Our Cambridge Street Pop Up Event

11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Saturday, November 13, 2021

East Cambridge Savings Bank parking lot in Inman Square: 1030 Cambridge Street

East Cambridge

Drew Kane, dkane@cambridgema.gov, 617/349-4640

Text reads: Pop Up on Cambridge Street Nov. 13th in front of a tent. Below text: a line of multi-colored silhouettes of people, some with chat bubbles. Bottom has a blue bar with a white umbrella and text that reads: UPDATE: The November 12th event at Valente Library is being postponed due to weather. We'll see you on Saturday, November 13th at 11am at the East Cambridge Savings Bank (Inman Square) Parking Lot!

Join us for a series of outdoor pop up events to gather public input for Our Cambridge Street: A Community Plan, an initiative that will take a close look at Cambridge Street and a vision for its future. There are two pop up opportunities and a virtual meeting to share how YOU relate to Cambridge Street and what makes it special. Stop by anytime.

RAIN DATE: November 14 - same time and location.