55 Spinelli Place Large Project Review

5:30 PM Wednesday, December 1, 2021


City Wide
Cambridge Highlands

Mason Wells, mwells@cambridgema.gov, 617/349-4621

The Community Development Department will hold an Advisory Development Consultation - Large Project Review meeting per Section 19.43 of the Cambridge Zoning Ordinance. The purpose of the Large Project Review Procedure is for abutters and the general public, as well as city staff, to review and comment on proposals in Areas of Special Planning Concern.

Project Location: 55 Spinelli Place, Cambridge, MA.

Area of Special Planning Concern: Alewife Overlay District 1.

Proposal: An approximately 17,094 square foot 3-story lab and technical office building. This is an infill development on the site of an existing surface parking lot. The proposal shares the site with an existing 2-story office and lab building. There is a proposed reduction in parking from 141 to 129 spaces, increased permeable and open space, and the planting of an additional 18 trees. Materials are available online at: http://www.cambridgema.gov/CDD/zoninganddevelopment/largeprojectreview

Applicant: Jonathan Lavash, w/ Jonathan Lavash Project Management, LLC.

Meeting Date and Time: Wednesday, December 1, 2021 at 5:30 P.M.

Meeting Location: Online/Telephone (see details below).

PLEASE NOTE: This meeting will be held remotely in accordance with Section 20 of Chapter 20 of the Acts of 2021, signed into law on June 16, 2021. Members of the public can attend virtually online or by telephone.

Register for Zoom Webinar to participate in real time (before or during the meeting): https://cambridgema.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_A1Mf3ZvISiOP5zfaeZBgmw

Check your e-mail (including spam/junk folder) for confirmation. If you do not have a computer or e-mail address, attend via phone: Dial: 312-626-6799 or 929-436-2866 or 301-715-8592 or 346-248-7799 or 669-900-6833 or 253-215-8782 Webinar ID: 889 5604 4380

For further information concerning this meeting, please contact Mason Wells at 617-349-9794, or mwells@cambridgema.gov. (TTY 617/349-4621)