Harvard Square Advisory Committee Remote Meeting
6:00 PM Wednesday, February 15, 2023
Neighborhood Nine
North Cambridge
Mason Wells, dmessplay@cambridgema.gov, 617-349-4652
To register for the Zoom webinar, click the following link and enter your information: https://cambridgema.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_hq9kDZGJQrSrjlXKQ2VQTg
Application materials and general information about the Harvard Square Advisory Committee can be found on the following webpage: https://www.cambridgema.gov/CDD/zoninganddevelopment/advcomms/harvardadvcomm.
For more information, please contact Daniel Messplay, Associate Zoning Planner with the Cambridge Community Development Department, at 617-349-4652 or dmessplay@cambridgema.gov.
Project Review and Discussion
- BZA Formula Business Special Permit Application – Blank Street Coffee, 1380 Mass Avenue
Blank Street Coffee, a Formula Business, proposes to operate a coffee shop in an existing retail space. Fast Order/Quick-Service Food Establishments in the Harvard Square Overlay District require a special permit from the Board of Zoning Appeal if they are a Formula Business.
The discussion will be organized as follows:
- Applicant Presentation
- Committee Questions
- Public Comment
- Committee Discussion
General Business
- Discuss Committee Procedure for Minutes and Documentation
Members requested a follow-up discussion of the November HSAC meeting and of future procedures for documenting HSAC proceedings. Compiled staff notes from the November HSAC meeting made available for review.
Hold for members of HSAC to share relevant information about Harvard Square.
PLEASE NOTE: This meeting will be held remotely in accordance with Chapter 107 of the Acts of 2022, signed into law on July 16, 2022. Members of the public can attend the meeting virtually through Zoom Webinar. Members of the public can also provide comments in writing or via email before the meeting. The City of Cambridge will provide reasonable accommodations to people with disabilities upon request. Please make requests for alternative formats as soon as possible by contacting the staff listed above.
To register for the Zoom webinar, click the following link and enter your information: https://cambridgema.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_hq9kDZGJQrSrjlXKQ2VQTg