lawrence, jlawrence@cambridgema.gov, 617/349-4671
Urban Biking 101 - for Cambridge Residents
This class is designed for Cambridge residents who know how to ride a bike, but whose bicycles are gathering dust, ride occasionally but would like to ride more, or are just plain nervous about riding in the city. Perhaps you would like to start using your bike to ride to work, for errands or to get to meetings throughout the work day. All will benefit from the classes tips and ideas for riding more comfortably and confidently. Attendees will receive tips on route planning, safety, rules of the road, how to look professional when you get to work, and more. There will also be information on the available city-owned bikes for use by city employees for work. The instructor will have a bicycle, helmet, and gear on hand to demonstrate principles, as well as to answer any questions attendees may have.
Hubway is here! As you have probably seen, Cambridge now has 24 Hubway bike share stations throughout the community. There are also 12 in Somerville and 72 in Boston! We will do a brief tutorial on bike share, including how to register, an overview of the stations, and information about using the system.
You must rsvp to Jennifer Lawrence to register.